How to treat AIDS-A


  • Treatment of AIDS patients

  • Treatment of AIDS patients

    Treatment of AIDS patients includes antiviral drugs that suppress the reproduction of the virus. After confirmation of the diagnosis, approaches to the further conduct of patients.

    Approach to choosing therapy should be individual based on the degree of risk. The decision to start antiretroviral therapy should be taken depending on the risk of progression of HIV infection and the degree of immunodeficiency severity. If antiretroviral therapy be launched before the appearance of immunological and virological features progressed and illness, its positive effect may be the most pronounced and long.

    How to treat AIDS-A
    Antiviral therapy is prescribed patients since the stage of acute infection. The main principle of treatment of AIDS, as well as other viral diseases, is the timely treatment of the underlying disease and its complications, primarily pneumatic pneumonia, Kalosh's sarcoma.

    It is believed that the treatment of opportunistic infections, the sarcoma of the caps in patients with AIDS should be carried out sufficiently high doses of antibiotics, chemotherapy. Their combination is preferred. When choosing a drug, in addition to accounting for sensitivity, it is necessary to take into account the tolerance of its patient, as well as the functional state of its kidneys due to the danger of accumulating the drug in the body. The results of therapy also depend on the thoroughness of the methodology and sufficient duration of treatment.

    Currently, for the treatment of infections caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, prolonged therapy for more than 6 weeks is used for the treatment of cabo sarcoma. Its scheme depends on the phase and activity of the disease.

    There are quite a lot of recommendations and systems regulating doses and methods for administering drugs, and almost every specialist adheres to their own scheme. Typically, treatment starts with high doses of an antibiotic or other chemotherapy, if necessary, use their combination. In the future, patients take preparations in basal doses until the process activity becomes decreased and will stop at all.

    Despite the sufficiently large number of drugs and methods of treating AIDS, the results of therapy are currently very modest and cannot lead to complete recovery, since clinical remissions are characterized only by the oppression of the process of breeding the virus and in some cases a significant reduction of morphological signs of the disease, but not full of their disappearance. Therefore, only with preventing the breeding of the virus is likely to be able to give the body a resistance to opportunistic infections and the development of malignant tumors by restoring the functions of the immune system or the replacement of destroyed immune cells.

    Often complication in the treatment of AIDS becomes «Chemical overload» drugs used at the final stage of the disease against viruses, mushrooms, single-celled parasites, other microorganisms. In this case, many patients die not from concomitant infections, but from the toxic effect of large doses of drugs.

    Adequate therapy is to create a psychological situation favorable for a patient, timely diagnosis and treatment of basic, background, opportunistic diseases, careful dispensary observation.

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