Diagnosis of drug allergies is usually carried out simply on the basis of anamnesis, but what to do if this is not enough?

Allergy to
medications — Extremely common phenomenon in our age
developing technologies, free access to information and non-advice
Drug leave. The number of incidents could be much smaller with
conditions of less use of drugs, but it does not cancel
Self Self — Immunity readiness to respond perverted on
His substance. So what to do if you discovered signs of allergies on
Drug, and, in fact, it is necessary to apply the diagnosis of drug allergies
Laboratory methods?
Medicinal allergies
Reactions may occur on absolutely any drug, even to one that
Designed to deal with the same allergies. Most aggressive in this
The attitudes are antibiotics, local anesthetics,
Anti-inflammatory drugs, preparations created on the basis of natural
(animal) squirrel. The latter includes blood components, some drugs for
Drugs, Albumin. Those who encountered one day with the problem of allergy for medicine, immunology
cannot offer specific treatment, but you can safely avoid it
all life and no longer discomfort. But what to do, if we are talking about
Poliallergia, that is, allergies for many substances, or increasing allergies
in terms of gravity of their signs, or on an anaphylaxis episode in response to the introduction
medicine? In such a case, it is necessary to support hyposensitizing
treatment that is impossible without appropriate diagnosis.
Diagnosis of drug allergies is the selection of specific
antigen by skin samples, or determination of specific antibodies in the blood
Skin tests
can be carried out by the method of scarification when the forearm is applied
Micro-sakes and they are placed by drops of the drug. The second similar method
is an injection through a drop, prick-test. These methods are considered equivalent.
skin samples, despite economics, seems to be an undesirable method
surveys, especially in persons who have already experienced allergic reactions in the form
anaphylaxis and other hazardous states.
Anamnesis should be carefully assembled by allergic tests
Surveyed. Probably could be a pseudo-allergic reaction, or
Overdose, or the side effect of the drug developed. In favor of allergies
also says hereditary predisposition.
In addition to dough
on the definition of immunoglobulins e in serum, possibly determination
Immunoglobulins G, as well as diagnostics of pseudo-allergic reactions and diagnosis of reactions
Delayed type. Full Complex Complex Complex Protocol
Allergy surveys include five tests.
Where to pass the analysis of medicinal allergies
Drug allergies and immunology to this day are in several
tense relationships, but there is a waste and reliable technique
Surveys of such patients. You can pass on medicinal allergies in specialized
government agencies, as well as in many commercial laboratories.
However, to determine the scope of the survey, to correctly interpret the received
Results and suggest treatment methods can only qualified
Immunologist. Among the analyzes
On drug allergies, he can assign and study the immune
Status — immunogram, as well as some other related analyzes.