Rubella: symptoms in adults


  • Rubberry disease during pregnancy
  • Rubbing Diagnostics: IG G
  • Prevention of intrauterine infection

  • Rubella, symptoms in adults: when to beat the alarm?Everywhere on the body, pink-red rash, rash on the back, on the face, on the buttocks, increased lymph nodes on the back of the head and on the back of the neck, the head splits, the body temperature approaches 38.5-39.0 °S, eyes will be watched, what is the disease? What to expect in it and what it threatens? For the disease, rubella, which most often enters the body in the winter-spring season, is characteristic of a rash that does not merge, as for measles in the total enemy rash, and always remains separate small reddish spots. This is a specific symptom, an important diagnostic sign of rubella and helps to differentiate the disease from other infectious diseases.

    People of any age can be infected, but usually these are children under 10 years old. In the case when rubella develops, the symptoms in adults and children are very similar, but it flows in different ways: sometimes absolutely asymptomatic in the incubation period in adults, and with clearly pronounced manifestations in children. Course of the disease «Infectious rubella» burdened in adults a whole number of circumstances. It should be noted that the flash of the disease is possible in the team of adults, when all the described manifestations is added, the feeling of burning skin on the face and the general weakness is added. The virus, penetrated through the nasophal mucous membranes, is easily distributed throughout the body, provoking the above-described symptoms and even sometimes such serious complications, like pneumonia, angina, otitis, arthritis, etc.

    Rubberry disease during pregnancy

    This disease is very dangerous not so much for the mother itself as for the future child, since it is conjugate with intrauterine infection of the fetus. A similar conclusion in the middle of the twentieth century did the Austrian scientist Gregg, proving that the most dangerous period is the first 3 months of pregnancy. At the same time, almost all kids have a serious combined lesion of the brain, heart, hearing body and vision. Failure to rubella in late pregnancy is fraught with the damage to the internal organs of the fetus and the hematopoietic system. In addition, intrauterine infected children can be a source of infection to 18 months.

    Rubbing Diagnostics: IG G

    To confirm the diagnosis, various serological tests are carried out in the dynamics, while the rise of the antibody titer indicates an acute infection. The diagnosis of the disease is based on the conduct of an immunofermental analysis of blood with the determination of the titer of specific antibodies. Under the acute stage of infection in the blood, immunoglobulins of class A and M are present, which for 10-14 days progressively increase. With the course of the disease, they slowly decrease, but instead it is formed by IG G, which during rubella remains very high and can hold over the years at one level. Immunition of the titer of immunoglobulin G is four times or more is an unconditional confirmation of the diagnosis, while the disease is distinguished both acquired and congenital. To confirm the diagnosis, congenital rubella, Ig g during serological analysis is investigated only once.

    Prevention of intrauterine infection

    Prevention Pregnancy prevention is mandatory insulation from the source of infection, as well as the exclusion of contact with patients. For specific prophylaxis, a lively weakened vaccine prepared on the basis of living viruses. Such prevention is very important for a woman waiting for a child in a period of up to 18 weeks. Experienced proven the effectiveness of such vaccination — up to 95% of cases, so no doubt about its need to occur. It should be understood that vaccination is not an indication for interrupting pregnancy or refusal to breastfeeding.

    As for young children, we should not forget that the infection is most dangerous for kids-two-year-olds, as well as weakened children of different ages. In order to minimize the possibility of developing the first signs of rubella in adults and in children, especially not vaccinated, but in contact with patients, it is necessary to remember the role of Gamma Globulin, with the timely introduction of which, rubella disease proceeds much easier or does not develop at all.

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