Chloasm: what your symptoms say


  • Chloasm - sign of disorder in restriction
  • Getting rid of chloazma
  • Life without spots

  • Chloasm - sign of disorder in restriction

    Chloasm: what your symptoms sayChloat is hyperpigmentation of the skin of the face caused by an increase in the level of pygnin pigment in the body. Pigment stains are able to annoy a person no less than acne and wrinkles. Enhanced pigmentation may be the result of the fact that the skin begins «defend» From the Sun and produce more melanin, but perhaps this is a sign of a certain failure in the work of the body.

    Chloasm may indicate the disorders of the liver function, ovaries, pituitary. Among possible causes and various diseases of the gallbladder or gastrointestinal tract. Chloaram often appears during pregnancy, localized on the face, around the nipples, belly, but if everything is in order with a hormonal background - the chlorism gradually disappears after delivery. Sometimes she takes a persistent character. Disorders of ovarian functions, melting invasion can cause chloasm on the skin of the face and around the mouth.

    Cakexic chlorism - a heavy form of hyperpigmentation, which is based on exhausting diseases (cancer, malaria, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis). Chloat is expressed by symmetrically located various shapes, sharply separated by pigment stains yellowish-brown, sometimes dark black. Small spots merge into larger. They are localized mainly on the forehead, eyelids, temples, cheeks, sometimes around the nipples, on the vulva; Sometimes chloa disfigures the whole face. Chloaram in spring and summer looks brighter, in winter, as a rule, pigmentation is somewhat pale. Stains do not flag and do not cause itch. From the freckles of chloasm, it is distinguished by the clarity of the outlines and large sizes of spots.

    Chloat is a chronic disease, pigmentation can hold on to the end of life, but sometimes it is possible to eliminate it.

    Getting rid of chloazma

    It makes no sense for the aesthetic solution to the problem, if the reason did not remove it. The whitening of pigmentation, which is a symptom of any disease of the internal organs may be completely empty spending time and money, and even cause the development of serious complications. Therefore, before buying whitening cosmetics or go to a whitening procedure, you must consult with a specialist.

    In cosmetic cabinets for the purpose of the doctor to get rid of chloasm, the slow or deep peeling is most often used. But it must be remembered that the treatment of chloasma is advisable to carry out in the fall and in winter, since the sun's rays exacerbate the process.

    Life without spots

    For the prevention of chloasmma in the spring and summer it is necessary to protect the face with special creams, wide-organized hats, umbrella, etc.

    It is necessary to eliminate traumatic factors (pressure from the belt, straps, corset), since constant friction and pressure on the skin can cause «Traumatic chloazmu».

    Fastened to avoid contact with chemical products (lubricating oils, dead, etc.). But at the same time, during chloazma, you can use decorative cosmetics. On the joy of beautiful women.

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