Treatment of sedative herbs

What do not say, and very many human diseases are directly related to nervous experiences. So as not to bring your body to serious problems, it is better to engage in the prevention of diseases, putting a nervous system in order. Do not rush to the pharmacy for sedatives, we will tell you about the effective treatment of reassuring herbs.

What plants help fight nervous tension

Medicinal Herbs, Healing Herbs, Herbs, Soothing Herbs, Fitotherapy

Natural herbal infusions and decoctions, in contrast to synthetic drugs, have a much smaller number of side effects and do not cause addiction, which can be considered their indisputable pros. Among other things, the grass is much cheaper than advertised drugs, they can be found almost in any pharmacy, and you can even prepare with your own hands. Our site learned that the diversity of cultures that help to fight stress, insomnia, experiences and nervous breakdowns, very wide. So, here is the list of those herbs and colors that are able to effectively solve such problems:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Cypria;
  • Adonis;
  • valerian;
  • Melissa;
  • hawthorn;
  • mint;
  • Linden;
  • thyme;
  • Yarrow.

It is worth noting that some plants are more suitable for the preparation of teas and info, others are better to use when taking a bath, for rubbing, massages, or simply as aromatherapy. For example, sedative teas are prepared mainly from such raw materials:

  • motherboard;
  • Blue Lazorosa;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • Feline herbs;
  • linden;
  • swamp dryers;
  • hawthorn;
  • Orego.

By the way, such a little-known grass, like a Lazorous blue, is considered the strongest sedative. Her sedative properties are several times stronger than Valerian. In the fight against nervous diseases, there was a considerable effectiveness and a mother-in-law, who, in its qualities, also exceeded the usual Valerian at least 4 times.

Some cultures have found their use as a means for taking relaxing baths. For example, a bath with decoction of coniferous branches and cones fights well with an excessive irritability, Valerian root helps to establish a normal sleep, hop and hawthorn are beneficial to work for the cardiovascular system. Neurosis It is best to eliminate with the help of baths with a peppermint, lime, the greenery of the Yaven, and the Horseta and Cleaner will give energy and help restore the estate.

Features of treatment with soothing herbs

Medicinal Herbs, Healing Herbs, Herbs, Soothing Herbs, Fitotherapy

Some plants, like traditional medical devices, can cause side effects or unwanted reactions. There are categories of people who should treat such treatment carefully or to abandon him at all. Our site found out who is contraindicated to drink sedative herbs:

  1. Pregnant women with caution can resort to the help of a hawthorn or Valerians, But only after consulting with the doctor and finding out the permissible dosage. The rest of the plants are not allowed to use for future mothers, so as not to raise the health and life of the fetus.
  2. People with allergies should also be treated Fitotherapy, After preparing the body's reaction to one or another culture.
  3. Soothing herbs are contraindicated in patients with complex and severe CNS diseases: Epilepsy, brain tumors, brain injuries. Strong damage to the organs of the central nervous system under the action of herbs can give unpredictable consequences or even the effect inverse the expected.
  4. It is not necessary to treat with soothing fees to those who suffer from chronic Alcoholism.
  5. Those who accept medical drugs for the treatment of mental problems must necessarily consult with a doctor before starting phytotherapy. Herbs can affect medications, reducing their effectiveness or distorting.
  6. For children, the treatment of herbs can also be dangerous, because their psyche is not yet enough formed and unstable. It is permissible to use plants with a weak action and in small dosages.
  7. Those whose professional employment is associated with a high concentration of attention, it is worthwhile to approach the treatment of reassuring herbs.

Fighting Nervous Psychic Diseases: Folk Recipes

Medicinal Herbs, Healing Herbs, Herbs, Soothing Herbs, Fitotherapy

  1. In stress and frequent disorders, you can use a simple and reliable recipe for herbal infusion. Mix 6 st. L. Peppermint, 4 st. L. Valerian root, 6 st. L. Mother and 4 st. L. Cryes hop. Squeeze 2 spoons of such raw materials, pour out in a metal ass and fill 250 ml of boiling water. Heat the mixture on a water bath before boiling, boil 15 minutes, then cool down and strain through the gauze. Dilute with water so that a glass of bravery turned out, after which distribute it to 4 equal parts and drink during the day.
  2. To raise the mood, you can prepare melissal wine, and you will need only 2 ingredients for this: 1 l of white wine and 3 st. L. dried melissa. The grass must be pouring wine, close the container and put for 14 days in a dark place. From time to time the liquid needs to shabby. When the wine is imagined at room temperature 2 weeks, it can be strained and taken as a drug for 30-40 ml three times a day. Such a means fights well with insomnia and nervousness.
  3. Melissa can not only eat orally, but also to do soothing baths with it. To do this, you must first prepare a decoction of 5 st. L. dry raw materials and 500 ml of water. Boil the grass for 5 minutes, the liquid is filled with and add to a warm bath. Before bedtime, it is recommended to lie in such a bath of 15-20 minutes.
  4. An excellent mood to improve the mood is a tincture of a hever. Take 10 Article. L. dry grass of the Hypericum and 500 ml of alcohol. Mix the components, put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Straightening alcohol from the grass, break it into a dark glass container and use 1 h. L. a day, diluting milk.
  5. Soothing tea can be prepared as follows: Take 1 st. L. Melissa, orange leaves and lavender flowers, add 2 st. L. Hypericum and pour 1 liter boiling water. Such an infusion is necessary to brew under the lid of 15-20 minutes. The resulting mixture is drinking daily 1 cup, the duration of the course is 3 weeks.
  6. To improve sleep and mood, you can use as a means for aromatherapy. For such purposes, it is better to purchase funds in the form of essential oils and stock in advance with a special aroma. Dry herbs can be filled with pillows. In pharmacies, you can often meet the pads filled with hop cones, and if you wish, make such a product can be independently. Aromatic oils are also used for massages and rubbing, adding them to creams.

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