Magic Massage Power. Part 1


  • Warm, warmer, still warmer... Or why need a massage?
  • Chinese or Swedish?
  • Saw and blast you also need to be able to
  • Stroke
  • Trituration
  • Sensing
  • Polarming

  • Warm, warmer, still warmer... Or why need a massage?

    improves nutrition tissues and stimulates their work. Especially it concerns
    skin and subcutaneous tissue, i.e. acts locally. With active
    leather massaging is considered the top layer of the epidermis, it is cleared,
    Opening hasty and sweat ductures. There is a tide of arterial
    blood, massable place blushes and becomes warmer. But the massage is influenced
    positively and on the whole body. dont youMagic massage power. Part 1 noticed that coming
    Someone in the mountain, we lightly stroke his head, back, shoulders?
    Now it is proved that these involuntary movements reassuringly act
    on the nervous system, normalize blood circulation, the quiet,
    calm dream. If these stroking are vigorously, then you can
    cause the reverse reaction of the organism.

    Other experiences showed that weak
    pressure on the patient nerve (for example, with neuralgia) increases it
    Sensitivity, strong - reduces pain. Massage accelerates suction
    harmful products and derives them from the body. With the help of massage you can
    make or coal muscle and nervous fabric. All this talks about
    that massage is an extremely complex science requiring accurate knowledge
    Anatomy and reflexotherapy.

    With different diseases, experienced massages
    Use various techniques. They always take into account the fact that lymph
    collects harmful foods in the body and puts them in the gland (when
    painful states they swell slightly), where those are processed and
    Displays. Therefore, you need to know the direction of the Lymph current, skillfully squeezed
    Harmful substances B «trap», and not massage glands, releasing them
    back to blood and infecting the body. Experienced specialist with
    Massage just in a couple of minutes can remove a strong headache, lower the body temperature, strengthen urination, reduce the amount of blood sugar, calm the patient and inspire sleep.

    Chinese or Swedish?

    about massage came to Europe from the East. Maybe therefore it is believed that
    This massage is made only in China, India or Thailand (in the last
    Starting time in the advertisement section even the term appeared «Thai massage»). In fact, the same muscle groups are massaged (their
    We are about 450) and active points (about 2000). The only difference is that
    in the east, in the same Thailand, the massage culture is more ancient and
    Perfect. And if the massage takes Chinese woman or secretly, then she has,
    Most likely, it will turn out more skillfully than the European. They are better
    Owned massage techniques, in the same Thailand massage put on
    A commercial basis and brings many revenues from tourists to KazNU.
    Eastern massage is often made with medicinal oils, herbs. Sometimes
    It is combined with acupuncture.

    Chinese, studying the body
    Human, discovered that the vital energy flows in it by 12 meridians,
    having their oceans and sea energy. Knowing their position, you can move
    Energy is «Fruit» Ocean B «Mesle». Although
    Physiotherapists who helped me writing this article,
    warned our tourists to do in the east massage at the first
    counter. Many of them possess dark knowledge and vampire. By
    at least even traditional doctors admit that they were in their practice
    Cases when a completely healthy person who made several sessions
    massage in India, for incomprehensible reasons I became hopelessly sick.

    massage or, as they call it, Western makes focus on more active
    Physical effect on the patient's body. Methods are more often used
    Picking and easy blows.

    Shiatsu - Japanese School of Massage,
    implying effects to active points. For this you need
    Good to know the location of these points. Then you can quickly remove pain
    various origin, insomnia, fatigue, constipation.

    Saw and blast you also need to be able to

    The basis of any massage is five techniques that enjoy
    Masseurs regardless of their accessories to a particular school.


    Massage begins with lightweight and gentle skin strokes. This is
    affects venous blood circulation and lymphotok first in surface
    vessels, then in deeper. If the massable part of the body
    Painful, then the first days are limited to several seconds of massage,
    gradually bringing it to 3-5 minutes. Stroking starts just above
    painful place and the further hand leaves, the more intense
    Pressing - this is the outflow of blood from a sore place. Reception
    strokes start massage, they do, moving to another method,
    The session finish.

    Magic massage power. Part 1


    do in cases where it is necessary to crush pathological
    clusters in tissues (for example, bruising, exudate) and drive
    Contents in lymphatic vessels. Also rubbing is used when
    pain in the joints and with neuralgia, thereby causing blood flow to
    Patients with places. Technically, this technique consists of
    rubbing (as if we are trying to erase the stain on the skin, making circular
    movements in one, two or three fingers) and strokes (so we
    We guide the exudate in the Lymph current). At the same time, the skin of the patient lying under
    Masseur's fingers, should also move. Duration of rubbing -
    from 2 to 7 minutes.


    Receive kneading
    Masseurs are sometimes called felting. In this case, the impact
    It turns out directly to the muscles. Due to the kneading improves
    Muscle nutrition, the outflow of lymph and venous blood increases and is observed
    Influx of arterial blood. Before the kneading muscles and after necessarily
    Stroking strokes. Since most often massive most
    muscles, then this reception is carried out by two hands. Hands capture
    muscle group at an angle to the growth of fibers, raise it from the bone and
    rolling from the periphery to the center of muscles. Masseur does everything
    movements easily, not straining a brush, while watches the skin
    moved (rolled) together with muscles. This method is used for
    Massages of weak or atrophied extremity muscles. To receptions
    The kneadings include the so-called muscle sawmill. This is done rebier
    Palm, while the skin of the patient moves together with the brush.


    Pretty complex massage, as with varying degrees
    impact intensity can be achieved direct ability
    Results. The whole procedure lasts no more than 2 minutes. The effect is
    that blood flow to the tissues is intensified, their nutrition improves, and
    Due to the concussion of the muscular fabric, its excitement occurs that
    affects nerve fibers and lowers (and in some cases,
    on the contrary, increases) painful sensitivity. Reception of the cock
    Used to reduce pain in neuralgia, removal of increased nervous
    Sensitivity. Poaming is done in different ways, for example,
    flat palm, finger tips or hand clenched in fist. But only
    on the soft tissues of the patient, bypass from all bone protrusions!
    Pickuping the entire plane of the palm of the masseurs are also called
    patting. Light patches can be made on the back and on the chest,
    stronger - on the limbs.

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