Magnesium deficiency in the body

In the human body, magnesium plays an essential role, participating in many physiological processes. The main amount of this trace element is present in muscle and bone fabric, dentine of teeth, nervous tissue, kidneys and liver.

Useful properties of magnesium

Magnesium, Magnesium, Minerals, Magnesium Lack

Scientists have proven that there are many components of the Mendeleev table in the human body, quite some heavy metals and radioactive elements. The benefits of mineral substances as high as from vitamins. As a representative of the group of trace elements, magnesium participates in many processes of life, counteracts stress, toxins and allergies. This component protects against radioactive impact, stimulates the phagocytosis process, participates in temperature regulation. Ions of this component relax the nerves, reducing the sensitivity of the receptors.

Magnesium benefits:

  • promotes the normal growth of bones;
  • reduces blood pressure, coordinates the work of the heart;
  • Normalizes blood sugar level;
  • at Bronchitis and asthma improves the respiratory function;
  • It is an excellent prophylactic agent against pain in the muscles, joints, neutralizes the attacks migraine;
  • facilitates the condition of the PR PMS in women;
  • strengthens dental enamel;
  • prevents calcium depositing in kidneys and a bustard bubble.

Magnesium for the heart. Even a small magnesium deficit may cause cardiovascular diseases, stroke and arrhythmia. It is because of heart diseases every year a lot of people die every year. Contribute to this not only stress and excitement, but also the quality of drinking water. As it turned out, when using hard water, the risk of heart problems is reduced, since in addition to calcium, such water contains other minerals, including magnesium. Due to the fact that the person drinks hard water, its body is less infarction, the pressure does not bother, and there is a reduced amount of cholesterol in the blood. Scientists explain this to the fact that magnesium and calcium from the water, connecting to the gastrointestinal tract with solid foods, wash it together with excess cholesterol.
Magnesium, Magnesium, Minerals, Magnesium Lack

In terms of its origin, the deficit of this component is primary and secondary.

In the first case, the lack of magnesium is due to genetic predisposition. The secondary deficit arises against the background of certain living conditions of a person, its habits, ecology and nutritional features. These causes can be:

  • chronic stressful state, acute stress;
  • severe physical work;
  • lack of movements over a long period of time;
  • alcoholism;
  • Permanent stay in hot climate and high temperatures, frequent visits to bath and sauna;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding in women;
  • the use of hormonal contraception;
  • frequent use of diuretic drugs;
  • Consumption of dairy products, potatoes, meat, birds. There are practically no magnesium in these magnesium products;
  • Fast Food Consumption.

Causes of magnesium shortages associated with diseases or other developing pathologies in the body:

  • Violation of the suction process in the gastrointestinal tract. It happens when duodenitis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis, and so on;
  • diabetes;
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • angina;
  • heart failure;
  • Excess body weight.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium, Magnesium, Minerals, Magnesium Lack

Magnesium deficiency in the body immediately reflects in its condition:

  1. The patient feels constant fatigue, in the morning there is also no feeling of cheerfulness, even after good and strong sleep.
  2. The nervous system is also susceptible to magnesium deficiency. A person notices that he became irritable and disturbing, bouts of fear and plassiness appeared, began to pursue frequent depression. Nightmalls are also a consequence of this problem. Oddly enough, but it is the shortage of magnesium makes a man's sleep restless, and awakening - with a feeling of brokenness.
  3. The patient is very often obsessive nervous tick, it is experiencing regular headaches and Dizziness.
  4. In critical cases, memory is even disturbed, it is not possible to concentrate on some task.
  5. Naturally, hair, nails and teeth are suffering from lack of magnesium, their quality deteriorates noticeably.
  6. Another sign that the magnesium balance must be filled, the night cramps in the calf muscles are. Sometimes can push hands and foot brushes.
  7. Sick cores often complain about arrhythmia and tachycardia. Blood pressure can increase or decrease. Might disturb constipation or diarrhea.
  8. With a deficiency of magnesium, dependence on weather conditions arises, namely, the sick person is breaking joints and muscle pain appear.

Treatment of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium, Magnesium, Minerals, Magnesium Lack

To eliminate this problem, our site recommends not only to fill the balance of magnesium, but also eliminate the reasons that could become the causes of magnesium deficiency. It is recommended to exclude alcohol, avoid stressful situations, adequately treat diseases of the digestive system to restore the intestinal ability to suck the trace elements.

Periodically, you need to take a complex of polyvitamins with trace elements. Bad and Magnesium Drugs are also helped. The correct course of treatment will help to make a family doctor, but you can also ask the pharmacist in the pharmacy.

Daily diet should include high magnesium products. It is useful to take drug water Narzan or Archness, which can be purchased in any grocery supermarket.

After receiving vitamins, additives and products, magnesium deficiency is replenished, but even after the course of therapy, you do not need to forget about the measures of prophylaxis. Doctors recommend annually to take multivitamin complexes.

From among products rich in magnesium, you can allocate the following categories:

  • In the winter period of the year - dates, kuraga, a variety of nuts, oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, cocoa, honey, raisins, white beans, rice;
  • in summer - cherry, peas, podlock beans, black currant;
  • In the spring - all kinds of spicy greenery, which grows in the garden;
  • Autumn - watermelon, beets, carrots.

All year round can be enjoyed by bananas and sunflower seeds. During tea drinking, do not refuse yourself in buckwheat honey, it is very tasty and extremely useful. Magnesium is present in almost all food products, so it is easy to make a useful and diverse menu.

Daily need for this microelement for an adult - from 250 to 400 mg. Pregnant women and athletes are recommended to increase the dose - up to 450 mg. To feel comfortable and calm, being in constant stress, you can take 600 mg of magnesium daily.. Supporting the useful theory of seasonal nutrition, you quickly fill your body with magnesium, restore the strength, nervous equilibrium and improve the mood.

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