Physiotherapy and laser treatment


  • The concept of physiotherapy
  • Indications for physiotherapy
  • Laser treatment
  • Indications for the use of laser therapy
  • Laser therapy of blood
  • The main contraindications for the use of laser therapy

  • The concept of physiotherapy

    Physiotherapy (synonym Physical therapy, physical therapy, physiology) - the area of ​​medicine that studies the physiological and therapeutic effect of natural and artificially created physical factors and developing methods of using them with preventive and therapeutic goals, as well as a set of physical treatment methods and their practical application.

    Physiotherapy is one of the methods of treatment, which uses non-chemical factors (medicines), and physical components - currents, magnetic fields, laser, ultrasound, etc.

    Indications for physiotherapy

    Physiotherapy in medicine, like medicinal therapy, is selected individually depending on many of many people and his illness. Physiotherapy is good because it helps and complements the treatment of states that are not always well amenable to traditional therapy:

    • Fast processes after surgical operations
    • pain syndrome
    • Chronic inflammation of appendages and uterus
    • Preparation for extracorporeal fertilization and pregnancy at all
    • Uterine hypoplasia and genital infantilism
    • Menstrual violations
    • Mastopathy
    • State after operations
    • diseases of the spine and joints
    • Injuries of the bone-muscular apparatus
    • Urological diseases

    Physiotherapy and laser treatmentPhysiotherapy - a very effective method of treating chronic inflammation and adhesions. Procedures are impossible to describe, there are a lot of them, physiotherapy should be selected individually, depending on very many circumstances. Physiotherapy allows you to soften the adhesive structures, make them thinner and stretchable. This will reduce or completely stop pain, puts the intestinal function, which is now pulled by spikes, the specific physical factor is selected individually, depending on the age of concomitant diseases.

    The optimal effect is achieved with a combination of physiotherapeutic effects with manual techniques and primarily with massage.

    It must be remembered that physiotherapy is not surgery, it cannot completely «dissolve» Spikes. They will remain, just become softer. Therefore, if after a full-fledged course of treatment of symptoms (pain, violation of the intestinal work) will remain, maybe you will need an operation to dissection.

    In the hands of a physiotherapy specialist - this is an excellent addition, and in some cases - the main or additional method of treating various diseases.

    It has been proven that the simultaneous impact of various radiation gives an enhanced therapeutic effect, fully compatible with drug therapy, it is distinguished by environmental purity, painlessness and safety.

    Laser treatment

    Laser therapy is a therapeutic effect on the human body by electromagnetic radiation of the optical range (light). Of the existing physiotherapeutic methods of impact on the human body, low-energy laser radiation is optimal for the following reasons:

    The therapeutic laser for energy parameters has an action that does not damage the biosystem, but at the same time this energy is enough to activate the processes of the body's life activity

    Laser radiation causes not only the local response of the body, but also has a general normalizing effect on the function of the whole organism, activates the biosystem

    Indications for the use of laser therapy

    Laser therapy effects:

    • Anti-inflammatory
    • anesthetic
    • Desensitizing (antiallergic)
    • Immocorregging
    • Regenerative (restoring)
    • Locating

    Perennial observations convincingly proved that when conducting quantum laser therapy, in addition to the local effect, the overall effect develops, and the body's overall stimulation is in general. As a result, sleep is improving, there is a feeling of tide of strength, the tolerance of physical exertion increases, the general condition and well-being improves, microcirculation is improved, the blood saturation of oxygen is improved, cholesterol level decreases and.D.

    All this is the basis for expanding the use of quantum laser therapy. The creation of generalizing methods can effectively add methods for treating specific diseases and enable independent use of quantum therapy in order to increase the immunity of the body, for a general investment effect on the body as a whole. Communicative methods can be useful at any age.

    Laser therapy of blood

    In addition to the general general (i.e., the overall impact on the body) and the zonal effect is possible blood treatment is possible (without damage to the skin). Blood is an active photo acceptor for the near infrared range, so with a small power flow density, high therapy efficiency is achieved. The non-invasive effect on the blood like monotherapy and in the complex treatment of various diseases is widely used. It is important that blood treatment can be produced in the zone of large vessels, as close as possible lying to the surface of the skin: carotid artery, subclavian artery, axillary artery in the axillary depression, elbow arteries in the areas of elbow bends, femoral arteries in the field of femur triangles, T.E. in close proximity to the place of the problem.

    Non-invasive effect on blood has a number of significant advantages over intravenous laser influence:

    • No skin damage and vessels
    • No pain and discomfort
    • No need for disposable systems and fibers, sterility procedure
    • No damage to blood cells due to low power flow density

    The main contraindications for the use of laser therapy

    Absolute contraindications to laser therapy are emergency conditions (surgery, therapy, obstetrics, gynecology and t.D., When you should contact urgent or ambulance).

    Relative contraindications to laser therapy:

    • oncological diseases
    • pregnancy
    • Heavy endocrine diseases, for example, nodular forms of goiter, insulin-dependent diabetes, diancefal obesity, etc.
    • Renal, liver failure, blood circulation deficiency, respiratory failure (in the decompensation stage)
    • Urol and bile disease (treated only under the supervision of a doctor
    • Facial states
    • Fevering states of obscure cause
    • Psyche and other diseases on the background of psycho-emotional arousal
    • Heavy blood illness

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