Why crunch joints

The diseases of the joints are perhaps one of the first health problems that humanity faced. And even modern medicine is unable to prevent them. It would seem innocuous, at first glance, phenomena, can signal about the presence of large problems in the human body. Therefore, such diseases can not be underestimated.

Caution: Diseases of the joints!

Diseases of the joints, the treatment of joints, joints, crunch joints

If a person is observed «Crispy sounds» in the joints, then it is possible, he develops arthritis or Arthrosis. The first disease of the joints is extremely inflammatory. As for the arthrisa, in contrast to arthritis, this ailment is not a consequence of the inflammatory process. It is believed that these diseases arise only in old age, but this is a great delusion. Nowadays, such a diagnosis is made by many in childhood. Therefore, think about the prevention of these diseases should be taken from adolescent years.

The main reason for the development of arthrosis is a sedentary lifestyle, «Sitting» Job. In addition, this disease may occur at that time when a person actively engages in sports, but does it with too much load. In such a situation, first of all, vessels, tendons are injured, and in the future it goes to Arthrosis. The first symptoms of this ailment are usually crunch and creaking in the joints of the joints.

Joints can criste periodically or constantly. This largely depends on the state of cartilage tissue. In its nature, it is necessary to soften the friction of the bones from each other. To do this, the joint is processed by synovial fluid, which, in fact, is for him «Oil» or «Lubrication». Therefore, if the cartilage has a normal state, not damaged and not injured, then the joints are moving without much difficulties and do not publish any unpleasant sounds. If a crunch appeared, it may say that the structure of the cartilage tissue was broken and therefore the movement of the joints occur with some obstacles.

Other possible causes of crunch in the joints

Diseases of the joints, the treatment of joints, joints, crunch joints

To treat this phenomenon, it is necessary, first of all, to reduce the load on the cartilage cloth. In order to relieve the inflammatory process, there are many anti-inflammatory ointments, for example, «Diclovit», «Diclofenak», «Diklak». In addition, today there are drugs with which the structure of cartilage can be restored. They supply the body necessary for the restoration of the volume and elasticity of the joints building materials. But you should not use them without prior consultation with your doctor. After all, perhaps you have contraindications to their admission.

For the treatment of diseases of the joints, the healing gymnastics is used, which implies dosage loads. She is appointed by a physiotherapist. Thanks to such exercises, it is possible to improve the state of cartilage tissue. When problems with joints, swimming and aqua aerobics helps well. The benefits of these procedures are related to the fact that in the water load on the joints becomes less.

For treatment, some drugs are still used. In particular, with the acute form of arthritis, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are used, for example, «Kesetoxib», «Nimesulid». In the most difficult cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed, which, however, have many contraindications.

In addition, during therapy of such problems, such auxiliary devices are used as bandages, bandages, crutches and canes. Physiotherapy and modulating methods are actively used, which allow you to restore the affected cartilage cloth.

How to facilitate the state

First of all, you need to remove the load from the joints and give them rest. To do this, you can go smoothly on the sofa and put a pillow under the head. To ensure rest damaged joints apply elastic bandages and special fixtures. If the load is minimal, then the inflammation will gradually pass, and the joint will restore. In addition, do not forget about the existence of special ointments, which were mentioned above.

Methods of prevention

Diseases of the joints, the treatment of joints, joints, crunch joints

Counting fabric can collapse due to the natural aging of the body or irregular nutrition. Slash problems can manifest themselves at any age. In many ways, this is due to hereditary factors, problems with the endocrine system and overweight. Establish these «malicious» Factors are the prevention of diseases of the joints.

It used to be believed that for the joints it is useful to eat more jelly and cartilage. However, it has already been proven that the cartilage fabric is not absorbed. Destructured cartilage, which is needed for the full operation of the joints, for example, is contained in the choke. Due to the long-term tomression in the furnace, difficult to digestible substances are brought to the state of monomers, which are absorbed without problems in the digestive tract.

In order to reduce the likelihood of problems with joints, it is recommended to change the pose more often when you have for a long time to stay in a sitting position. Preferably every 3-4 hours to make a small workout. This is especially true for people who work in a sitting position. In the event that the crunch in the joints arises due to the previously obtained injury and the painful sensations are observed, it is recommended to see the orthopedic doctor as soon as possible.

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