Renal failure


Renal failure
Renal failure — This reduction of the excretory function of the kidneys (the formation and separation of urine), which is happening with the accumulation of nitrogen slags in the blood. Such a violation of the kidney work damages the condition of all human body systems. This disease can develop in acute and chronic forms. With timely, the treatment of acute form renal failure can be cured and return the patient to normal life. Chronic form can be monitored, but it is also necessary to begin treatment at the Early Stage, so as not to reach the kidney transplant.

The causes of the occurrence of renal failure are a number of diseases leading to a violation of the work of kidney glomers (pyelonephritis, metabolic diseases, diabetes, diseases of vessels, urolithiasis, congenital abnormalities).

Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure form develops quickly, for several hours or days. The reason for this is the bloodstures and burns, severe cardiovascular insufficiency, damage to urinary tract and intoxication. Neutralization of such reasons at an early stage allows you to pay acute renal failure.

Symptoms of acute renal failure

  • Oliguria and Anuria (allocation of a small amount of urine and the lack of urine);
  • decline in appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • inhibition;
  • The rise of the level of creatinine in the blood and other indicators of azotemia (within a few days from the beginning of the disease).

Treatment of acute renal failure

Renal failure
All patients with diseases that may be complicated by acute renal failure, hospitalization is shown. Therapy includes the treatment of shock, the introduction of liquids and diuretic preparations, plasmapheresis (blood purification) — Provided that the patient has no blood clotting disorders. In the pronounced acute form of the disease, hemodialysis is shown up to a noticeable improvement in the kidney function. With the help of hemodialysis, blood is cleaned abandoned, toxic products are removed, and a water and electrolyte balance is normalized.

To provide emergency care, sterile saline, sterile saline «Trisol», Dopamine (improves kidney microcirculation), heparin and diuretic (Laziks, Furosemide). Patient shows bed mode.

Chronic renal failure

The chronic form of shortness of the kidneys is developing for several months or years, the kidney function decreases gradually, up to its complete violation. Reasons for the development of chronic form can be accompanying renal diseases, diabetes mellitus, gout, amyloidosis, congenital anomalies, rheumatic pathologies, arterial hypertension, renal bleeding and urine outflows.

Symptoms of chronic renal failure

  • Laboratory data: elevated blood creatinine and reduced relative urine density;
  • weakness;
  • Polyuria and Niccountured (rapid urination at night);
  • skin itching and muscle twitching;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • bleeding;
  • Pericarditis and severe heart failure.

Treatment of chronic renal failure

At the initial stage, the increased amount of fluid received and the limited method of protein and salt is helped, the activated carbon is possible. It is necessary to maintain blood pressure in the norm and quickly suppress infection when it is presented. If hemodialysis is not carried out, drug therapy is very limited due to the tendency of such patients to toxic phenomena.

For the successful treatment of renal failure, it is necessary to visit the nephrologist and compliance with its recommendations.

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