Chronic cholecystitis in children


Chronic cholecystitis in childrenChronic cholecystitis in children — Disease of the gallbladder,
characterized by the development of inflammatory and dystrophic processes,
leading to violation of the function of the organ. Clinical picture chronic
Cholecystitis consists of relative well-being (remissions),
alternating with periods of exacerbation of the disease.

Since chronic
Cholecystitis in children basically proceeds in an erased form, often it remains
unnoticed, gives you to know about yourself in an adult life when in the bustling bubble
Stones are formed. 5-10% of adult patients are diagnosed beamy
chronic cholecystitis «originally from childhood».

Causes of chronic cholecystitis in children

  • Availability
    Chronic infection in the body (chronic tonsillitis, caries,
    Pyelonephritis and other.). Chronic cholecystitis often becomes sharp, not
    until the end of the cured process.
  • Diseases
    digestive organs, such as pancreatitis, colitis, krone disease.
  • Dysfunction
    gallbladder, bile ducts and sphincter Oddi.
  • Anatomically
    An unfavorable location and proximity of the output ducts of the pancreas
    and bile duct (enzymatic cholecystitis).
  • Allergic
  • Endocrine
    Diseases (obesity).
  • Helmintoses,
  • Violations
  • Physical
    and psycho-emotional overvoltage.

Symptoms of chronic cholecystitis

The disease develops gradually, flows for a long time. For
Remissions (improvements) are characterized by headaches, increased fatigue,
Disruption of appetite and sleep, the pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, dark circles under the eyes,
Permanent subfebelitis, impaired heart rhythm, oscillations
Arterial pressure.

Typical of chronic cholecystitis symptom — pain in
Belly, usually stupid, noving, which occurs 30-40 minutes after meals,
as well as nausea, heartburn, belching, bitterness in the mouth.

Children of school age are often complaining of pain in the right
side after physical education, weight lifting. Sometimes pain provoke
Stresses, for example, on the exam, its appearance contributes to colds and exacerbations
other chronic diseases.

The aggravation of chronic cholecystitis is characterized
the occurrence of an attack of bile colic. The pain is acute, giving
lower back, shovel, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, lasts from 30 minutes before
an hour and more. After the attack of the child, it is bothering the gravity in the right
hypochondrium and epigastry.

Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder leads to a violation
The works of the liver. The liver increases, protrudes from under the right edge arc,
It becomes painful. Some children develop jaundice.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis

  • Antibiotics are prescribed only in the period
  • Sulfanimide drugs are used at
    intolerance to antibiotics.
  • Nitrofurans are shown when giardiasis.
  • Spasmolytiki.
  • Choleretic drugs depending on the type
    Dyskinesia of the gallbladder (choleretics and cholesis).
  • Tubai in Demyanov.
  • Preparations of bile with substitution.
  • Sedatives are used when
    The emergence of neareegetative and psycho-emotional violations.
  • Plant preparations, gently corrective
    bile exchange.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis

Chronic cholecystitis in children
It is important to provide a child healthy, full sleep,
Long stay in the fresh air, physical activity and regular
Full-fledged gentle nutrition.

With such a disease like cholecystitis in children, diet number 5, namely it is shown
In this case, frequent, fractional food in small portions in
Strictly defined time. From the diet are excluded canned food, salty, smoked,
Roasted, Fatty dishes, carbonated drinks. Conferants are contraindicated
Products, Drink, Ice Cream and Any Cold Food. Child needs sufficient
Number of vegetables (beets, eggplant, pumpkin) and fruits, including dried fruits
(kuraga, raisins, prunes, melon, watermelon) due to frequent constipation. In any case, with cholecystitis in children, the diet should be compiled, taking into account the individual portability of food.

After an element of inflammation, a different child is appointed
Physiotherapeutic procedures: Industothermia, diathermy, currents, mud
Appliques, Oxygen Therapy, LFK, Massage. 3 months after exacerbation
It is recommended to continue treatment in a sanatorium with mineral waters.

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