Pyelonephritis during pregnancy

Together with the long-awaited two stripes and for nine months you began to accompany the cutting pain in the lower back and frequent urination? It is a pyelonephritis during pregnancy, a disease that often pursues women during the baby tooling.

Bacteria, pregnancy, pyelonephritis, kidneys, urology

Why it happens and what you need to do to make a healthy baby and feel good, our site will tell.

Pyelonephritis - This is a cunning disease that signals the misconception. This disease relates to a number of dangerous diseases, since the inflammatory kidney process can continue to develop. To cure the disease, we need to receive special drugs, in particular - Antibiotics. By the way, if many women believe that such treatment can harm her and her baby, they must understand that the side effect of antibiotic adoption is many times weaker than the risk of aggravation of the inflammatory process in the kidneys.

If you are accompanied by pains in the lower back, frequent cutting urins, elevated body temperature - this may indicate the beginning of the disease. «Gestational pyelonephritis» - This is a medical term of the disease, often doctors simply say easier - «Pyelonephritis pregnant women». Why he begins to develop during pregnancy? Not surprisingly, but it is during this period of baby tooling, a female body is experiencing a reinforced load. Increasing number of hormones: progesterone and others cause such phenomena as expansion and reduction of the tone of the ureter. As a result, it is stirred and the risk of infection increases.

As the uterus increases, the urinary tract is compressing. The situation may be aggravated if a woman has a narrow pelvis, a large fruit or Pregnancy multiply. As a result of all factors, there is a squeezing of the ureter and the violation of the work of the right kidney (this is due to the anatomical structure of Vienna). There is a violation of urine outflow, and kidney bags («Lohanks») stretch, become severe and in some cases can even develop hydronephrosis.

The disease can also be provoked by both conditionally pathogenic bacteria that are considered a normal intestinal microflora, but during pregnancy, when the woman's body becomes more sensitive, enterococci and intestinal wand can be dangerous.

If the woman's immunity is high, then the microbes continue to exist in the body without any harm. If the immunity weakens what often occurs during pregnancy, then these bacteria can harm and cause inflammatory processes in the ureter and kidney.

It is important

Bacteria, pregnancy, pyelonephritis, kidneys, urology

Often women warn about the need to undergo treatment in hospital. It is necessary to be prepared for what is possible, against the background of the inflammatory process in the kidneys, in the second half of pregnancy can develop toxicosis. Also a woman warn about the possible danger of the birth of a dead child or miscarriage.

In addition, newborns, whose moms suffered pyelonephritis during pregnancy, are often born with intrauterine infection and have signs Hypoxia.

In modern medicine, this disease is not a potential threat to the life of the fetus and its development. If a woman is under the supervision of specialists and gets the necessary treatment, nothing threatens the child's life. But in the case when the disease acquires a hard form, pregnancy can interrupt. The peak period is the term of 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

As the disease is manifested

Bacteria, pregnancy, pyelonephritis, kidneys, urology

Most women feel good, and any deviations can determine only a laboratory study of urine on bacteria and the presence of leukocytes. Analysis will show whether the number of bacteria increases: intestinal, Staphilococcus, Proteus.

Often women can feel pulling, butterfly pains in the waist area. Such symptoms are not permanent character, and if a woman spent a lot of time on his feet, the pains are intensified. Also, some patients note the so-called «Zyabacity» in the area of ​​the belt. If the disease has passed into the stage of aggravation, then the person will increase the temperature. Often, the increase in temperature occurs closer in the late afternoon, it can reach high marks - up to 39 degrees.

Disease «Forces» often run to the toilet, sometimes urination is accompanied by pain.

In addition to these symptoms, the pressure can increase the pressure of 130 to 80, which is considered a pregnant woman.

Along with increased Temperature body, Frequent urination and high pressure, swelling appear. Woman's face becomes «Outlocked», Evenkers appear on the legs and hand brushes. All these symptoms are accompanied by headache, weakness, increased fatigue.

How to treat

Bacteria, pregnancy, pyelonephritis, kidneys, urology

First of all, doctors do focus on «Positional therapy», When the forces are aimed at reducing the squeezing of the ureter and increase the outflow of urine. In such cases, a woman must comply with such recommendations:

  • It is undesirable to sleep on the back;
  • During sleep, it is better to occupy «On the left side»;
  • overnight change position;
  • day, about 7-10 times you need to take a pose «elbows to the knees» and withstand time from 5 to 15 minutes. During this exercise, you should not fall into a stupor: you can read the book, watch TV and even work on a laptop;
  • Observe drinking mode - up to 2-3 liters per day. This applies only to pure water;
  • Take phytopreparations: pharmacy of diuretic herbs, fees that are allowed to apply pregnant.

Forbidden to use during pregnancy grass:

  1. Tolokanian.
  2. Parsley.
  3. Yarrow.
  4. Licorice.
  5. Juniper (fruits).

A woman is allowed to drink nets of nettle and birch leaves, as well as fruit: cranberry and cruising.

Excellent results gives decoction of oats. It enhances urine outflow, it does not increase Tone of pregnant uterus, has anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the roaring action will improve the work of the intestine and will relieve the problem of pregnant women as constipation.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take oatters (not flakes!). A glass of cereals pour water liter and boil about two or three hours on weak fire. Then strain and drink half three times a day, before meals.

If you are unpleasant taste of oatmeal «medicine», add a little honey or jam to it.

When the ability to brew medicinal grass on their own, no, then you can purchase tableted drugs in the pharmacy. Good reviews received a preparation on herbs - Kanefron. These recommendations of the MPS will lead when the condition of pregnant woman is not critical. If a woman feels bad, she has a high temperature, treatment is necessary in hospital.

In such cases, a woman is prescribed drugs: antibiotics and preparations that kill bacteria, as well as relieve pain and spasms.

An important role in the fight against the disease has a diet and compliance with the regime. If the body temperature is increased, it is necessary to stay in bed. If the temperature slept - you need to move more, as it contributes to the best urine outflow.

It is also necessary to ensure that the intestines regularly emptied. In the case of constipation, urgent measures must be taken.

After recovery, for two months, as well as after childbirth, a woman should be observed by a urologist and undergo the necessary surveys.

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