Symptoms and lesteriosis treatment


  • Liseriosis
  • Symptoms and flow of lumberiosis
  • Treatment of sheetsteriosis

  • Liseriosis

    Liseriosis - infectious disease from a group of zoonoses;
    characterized by polymorphism of clinical manifestations. Acute forms proceed
    In the form of purulent meningitis, meningoencephapitis, sepsis, chronic - more often in
    The form of recurrent inflammation of urinary tract. Prevailing alimentary
    Path infection.

    Listeria - short gram-positive
    Wands, aerobes that are resistant in external environment sensitive to penicillin,
    Tetracycles, erythromycin, leftomycetin. The gates of infection is mucous
    Sheath of the digestive tract. In some cases, healthy carrier arises
    Lishery. In the penetration of licenses in blood can develop a septic disease,
    When driving in the central nervous system (central nervous system), meningitis or meningoencephalitis occurs. Listeria can be long
    persist in the kidneys, which matters in pregnant women (possibly intrauterine
    Fetal infection).

    Symptoms and flow of lumberiosis

    Symptoms and lesteriosis treatment
    The incubation period lasts 2-4 weeks.
    The sharp shapes of letteriosis begin suddenly: chills, body temperature rise,
    Headache, irritability, muscle pain. The disease often flows with
    Exanthema. Large-roasted rash or erythematous, thickened in the field of large
    joints, on the face forms a figure «Butterfly». For ferrous forms, in addition,
    An increase and pain of peripheral lymph nodes appears. At
    Nervous forms observed meningeal symptoms, and sometimes signs of encephalitis.
    Cerebrospinal fluid is purulent. Liver and spleen are increased.

    Sometimes the symptoms of acute appear in the clinical picture of lisheriosis
    Gastroenteritis, Pelitis, Endocarditis. Liseriosis of newborns takes place hard,
    With mortality up to 50%. There are high fever, shortness of breath, cyanosis, inflammation
    upper respiratory tract, specific lemary pneumonia, often complicated
    purulent pleurrites. Liver and spleen are enlarged, individual patients appear
    jaundice, sometimes excanthema. CNS is often involved (central nervous system).

    In chronic forms of layeries can be long
    in the human body, without causing severe clinical changes. Sometimes they
    cause aggravation in the form of light flu-like diseases or exacerbations
    chronic pelitis. With the weakening of the body (treatment with corticosteroids, immunosuppressants)
    They can cause an aggravation flowing in the form of severe generalized infection.
    Clinical diagnostics is difficult. The most convincing proof of the disease
    is the selection of the pathogen from the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, oily
    Waters, Washing Zeva. Serological study is less important because
    Leasery in antigenic relations are similar to other microorganisms.

    Treatment of sheetsteriosis

    With sharp forms of layeriosis prescribed antibiotics
    Tetracycline group of 0.2 - 0.3 g after 6 hours for 7-10 days, Penicillin
    (400,000 units 4-6 h), erythromycin (0.25 g after 6 h) for 8-10
    Days. In the treatment of pregnant women in the first 3 months, tetracycline is not prescribed (danger
    teratogenic influence).

    Forecast for ferrous forms favorable. In pregnant lamines
    can lead to severe fetal lesions. After lemiosic meningoencephapitis
    There may be persistent residual phenomena from the CNS (central nervous system).

    Prevention. Fighting lesteriosis of farm animals.
    Pregnant women working in animal husbandry temporarily transferred
    Out of contact with animals. Specific prophylaxis has not been developed.

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