Terezhinan during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not only nine months of the prerequisite of the child, but also the period of treatment of various diseases that arose against the background of weakened immunity. During this period, a woman is especially scary to take any medicine, she is experiencing, whether they will harm the baby to health. But doctors prescribe only proven funds, such as Terezhin.

The composition of the drug

Pregnancy, fungal infections, candidiasis, thrush, Terezhin

During pregnancy, the immunity of women is very relaxed, and against the background of this, there are diseases that wearing latent character. And the appearance of many of them is due to the fact that the microflora of the vagina has changed. Such diseases include candidiasis and gardnerellosis. During pregnancy it is important not only how effective will be treated with the drug, but also its safety. Inside the medication is taken very carefully due to possible side effects, most often all drugs have a local action. Treatment is prescribed on the basis of which infection is accompanied, and what is the degree of illness. The doctor must choose a treatment scheme that will reduce the frequency of recurrence and at the same time will increase the immunity of a pregnant woman.

Most often, women prescribe preparations in the form of candles, they carry the combined nature of the action and quite effective. This preparation is TERJIN, its therapeutic properties depend on the composition:

  1. Nystatin - antibiotic, the main purpose of which is to suppress the growth of fungi that provoke the appearance thrush.
  2. Terenidazole - antiseptic, it is used to get rid of the garcellosis, its action is to suppress anaerobic infections, including Trichomonas.
  3. Neomycin sulfate - antibacterial drug having a wide range of action. It destroys all forms: both latent, and vegetative in many kinds of anaerobic infections. Among these bacteria, staphylococci, intestinal wand, Klebsiella and enterobacteria can be distinguished.
  4. Prednisolone - Corticosteroid hormone, which is an analogue of a natural human hormone. His destination in the body - stop the inflammatory process in the vagina. He cleans redness, pain, Eveny, itch.
  5. Magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and starch are auxiliary components that serve to maintain the required level of acidity in the mucous membrane and protect it from damage.

Due to its composition, Terezhinan has a wide range of impact and the feature of it in the fact that they can be treated with even pregnant and nursing mothers.

Indications for use

Pregnancy, fungal infections, candidiasis, thrush, Terezhin

Our site recommends Taking Terezhin only after appointing a doctor, he will prescribe a dosage and explain the features of his reception. Treatment with the drug can be started from the second trimester of pregnancy. In the first weeks it is extremely prescribed, and only in cases where the benefits of it repeatedly outweigh the risk of adverse effects for the child.

Before entering the candle in the vagina, it must be mixed with water. Do the procedure preferably at night. After administration of the drug, it is necessary to lie at least half an hour so that the components of the candles penetrate the mucous membrane. At Lilk during pregnancy Terezhinan take once a day.

The fact that the medicine must be introduced precisely before bed - only the recommendation, if the disease is pronounced, the treatment must be started at any time of the day, but it is necessary to be in a horizontal position.

The course of treatment is a doctor, as a rule, to cope with bacterial infection and inflammatory process, you need about 10 days. And for the treatment of thrush - no less than 20 days.

For prophylaxis, you can take Candles of Terezhin, but only no more than two times a week. Sometimes this means are treated by the labor paths so that the child has not infected at birth. And rarely, but prescribed when planning pregnancy, if the patient often has vaginal infections.

Absolute analogues of the terjinana have not yet invented. But the drugs are similar in their effect on the body exist: it is neo-penotran and polzax. The latter is most often used as an analogue of the Torzhinan. The Polzhaks are two antibiotics: neomycin and polymixin. These two components neutralize pathogens of bacterial infection. Also, nystatin is also included in the drug, so it is prescribed during pregnancy to combat thrush.

Terezhinno can be replaced by the Polzhaks only in bacterial and fungal infections, and for example, with a trichomonade colpite, it will not help if this disease will go in a complex with fungal infection. In this case, a complex treatment may be needed, and not just local. This means that toxic substances will flow into the body of a pregnant woman.

Terezhinan before childbirth

Pregnancy, fungal infections, candidiasis, thrush, Terezhin

Very often, pregnant is not treated with serious drugs against infections in the vagina. Usually give drugs that oppress the growth of pathogenic flora, but do not completely cure. If you leave the thrush not treated, during childbirth, it can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • Vagina fabrics become loose and inelastic and during childbirth with heavy loads, gaps may appear;
  • when gaps during childbirth, if there is an infection, wounds will be for a long time to heal. And drugs can not be taken if the child is breastfeeding;
  • After the birth of a child, the uterus is like an open wound, and the infection can go up the generic paths, then the development of endometritis is possible;
  • In the oilyotic waters, the child is 9 months in a sterile medium, and the first microorganisms with which it faces, these are those who live in the vagina in the mother. Finding on the skin of the child, microbes can provoke a disease.

Considering all these factors, doctors usually in a few weeks before the expected date of delivery appoint Candles of Terezhin. And after them, a woman takes lactobacillia, so that the sexual flora appears in the sex paths. But prescribe a sanation not to all women, and strictly by testimony. On the period of 34 weeks, the pregnant woman learn strokes and, based on the results of the tests, the doctor appoints treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Pregnancy, fungal infections, candidiasis, thrush, Terezhin

Trejnana reception does not cause any side effects. The thing is that the composition of this drug contains components in such low dosages, that they practically do not reach the blood circuit system of the pregnant woman. And the drug has only local impact. And therefore no danger for the organism of the mother and child he does not carry. The nature of the action of the Terezhnan - Complex. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. And therefore, it is often used as a monotherapy that does not need the use of others, often expensive drugs. The drug can be applied on any gestation period, but most often they use them in the second and third trimesters. Despite the fact that adverse events were not identified, in the first trimester there is a launch of all vital bodies of the child and doctors do not recommend using any drugs, if you can do without them to postpone treatment.

Sometimes the body reacts to the treatment with candles itching and burning. As a rule, these symptoms appear in the first minutes after the injection of the drug in the vagina. Such a reaction of the body is characteristic of increased sensitivity and vanity of the mucous membrane. A few days later the inflammatory process subsides, and with it painful sensations, so it should not stop the taking of the TERJ.

The only contraindication to the drug admission is the individual intolerance to the drug and its components, as well as an allergic reaction.

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