Products that increase potency

Food, which falls into our body affects organs and systems, including sex. Some products do not reflect on the strength of sexual attraction, while others, on the contrary, cause an explosion of passion as if «In an open place». What is the case? It turns out that products rich in vitamins A, E, B, strengthen the transfer of nerve impulses.

Increase potency using products
Food, which falls into our body affects organs and systems, including sex. Some products do not reflect on the strength of sexual attraction, while others, on the contrary, cause an explosion of passion as if «In an open place». What is the case? It turns out that products rich in vitamins A, E, B, increase the transfer of nerve impulses, and therefore itself sex.

Before promoting potency with products, think about whether there are harmony in your sex life? Love and mutual understanding - the most important factors for frequent and successful sex. If with interpersonal relationships not all right, you need to start with them. And only when harmony will be installed, you can start «Grocery» Methods of increasing potency.

Sweets for sex

Very useful for health (and strengthening potency) honey
Very useful for health (and strengthening potency) honey. In second place in efficiency there are nuts - walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts. If you mix 100 grams of nuts and a tablespoon of honey, it turns out «Thermonuclear» Means for increasing potency.

To increase potency you need to eat only 1 tablespoon of this delicacy every day 3-4 hours before sleep. The effect will not appear immediately, but only after several days of reception. If you don't like walnuts, they can be replaced with sunflower seeds (without peel, of course), sesame, prunes. Prunes should be pre-flushed, remove the bone and finely cut.

Meat and vegetables

Severe force of men consistently increases meat
Attention, wife! Severe force of men consistently increases meat. So do not be lazy to cook it more often, if you want a spouse in bed not only slept... Feed only meat problematic, so you can diversify the menu with fish dishes. SAMI «Loving Fish» - Kambala and Mackerel. our site draws your attention to the fact that to maintain the useful properties of the fish it is recommended to eat it boiled, and not fried.

As a side dish, vegetables can be used - they also improve the sexual power of men. For this purpose, the bow, turnip (unfortunately, this vegetable is now not popular at all, but sorry, because its impact on potency is just miraculous), mushrooms.

Greens also stimulates sexual attraction, the best on the potency is influenced by Anis, Tsmin, Tarkhun, a chamber, mint, St. John's wort. Ordinary dandelion also enhances potency. Dandelion leaves can be added to salads from fresh vegetables, three or four sheets, no more. Dandelion leaves have a specific bitter taste, so that too much leaves can spoil your salad.

Here is one ancient Russian recipe for increasing potency: cut into pieces of 100 grams of veal, 1 small turnip, 1 carrot, 1 bulbs. All products pour water and cook for 20 minutes. Then add 4 sliced ​​dandelion sheet, boil, add salt, dill, parsley and insist half an hour. It is worth noting that dandelions are not suitable for cooking, growing within the city: there are so many dust, heavy metal salts that they will not bring health care.

Very strong means - camel stomach. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to buy this product, but if you are lucky, eat a small piece in front of each sexual act, the size of the pea.

Regular products to increase potency

Garlic - best friend potency
Positively affect the potency of mussels, shrimp, crayfish.

Dairy products are also good for potency - Prostokwash, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream. Yogurt lovers Our website must disappoint: this dairy product does not bring a tangible effect, as it is exposed to heat treatment and loses most of the beneficial properties.

Onions and garlic - best friends potency. Onions suitable any - green, on, sometimes, Batun. It can be consumed in various dishes, or separately. From garlic you can prepare a special means for men. A three-liter bank is taken, a finely chopped garlic (1 kg) is placed in it, the bank fills up to full boiled water and insisted within a month. During the insistence of infusion, you need to shabby every day. After that infusion you need to take 1 teaspoon per day, drinking a glass of milk. This tool must be taken as long as your three-liter bank will empty. Garlic Removes vessels, enhancing blood circulation and rejuvenating organism. If applied such «Therapy» Once a year, you can significantly increase the potency and extend the life.

But it is better not to eat...

Bread and sausage are not very useful for potency
Our site could not but not say about the products of useless and even harmful to potency, because many of them enter our daily food.

Coffee, Cola, energy drinks give only temporary effect. On the one hand, they strengthen sexual attraction for a while, but on the other hand, with frequent use of these beverages, the load on the heart and vessels increases, the risk of thrombosis, heart attack arises.

Pasta, potatoes are carbohydrates that give us fast saturation, but completely useless for potency.

Bread can be useful and harmful to male power. The most useful bread - rye or cut, in these varieties of bread contains vitamin B needed for stable erection. But the soft white bread from refined flour does not give our body of useful substances.

Sausages, sausages, sausage - it seems to be meat, but there is practically no benefit from it. These products contain so many preservatives, color locks and other chemicals that there is nothing about benefit...

In conclusion, I can say that not only products, but also sport, sufficient physical exertion and fresh air act positively.

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