The nature of the gallstones and the consequences of their education


  • Composition and shape of stones. Studies of stone formation
  • Exodus of the attack of gallway disease

  • Stones, or concrections, are very dense formations that appear due to salts falling out of liquids in the gallbladder cavity. In 1341, a large green stone was described in embalming the corpse of an noble Italian, discovered in the bustling bubble of the late. Later, already in the XVII century, Swiss Anatas, Botanist and Physiologist Albrecht Galler offered a classification, according to which all stones divided into large egg-shaped, consisting of «tasteless yellowish substance that melts when heating like surguchi, and can burn», and smaller, dark-colored. So, trying to taste stones, Galler offered a simplified classification that still uses, distinguishing stones on their composition: cholesterol and pigment.

    Composition and shape of stones. Studies of stone formation

    The nature of the gallstones and the consequences of their educationMuch later, scientists found that most of the stones lead their origin from cholesterol crystals contained in bile. These crystals tend to stick together and bind to other substances, especially with calcium. In the bustling bubble, the stones of the rounded shape are more common, in the overall bile duct - ellipsoid or oblong, in intrahepatic ducts - branched. Conductors may have different strength - from very durable to fragile, scattering with a finger. Meet and soft, impregnated with bile formation of clay or putty consistency. The surface of the stones can be both smooth, polished and covered with cracks and spikes.

    The bile stones are small, like sand, but sometimes grow bigger ball for ping pong. The number of stones in the bustling bubble can vary from one to a few hundred. By the number of radioactive substances accumulated in stone, like on the annual rings of wood, scientists can calculate how the stone quickly increases. So that the stone rose from the sands to 1 cm, it is necessary for at least six months.

    Is it possible to do anything with stones or they make a danger? This question worries everyone «Komnostele». Alas, not to pay attention to them will not work. Every year, thousands of people lay on the operation to remove the gallbladder, and even more patients suffer from certain diseases of this organ. And the doctors talk about the stone, when there are stones in the bustling bubble that «silent» until time before time, but at any time they can speak in pain. Or even shout, more precisely, you will do it for them, if, not even an hour, you have a bile colic. This happens when the stones go into bile ducts, which provokes a heavy attack with nausea, vomiting and characteristic sharp pain in the right hypochondrium or in the top of the abdomen.

    Exodus of the attack of gallway disease

    The nature of the gallstones and the consequences of their educationIf the stone (with relatively small sizes) manages to avoid the biliary duct and fall into the duodenum - the attack itself stops or fits, as doctors say. Otherwise, the blockage of biliary tract arises, against the background of which the inflammation of the gallbladder develops - acute cholecystitis. This condition is dangerous for life and often requires immediate hospitalization into a surgical department. The inflammation of the gallbladder with a gallway disease can also proceed not sharply and rapidly, and slowly and gradually - then the chronic cholecystitis is diagnosed.

    If the motorcycle bubble and bile ducts are disturbed (in the absence of organic changes), the dyskinesia of biliary tract develops. The main manifestation of diskinesia is periodic pains in the right upper half of the abdomen (right hypochondrium), whose character may vary depending on the form of the disease. By itself, the dyskinesia of biliary tract is considered a disease not very dangerous, but may have very bad consequences. And if the bile moves are inflamed, the formidable complication is developing - cholangitis. The most dangerous outcome of the gallway disease can be a gallbladder cancer, developing against the background of long chronic inflammation.

    Really, without exception, these attacks threaten? God, creating the first person, in all likelihood, still expected that his creation would live in the Garden of Eden and eat environmentally friendly products. What came out of it - we know well. What we eat and that drink - comment over. In addition to unbalanced nutrition and unfavorable ecology, there are other prerequisites for the occurrence of gallway disease. Check if you enter the risk group.

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