How to treat salmonellosis


  • Treatment of Salmonelleza
  • Unconventional methods of treating salmonellosis

  • Treatment of Salmonelleza

    Treatment of patients with salmonellosis, except
    light shapes and bacteriasters must be held in the hospital.
    Patients from the number of decreed groups of the population (persons living in
    Hostels working with children, in food enterprises, etc.) must
    be hospitalized regardless of the severity of the disease. Compulsory
    Therapeutic factor is dietherapy aimed at restoration
    activity of the digestive system, normalization of water-salt
    exchange, vitamination of the body. Excluded from diet products and
    Dishes that have an irritant action (black bread, vegetables, fruits,
    Mushrooms, Milk, Spices, Solutions, Smoked, Sweets, Hired
    the drinks). The patient should drink a sufficient amount of fluid (not
    less than 1.5-2 liters) in the form of fastening tea, boiled water with small portions by
    100 ml every 1-2 h.

    Special difficulties in diet therapy represents
    Nutrition children of younger. They are translated into fractional food with
    Reducing the volume of food by 40-50%. Fractional feeding spend
    Enjoyed breast milk in the morning, acidophilic milk, biologatom,
    And from 4 days - cottage cheese. Food volume is gradually communicated to the norm to the 5-7th
    Day. Older children get rubbed food (vegetable
    mashed potatoes, porridge on half milk, soups), from 2-3rd day - cottage cheese,
    Boiled meat, steam cutlets, only sharp excluded from the 5-7th day
    dishes. It is forbidden to use fat and acute food for 4-6

    In the first hours of the disease, it is recommended to rinse
    Stomach with boiled water to pure washing waters. Washing is carried out by S
    using gastric probes. In pronounced intoxication, it is recommended
    Also cleansing enema.

    With light shapes of the disease are limited
    Washing the stomach, diet and drink salt solutions. From salt
    Solutions are used «Regidron», «Begidron», «Glucosolan»,
    «Citroglyukosolan», who drink in small portions with an interval in
    10-15 min.

    How to treat salmonellosisWhen re-vomiting and increasing dehydration
    Solutions are administered intravenously. The volume of injected fluid depends on the degree
    Dehydration. Solutions introduced fittings up to 38-40 °With speed
    40-48 ml in 1 minute. Breast-age children introduce no more than 14-16
    Drops in 1 minute.

    Most effective saline solutions
    «Quartassol», «Trisol», «Gloss» and colloidal solutions (plasma
    5-10%, Albumin, Polyglyukin, Reopolyglyukin, Hemodez, Neocompensen,
    Neogenesis, Peristan and DR.).

    With severe toxic states,
    neurotoxicosis, endotoxic shock and the absence of the effect of
    Infusion therapy shows hormonal therapy: prednisone,

    To combat hyperthermia shown
    intramuscular administration of the 50% solution of the analgin in combination with
    Physical cooling methods (rubbing alcohol, 3% solution
    acetic acid, cold on the head and peripheral vessels).

    For removal of excitation - Pipolfen, Aminazine,
    Phenobarbital. Prescribe heart preparations for recovery
    Heart activities.

    With the edema of the lungs and the brain - diuretics, Laziks, Eufillin and others.

    The use of antibiotics is necessarily under heavy
    gastrointestinal and generalized forms of salmonellosis, as well as
    Medical and lightweight forms in children under 2 years. Recommend
    Use Polymixin M, Neversman, Biseptol, Levomycetin,
    ampicillin, gentamicin, kanamycin, etc. (course - 5-7 days).

    Symptomatic therapy and salinelose bacteriophage are prescribed with light and erased forms of salmonellosis.

    For the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis
    Use biological bacteria drugs normalizing intestinal
    Microflora, - bificol, bifidum, colibacterin, polybacterin,
    Baktisubtil, they are prescribed 20-30 minutes before meals. A course of treatment -
    2-3 weeks.

    In all cases shows drugs that increase
    Organism reactivity (vitamins, pentoxyl, methyluracyl, apilac). For
    faster normalization of the intestinal functional activity after
    cessation of gastrointestinal disorders of patients with medium-stroke and
    Heavier process and persons with chronic pathology
    The digestive system prescribe enzyme preparations and enzyme
    Complexes at the time of meals: lysim, festal, Digestal - 1-2 Dragee
    3 times a day and pancreatin - 0.5-1.0 g 3 times a day. Duration
    Reception is limited to 6-8 days.

    Unconventional methods of treating salmonellosis

    • Infusion of calendula flowers (1 h. L. for 1 cup
      boiling water). Take 1/2-1 / 3 glasses at intervals between food.
      It has anti-inflammatory, cleansing, disinfectant property.
      Can be used in combination with chamomile, yarrow.
    • Infusion Flowers Chamomile Pharmacy. Apply for
      enterocolites, intestinal spasms. 1 Art. L. Dry flowers pour 1
      Groomed boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 4 h,
      strain. Take 2 st. L. 4 times a day after meals.
    • Highlander Snake (serpentor, cancer cakes)
      It is used as a binder and anti-inflammatory agent
      Colids, enteritis, enterocolites. Effective with gastrointestinal
      bleeding (1 st. L. 3 times a day).
    • Plantain big. 1 Art. L. dry
      crushed leaves brew 1 cup boiling water, insist during
      10 min. Drink for 1 hour in small sips.
    • The decoction of the bark of oak is used inside
      diary and in gastric and intestinal bleeding. He has astringent
      and anti-inflammatory effect.
    • The infusion of flower baskets of ordinary Pijmas are taken with enterocolites for 1 st. L. 5-6 times a day.
    • Strawberry forestry. 1 Art. L. Pour leaves 2
      Cold boiled water glasses. Insist 6-8 h, strain. Drink by
      1/2 Glakana.
    • Fruits cherry ordinary. Infusion of fruits:
      Pour 10 g of fruits 1 cup boiling water, put on a water bath for 15-20 minutes, strain, cool. Drink 1/2 cup a day 30 minutes before
    • Decoction of root roofing is used for
      Treatment Enterocolitov. He has a binding, anti-inflammatory,
      disinfecting and painful properties. Effective as well
      gastrointestinal bleeding. 1 Art. L. Sliced ​​roots
      Heel poured 1 glass of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes,
      cool, filter and take 1 st. L. 5-6 times a day.
    • Means against diarrhea. Take 200g walnuts
      nuts, knock them and get the nucleus, but partitions. They are put in 300 g
      alcohol and insist within 2-3 days. Take 3-4 times a day from 6
      up to 9 drops on a small glass of heat water.
    • Treatment of diarrhea in children. 1 C. L. Rice foul
      6-7 cups of water and boil. The resulting decoction to cool and give a child
      1/3 cups every 2 h.
    • Russian and Serbian folk remedy
      POSOS. Young walnuts cut slices together with green leather
      and insist on vodka. Drink no more than two dimensions at once;
      Maximum - 2 receptions per day. Prepare like this: 3/4 bottles with sliced
      Slices of walnuts are poured with vodka to the top.

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