Copending of relatives drug addict


  • How is the copender of man
  • Getting rid of copendionship

  • Capacity is called psychological features of relationships between the addict and one (more often) or both parents who cause sharp injuries in the psychological state of the latter.

    How is the copender of man

    You lose your own «I». Whatever you do, your thoughts are constantly returning to the child. Whatever you say, you think about what he will answer. You lose your interests, and therefore many friends, because you are not up to them now. You can't focus on work, because the question torches you: what's going home? Even telling close people about yourself, you constantly switch the conversation on your own child. You are not able to control your own emotions, because you no longer own. You are in the whole of the child.

    From the desire to control the situation due to the lack of forces, you can easily go to the demonstration of your own helplessness, and sometimes to threats and direct aggression. Control is useless and ineffective, it does not lead to any positive result. The child still uses drugs, you still suffer from your own impotence and inability to change anything.

    Copending of relatives drug addict
    Your self-esteem and self-esteem falls. You ourselves ourselves. All past life seems to you a chain of wrong actions, actions and own mistakes.

    How do you sacrifice. You have taken the role «Professional rescuer». But since in your situation, it is practically impossible to cope with this role, because you do not leave the right to your own child to take responsibility for his actions on yourself, then you unconsciously pushing the child to the reuse of drugs. Do not notice yourself, you reproach the child in their ruined life. You constantly demonstrate to him your efforts: «See how I try…».

    A drug addict, characterized by extreme egocentrism, happily accepts such a model of relationships. He gladly gives you all his duties and enjoys your sufferings. So out «Rescuer» You turn B «Sacrifice».

    What happens to your health. As you are in constant stressful state with a clear predominance of negative emotions, you are inevitably covered by depression and despair. Against the background of every second anxiety, various psychosomatic disorders and neurosis arise. Many parents of our patients develop various cardiovascular diseases, a tendency to hypertension appears, a sharp decrease in immunity, which causes the high risk of colds and infectious diseases, as well as insomnia, depression, ticks, obsessive states, and sometimes suicide attempts.

    How your body is protected from nervous overload. Your body and first of all, your psyche tries to protect against the psychological consequences of family «Military Actions». After all, you train your own suffering and suffering from people close to you every day. Therefore, your body is looking for all new ways to protect. Trying to protect your own «I», You are gradually starting to live in the reality themselves. You start to see only what you want to see, hear only what you want to hear. This is immediately trying to take advantage of your child. After all, you are so easy to deceive.

    Getting rid of copendionship

    • Clearly, on points, determine the duties of the child in the family
    • From today, he himself, and only he is responsible for drugs and his condition, for his ability or inability to learn and work. Let him understand not only words, but also actions that you are now engaged in your own problems
    • Create an emotional atmosphere in the family, in which the child would like to come back home
    • Try to convince the child in the need for drug abuse.

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