Medicinal poisoning: What is important other than a dose?


Medicinal poisoning: What is important other than a dose?
«Everything — poison, all — medicine; both determines the dose» — This principle of Paracelles underlies the entire pharmacology and pharmacotherapy. It is difficult to find a substance that would not be simultaneously poison and medicine, therefore medicinal poisoning is so common.

«Dose defines everything!» is it true this statement? Or
This is only one of the many aspects of the interaction of the human body and
Medicinal substance? In addition to the dose, it is capable of making a medicine poison?

Individual features of the body as a cause of poisoning drugs

The body has a special enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
(G-6PD), is contained in red blood cells Erythrocytes. In some
Hereditary anomaly, leading to the shortage of this enzyme,
which is manifested by an extreme vulnerability of red blood cells and a reduction in their term
Life. Hitting some medicinal substances in the body, can cause
Mass death of red blood cells (hemolysis), up to development
Malokrovia, Violations of the liver, spleen and kidneys. Until defined
Moment man lives and feels absolutely healthy, and after making medicine
becomes a disabled person suffering from renal failure.

Deadly food

How to invent, can a person die from the red gland
Wines or a piece of cheese, excluding accuracy of acute asphyxia? Think no? And vain.

The body has an enzyme monoaminoxidase (MAO), its role
It is to destroy hormones and neurotransmitters, on which it depends
Emotional man's status. Maintaining the ratios of neurotransmitters in
central nervous system, Mao allows the brain to balance between euphoria and

With an increase in the activity of monoaminoxidase develops
Depression, so inhibitors of Mao are logical for its treatment. And everyone would be
It was good if a person taking these medicines was not dangerous

The fact is that some foods contain in their
the composition of monoamine and their chemical predecessors, the use of which leads to
A sharp increase in the level of monoamin mediators, the development of deadly
Hypertensive, sympathetic crisis and serotonin syndrome. Patient,
Taking Inhibitors of Mao, it is forbidden to eat cheeses, smoked,
Drier and salty fish, protein additives, bean, chocolate, red wine, whiskey
and at the same time it is necessary to learn a long list of drugs incompatible with

Incomptivity of drugs

Medicinal poisoning: What is important other than a dose?
Inhibitors of Mao Effective funds from depression,
Parkinsonism, migraine and other brain troubles. But here is a man,
Taking these medicines, caresses and hoping to get rid of congestion
Nose and cold starts to bury ordinary naphtizin. Instead of harmless
Symptoms of ARVI He gets psychomotor arousal, panic attacks,
Hypertensive crisis, arrhythmia. So manifests itself drug incompatibility,
Two drugs become poison for the body.

Drug incompatibility is well known to doctors. About her
You can always read in the instructions for the drug, where are indicated
Indications, contraindications and interaction with other drugs
means. The doctor will not appoint incompatible drugs, but the problem is
that we often treat themselves with non-prescription drugs from the pharmacy, and
visiting the doctor, do not think about it. And this is at a time when
The usual aspirin in combination with the trental and hormonal means is capable
lead to gastrointestinal bleeding, and sleeping pills barbiturates sharp
Reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics and complicate treatment of infection. Incompatibility
Often it may cause medicinal poisoning.

Mode of application

In ancient times, the Indians used to hunt brass
Tubes charged with poisoned arrows. Arrow hit in the animal caused
His fast death. Oddly enough, but the Indians who have eaten,
It would seem poisoned meat, did not have health problems.

Method of administration of the drug The question is very important. Some preparations are intended
for intake, other y- for subcutaneous and intradermal administration, for
intramuscular injections, others should be introduced intravenously or
Intiariter. The subtleties are many and if they ignore any medicine
can become poison for man.

Extremely poisonous SUMMA when entering the body
Causes poisoning, drug-based drugs for outdoor
Applications are used in the treatment of dermatological diseases.

Calcium chloride introduced intravenously «working» how
medicine, and when you get into the subcutaneous tissue, it is capable of calling it necrosis and
suppuration. All sorts of oil preparations with intramuscular administration
Remote therapeutic effects, and when introduced into the Vienna, the blood embolism causes

The output is simple: so that the medicine does not become poison, and did not have to
Treat from poisoning
medicinal substances, you need not only to keep their dosage, but also
Scrupulously comply with the recommendations, data in the instructions.

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