Pediatricians consider the immunization of the child the basis of his healthy life in the future, but some parents try to delay the visit to the clinic as long as possible or prefer not to do their babies at all, despite the fact that vaccination remains the most effective means of preventing dangerous childhood diseases.

However, although the pain quickly
passes and forgetting, parents are hard to see how their children turn into
Pillows for needles. As a rule, most often the decision to vaccinate the child
Parents are based on the disinformation obtained from the Internet or
unverified rumors who are on the playground.
Flash epidemic are not excluded
Doctors emphasize that several
Dozens years ago no one even doubted the need for children
immunization, since the diseases that were protected by vaccines were very
common, and the risk of the disease was quite real. Fortunately, today such
Diseases have become a rarity due to the successful vaccination practice.
However, this
Little danger lies: we are so accustomed to consider ourselves protected
from diseases that neglect the importance of immunization. Should not be underestimated
Danger of fatal diseases, they can be attached very close to: for example,
someone from your acquaintances recently returned from Africa, or street passer
visited India or Asia and brought from there something much less harmless than
ordinary tourist souvenirs.
Travels increase the risk of disease
«Parents say: «Let others
make vaccinations to their children, and we will wait»», - Tells Medicine Sharon Humiston. However, in this game
Ahead of betting too high: «Today travel and travel essentially
Increase the risk of the disease. Children who have not passed vaccination are especially susceptible
infections, and they can become a source of disease for others».
Research published recently in Journal of the American Medical Association showed that
Children who have not passed immunization are 22 times stronger than the risk of disease
cow and almost six times stronger - risk of cough diseases than children,
Past vaccinations. Another study, also published in Jama, showed that children
past immunization, 35 times stronger at risk of measles.
How the vaccinations are valid
The vaccines use dead
or weakened microorganisms that stimulate the generation of the immune system
corresponding antibodies. These antibodies will protect the child from infection in the event,
If the organism get microbes of a real dangerous disease.
Vaccines have only insignificant side effects - cause
skin irritation at the injection site, a slight increase in temperature, rolling, and
Light rash (measles and windmill vaccines). These manifestations often plunge
Parents in panic, and they immediately begin to think about the fact that the baby fell ill,
However, in fact, such a reaction to the vaccination indicates normal operation
Immune system.
Children, whose immune system is weakened by the reception
immuno-overwhelming drugs, fighting cancer or AIDS, should not pass
Vaccination trivaccini against measles, epidemic parotitis and
Korea rubella or chickenpox vaccine,
Since the components of a live virus can cause them an attack of the disease.
caution should also be taken to parents of allergic children - they need
Consult a doctor about trivaccine vaccinations
against measles, epidemic parotitis and korea rubella
(It contains gelatin), flu vaccines (it contains eggs) or hepatitis
In (contains yeast).