Pigs complications in children


  • What if the child has a pig
  • Pigs complications in children

  • What if the child has a pig

    Finding near the ears of the sealing swelling, do not bother yourself to diagnose. Understand the doctor. After all, this symptom happens when inflammation of lymph nodes, and with other diseases that require a completely different treatment.

    When the epidemic vapotitis is time­Only salivary glands, treatment, as a rule, are carried out at home. To reduce the likelihood of spreading infection, sick immediately, insulating into a separate room, airing it as often as possible (at least 2 times a day). Do daily wet cleaning disinfectants, for example, 1-2% chlorine solution. Excellent if there is an opportunity to carry out ultraviolet irradiation of the room to disinfect objects and air, - not excluded the transfer of infection through toys, things used by the patient. Dishes and his underwear boil - at high temperatures, the epidemic parotitis virus per 10 minutes dies.

    Pigs complications in children
    It is desirable that the child is in bed until swelling (usually it increases for 2-3 days, reaching a maximum, keeps at this level 3 days and then gradually decreases - a total of a process ends in 7-10 days). However, if the temperature is low and well-being is not bad, you can restrict ourselves to a semi-by-step mode.

    Inflated glands required constant heat. If the temperature does not exceed 38°, It is best to put compresses, alternately alternating the so-called half-one (vodka in half with water) and oil. Preferably use camphor oil (not alcohol - they can burn the skin!). Cover the swollen glands first gauze, impregnated with vodka, diluted with water, or warm oil, then parchment paper or polyethylene film, layer dry wool and all not too tightly bother for 2-3 hours. Between the compresses, take breaks for 20-30 minutes - you need to relax and relax, especially if he has a heat or indoors too warm. At temperatures above 38° Compresses are contraindicated. In this case, it is useful to wrap the neck of a pure wool scarf.

    When salivary glands are inflamed, hurts to chew and swallow. Therefore, feed the child with a semi-liquid or rubbed food, and boiled or cooked for a couple. Preferred dairy diet, and everything is sharp, sour is excluded.

    Since the child constantly feels strong dry dryness in the mouth, often sweat it with boiled water temperature, brazers from berries, fruits, vegetables, cold tea. In addition, let the mouth beveling with a solution of drinking soda or a slurorous solution of potassium permanganate (manganese). This and state will make it easier, and to some extent the virus located in saliva will reduce its activity.

    If, after the salivary glands, other organs are involved in the inflammatory process, the disease ends after 10-11 days. Now you can walk. But do not rush to send a child to a kindergarten or school - it is still weakened and easily picked up a new infection. Do at least a week - let them strengthen.

    Pigs complications in children

    Target - pancreas

    When the epidemic parotitis begins with inflammation of the salivary glands, the development of acute pancreatitis can be expected after 4-7 days. By­past the high temperature and deterioration of the general condition he makes it necessary to know a sharp pain in the stomach, especially around the navel, or a sickness, as well as nausea, vomit, diarrhea, or, on the contrary, stool delay.

    When such symptoms appear immediately «Ambulance». Exactly «Ambulance», not a district pediatrician. As a rule, such situations require urgent hospitalization. After all, pancreatitis often accompanies (and sometimes masked under it) acute purulent appendicitis. Quickly understand the nature of the disease and, if you need, it is possible to make an operation only in the hospital. Before the arrival of the doctor do not take anything! Neither the warmer on the belly, nor enema, nor antibiotics, nor anesthetics!

    When the belly hurts, torments vomiting, the child is not up to meals. Do not insist! And drinks let how much it wants because of the body dehydration does not occur due to vomit.

    After discharge from the hospital, the child can lead a normal lifestyle, but within 2-3 weeks he needs to observe a brewing diet, less there is a white bread (black is allowed), pasta, cabbage, from the croup is preferred rice.

    Target - Eggs

    To suspect the orchitis is not difficult even in disrepair in medicine parents. Egg increases, the skin of the scrotum swells, blushes, glans. Reliable fabric acquires a dough consistency and becomes extremely painful. However, note: many boys are shy to open the cause of their sufferings and even introduce close misconceptions, complaining of abdominal pain. Delicately, but insistently explain to the son that you or your father must inspect.

    Usually both eggs are involved in the inflammatory process in turns with an interval after 2-3 days (it happens at the same time, only one thing is praised less often). At the same time, each time the temperature rises and the general condition deteriorates.

    At the very first signs of the orchita (they may appear on the 5-7th day from the beginning of the disease) immediately call the doctor. Do not wait, hoping that inflammation will be held by itself. If the doctor advises hospitalization, do not refuse - in the hospital will take such measures that are unact at home. They will help prevent the growth of the severity of the process and the death of the tissues of the testicles.

    What should be taken before the arrival of the doctor? Give the son of paracetamol in the age dose. This will make it easier and will reduce the temperature. Make a wide bandage like «hammaka», Attaching the ends to the linen belt. With this device, lift the informed testicles: pain will decrease. Attach to eggs a bottle or ice warmer with cold water (but not ice!).

    Heat contraindicated! Do not lubricate the skin of the scrotum with ointments, creams, do not wipe with any solutions, lotions, including disinfectants and with anti-inflammatory properties. All this relief will not bring, but can harm.

    Target - cerebral shell

    Suspect meningitis is also not difficult. It begins very sharply (most often after the inflammation of the salivary glands) on the 5-7th day. The chills appears, the temperature jumps to 39° and above, constant sharp headache, vomiting, and then there is a voltage (recilation) of the occipital muscles, because of this head throws out, and the child is not able to tilt it. Clearness and loss of consciousness are possible.

    Such phenomena - a signal for immediate call «Emergency». Before arriving, it is permissible to give the child a diuretic drug diakarb, since the inflammation of the brain shell is accompanied by strong swelling. If this medication is not, give a drug to reduce headaches. Don't do anything else!

    In the hospital (and the child in such a state will certainly hospitalize) urgent measures will be taken to remove swelling, then vomiting will cease to. After 10-12 days recovery comes. However, the child will be very weak for a long time. After discharge from the hospital, he needs to observe a neuropathologist, although the vapor meningitis usually passes without consequences.

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