The impact of ultraviolet radiation of quartz lamps on the body


  • The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the body
  • The use of quartz lamps in the treatment of diseases
  • Mechanisms of the action of quartz lamps

  • The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the body

    Ultraviolet radiation - carries the highest energy. In its chemical activity, it significantly exceeds all other parts of the light spectrum. At the same time, ultraviolet rays have the smallest depth of penetration in fabric - just 1 mm. Therefore, their direct effect is limited to surface layers of irradiated areas of skin and mucous membranes. The most sensitive to ultraviolet rays (photosensitivity) skin of the body of the body, the least - leather limbs. So, photosensitivity to the skin of the rear of brushes and stop 4 times lower than the skin of the abdomen and lumbar region. Leather palms and soles least sensitive. The sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is raised in children, especially at an early age.

    UV irradiation increases the activity of protective mechanisms, has a desensitizing (antiallergic) effect, normalizes blood coagulation processes, improves lipid (fat) exchange rates. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the functions of external respiration are improved, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, the supply of myocardium oxygen is enhanced, its contractile ability increases.

    The use of quartz lamps in the treatment of diseases

    The use of quartz lamps and ultraviolet rays in medicinal purposes with a well-chosen individual dose and a clear control gives a high therapeutic effect in many diseases. It consists of an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing (anti-allergic), immunostimulating, general fueling action. Their use contributes to the healing of the wound surface, as well as regeneration (restoration) of nervous and bone tissue.

    Indications for the use of ultraviolet radiation are acute and chronic diseases of the joints, respiratory organs, female genital organs, skin, peripheral nervous system, wounds (local irradiation), as well as compensation of ultraviolet insufficiency in order to increase the body's resistance to various infections, hardening, the prevention of rickets, Tuberculous defeat of bones.

    Contraindications - tumors, acute inflammatory processes and chronic inflammatory processes in the stage of exacerbation, bleeding, hypertension III stage, insufficiency of blood circulation II-III stage, active forms of tuberculosis, etc.

    Mechanisms of the action of quartz lamps

    The impact of ultraviolet radiation of quartz lamps on the bodyThere are several mechanisms for the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the human body. The main mechanism is nervously reflex. At the same time, radiant energy as an irritant acts through the skin with its powerful receptor apparatus to the central nervous system, and through it all organs and tissues of the human body. Part of the absorbed radiant energy turns into heat, under its influence in the tissues there is an acceleration of physicochemical processes, which affects the increase in tissue and general exchange.

    Photoelectric effect is a cleaving electrons and appeared positively charged ions that entail changes «ionic conjuncture» In cells and tissues, and therefore, the change in the electrical properties of colloids. As a result, the permeability of cell membranes and the exchange between the cell and the environment increases.

    The bactericidal effect of light, depending on the spectral composition, the intensity of the radiation is made up of the immediate effect of radiant energy on bacteria and an increase in the reactivity of the organism (the formation of biologically active substances, improving the immunological properties of blood).

    A lot of important role of quartzing is to direct the destruction of toxins, especially diphtheria and tetanus. In addition, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, skin pigmentation appears, increasing skin resistance to re-exposures. In the treatment of quartz lamps there is a change in the physicochemical properties of the skin (decrease in the pH by reducing the level of cations and increase the level of anions).

    Ultraviolet rays - the only source of vitamin D, which is responsible for the fortress of teeth and bones. Lack of vitamin D leads to rickets. Ultraviolet rays have a beneficial effect on people with skin diseases, such as psoriasis, acne, fungal lesions of the skin. Heliotherapy is recommended for diseases of the respiratory organs - bronchitis, rhinitis, adenoids.

    Ultraviolet effect has a positive psychological effect. Science is proved that this is the result of chemical processes occurring in the body. In bad weather, in winter, the light and ultraviolet fasting occurs due to the lack of endorphine - substances formed under the influence of light and signaling the brain that in the body everything is in order.

    Ultraviolet radiation has an active and versatile biological effect on the body. Penetrating the tissue to a depth of 0.5-1 mm, the rays lead to the activation of biochemical processes.

    The specific biological effect of ultraviolet radiation is the formation of endogenous vitamin in. An important property of ultraviolet rays is their bactericidal effect, which is based on direct impact on microorganisms.

    Quartzing applies:

    • To achieve light skin peeling
    • for resorption of infiltrates and seals
    • For the purpose of disinfection

    The use of ultraviolet rays in therapeutic purposes with a well-selected individual dose and a clear control gives a high therapeutic effect in many diseases. The irradiation of the quartz lamp is well valid for the exchange of substances, on blood circulation, enhances the body's resistance to various diseases of infections. With the help of quartz sessions, you can deal with some unsuccessful skin diseases.

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