Spring problem: what to do patients with pollinosis?


Polleoz — Frequently found allergic disease,
Characterized by increased sensitivity to pollen plants,
prefeedly lesion mucosa, nose and upper respiratory tract.
Pollnosis flows under the mask respiratory infection, rhinitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis,
Naphorgitis, but no viruses and bacteria are becoming the alend, but blossom
trees, shrubs and herbs.

Spring — season opening!

Spring problem: what to do patients with pollinosis?
For people with allergies to pollen plants April and May — This is the opening of the season
suffering. Pollen flowering birch, poplars, fruit trees and wildflowers literally
Woven in the air, the thin layer covers everything around, penetrates the dwelling and
The reason for exacerbation of half theline. Scientists have more than 50 species
plants capable of causing allergic reactions to avoid contact with them
almost impossible, isn't it to go to the places where winter is always.

The second peak of the incidence of Polyniasis falls on the middle
summer when cereals and field grass blooms, in the air begins to circling
the omnipresent poplar fluff, not so much causing allergies as annoying

The third peak of exacerbation of half theline coincides with the beginning of autumn,
When weeds are blooming in the fields and vegetables, such as ambrosia, swan,
possessing the biggest allergenity.

People with pollinosis have different sensitivity to pollen
plants, allergies suffer
On the birch pollen and begin to hurt already in April, others courageously
«suffer» Until July, Cornflowers bloom in the fields. However, despite the time
appearance, symptoms of half ancondition are the same: redness and itching eyes, tear,
Rubber, nasal congestion, sneezing, assistance in the nasopharynk, gravity in the area
Occonduct sinus.

Prevention of allergy exacerbation
on pollen plants

How to reduce the likelihood of exacerbation and severity of current
Allergies? The severity of the symptoms of half theline depends on the amount of inhaled
pollen, so treatment of the disease implies a reduction in contact with it.

  • Less to go outside in windy dry weather, better
    This time to refrain from walking, and if necessary, wear a protective
    Bandage. Plan walks in the early morning clock when plants lies
    dew, as well as after the rain, when pollen together with drops of water settles on the ground.
  • The windows indoors are better not to open, ventilate
    After rain or with air conditioning. Footers can be closed marlevic
    curtain, which is often watered by water from the pulverizer. Air indoor
    can be cleaned with an ionizer and air cleaner.
  • Planning rest, you need to collect information about
    Plants growing in this region, taking into account the timing of their flowering and pollination.
    Preferably resting near water bodies where the air is always wet.
  • During a trip to the car, use
    Air conditioning, do not open the windows. Regular replacement of automotive salon
    filters should be a good habit.
  • Going out, wear closed clothes,
    Sunglasses, hat. Come home, remove all things, rinse your nose and
    mouth with water or special salt mortar, take a shower to get rid of
    From pollen, mastered on the body and in respiratory tract.
  • Washed clothes do not hang for drying
    On the street, otherwise she will cover pollen and will become an allergenic bomb.
  • In
    Time of exacerbation of half aulinosis can increase sensitivity to others,
    Unassian allergenam. Having allergies to pollen birch, you can get allergies on a cat or
    dog wool, home dust or food. Therefore, Allergies S
    Polynomia is recommended for critical periods to reduce allergic as much as possible
    load on the body, comply with the diet, limit contacts with animals and
    Household chemicals. These same rules of restrictions concern indoor plants, field
    and garden flowers, cosmetics, perfumery, skin care and hair.
  • Spring problem: what to do patients with pollinosis?

  • You need to do once a day in the wet house
    cleaning using protection tools — gloves, mask and replacement clothes. Books follow
    Store on closed shelves, carpets to remove up to better times. Heavy curtains are better
    Replace on blinds, all souvenirs, figurines, caskets, vases —
    hide in the cabinet.
  • Cleaning
    For allergy, it is comparable to the battle, with a misunderstanding of the battle, dust rises
    in the air and becomes the cause of an allergic attack. So as not to fall
    Brave, the best friend of pollen suffering from allergies, should be a vacuum cleaner with
    Aqua Filter, he to get rid of pollen and make air indoors cleaner.
  • At
    pronounced symptoms of half aulinosis better entrust cleaning to households or employees
    Cleaning company.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. This is B
fully refers to pollinosis. Having reducing the number of contacts with pollen
plants, you can more or less calmly survive the dangerous season.

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