Latex intolerance and food allergies in adults


Latex intolerance and food allergies in adults
What does food allergy look like in adults,
have almost everything. Food intolerance usually
leads to the appearance of rashes on the body, gastrointestinal disorders, less often
Development of swelling or bronchial asthma. But do you know that
The appearance of rashes on the face, itching and swelling in the throat and on the lips after the eaten banana
or kiwi can be the result of latex allergies? Turns out,
Natural rubber intolerance is often disguised as food allergies. Symptoms and treatment
in many ways similar, but here are the reasons for different.

Allergy to Latex

Latex — This is a product
Chemical processing of gevent rubber tree. The juice is primitive
way of cuts in the crust of the plant. He follows from there with grashecom as
«Milk» From the stem of the dandelion.

Latex is used
For the production of a huge amount of medical rubber products and goods
Mass use. It make inflatable balls, mattresses, gum, children's
nipples and pacifiers, suits for scablasts, rubber gloves and systems for
blood transfusions, catheters and much more. But most importantly, from it
produce condoms that are used to prevent undesirable
pregnancy and protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Ordinary symptoms
Allergy to Latex remind the manifestations of food allergies in adults, with the only difference,
What they appear in the place of contact latex with the skin. Swelling, redness, itching,
The appearance of nodule rashes, small bubbles filled with light liquid,
which shut up, turn in erosion and wounds — All this is a delayed result
Allergic reaction and formation of antibodies to latex. If latex contacts
with lips, oral cavity and breathing paths, maybe the appearance of irritation
mucous membrane of the nose, eye and even the development of bronchial asthma.

Agree that rash
on the face, the swelling of the lips and the throat primarily make you think about what
The cause of the problem is food. But before focusing on solving
tasks how to cure food
Allergies, you should think about the fact that allergies can be caused

Who more often suffers from Latex allergies
And how to make a diagnosis?

Latex intolerance and food allergies in adults
latex most often suffer from residents of countries, where, in fact, this
product. True, the population of other states is not insured from this
Problems. Contact with medical gloves, medical products, use
Condom, finally, the inflation of rubber balls during the preparation for the children's
Holidays can end the development of allergies. Especially many latex
Allergies among medical professionals forced to debt,
Use rubber gloves.

To understand what
the problem lies and what caused allergies, you need, of course, consult a doctor to a dermatologist
or allergist. Sampling with the most common allergens and
Blood analysis on immunoglobulin will allow shed light on the origin
Diseases, and the experience and knowledge of the doctor to use to cure food allergies
or latex intolerance.

Cross allergies to latex and
Food products

We are not in vain touched two types of allergies — on latex and products
Nutrition. The thing is that latex intolerance in 80% of cases becomes cause
Cross Food Allergic Reaction. Latex allergies often not
Put exotic fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, chestnuts. Attacks rhinitis,
conjunctivitis, they cause the pollen of the ficus of Benjamin and the juices of many

With intolerance to bananas, kiwi, papaya, avocado, figs,
Chestnut, melon, mango, peach, pineapple and maracuy need to think not only about
that this is a nutritional allergy,
Symptoms and treatment of it, of course, must be considered, but only in
A combination with latex allergy therapy. Only excluding contact with latex,
You can succeed in the treatment of intolerance.

Having allergies to Latex, before buying a product from rubber
you need to carefully examine the label and make sure that there is no ill-fated
Product Gevei. Rubber gloves are better to take without talcic sprinkle with low
The content of soluble proteins, additives and endotoxins. From application
condoms are better to abandon generally, but for contraception and protection against infections,
Sexually transmitted, use other available means.

People suffering from allergies to Latex recommended
Avoid eating exotic fruits and vegetables. As the saying goes, God-free

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