Alcohol myths


  • Myth 1. With the help of alcohol you can quickly warm up.
  • Myth 2. Alcohol enhances appetite.
  • Myth 3. Alcohol relieves stress.
  • Myth 4. Alcohol improves performance.
  • Myth 5. Alcohol lowers blood pressure.
  • Myth 6. High-quality alcohol harm does not cause.
  • Myth 7. Alcohol — Medicine from cold.
  • Myth 8. Beer — This is not alcohol.
  • Myth 9. Alcohol is not Calorien.
  • Myth 10. Need not to drink, but to eat.

  • Myth 1. With the help of alcohol you can quickly warm up

    Alcoholic beverages are often called hard. Why? People are confident that alcohol has a warming effect. And for a frozen person, a sip of something strong — The best medicine.

    This approval contains only a small truth. The fact is that when cooling, approximately 50 grams of vodka or brandy helps. They expand the vessels and normalize the blood supply to the internal organs. The following doses of alcohol enhance the blood flow in the skin. She blues, a pleasant feeling of heat appears. But it is very deceptive — After all, in this case the heat transfer is enhanced, and the body begins to cool even more. And a person persists a subjective feeling of complete well-being. So the warming effect of alcoholic beverages is very exaggerated.

    Myth 2. Alcohol enhances appetite

    Alcohol really excites appetite. But the appearance of a light feeling of hunger provoke only strong drinks, and even then small amounts of them. We are talking about 20-25 grams of vodka. It affects the center of saturation and activates it. All this process takes 15-20 minutes, no less. So drinking for appetite right before meal is incorrect. After all, in a matter of seconds, hunger will not appear: it takes a longer time.

    Besides alcohol before eating — also not the way out of their position. Alcohol will aggressively behave in relation to the mucous membrane of the hungry stomach. It will suffer from hydrochloric acid, the production of which will also increase. As a result, the development of gastritis is possible. Whether the high price is not too much to eat with the appetite?

    Myth 3. Alcohol relieves stress

    Often tired people try to raise themselves with alcohol. But in most cases it is done wrong. After all, you need to drink quite a bit — 20-30 ml of vodka or brandy or 40 ml of wine or martini. Such small doses remove the internal stress and help relax. What, in general, corresponds to the concept - remove stress. Unfortunately, most often for this purpose are used much more weighty volumes of alcohol. And here the script can develop two ways. First — Fatigue is aggravated, the mood is reduced, a peculiar depression appears, which only enhances the feeling of internal fatigue. Second — This is an alcoholic euphoria, which also inevitably ends with depression. Neither in no case about the release of stress to speak. So if you get rid of this attack with alcohol, then you need to do it with the mind.

    Myth 4. Alcohol improves performance

    Many are confident that under the influence of alcohol, it works easier than usual. It's not about the average and the more not about severe intoxication when all reactions and feelings are dulled. This refers to an easy degree in which mental processes are activated. But such a feeling is absolutely subjective, and it was recently proven by Australian scientists. With the help of experiments, they came to the most interesting conclusions. It turns out that in slightly intoxicated people, the speed of thought and motor reactions can indeed increase. But these reactions are often erroneous. In addition, even small doses of alcohol cause a decrease in the concentration of attention and deterioration of the quality of conclusions.

    So it's more expensive to work under degree. Maybe work and will be completed faster, but it will certainly have a different kind of mistakes.

    Myth 5. Alcohol lowers blood pressure

    Many hypertensive think that it is possible to lower the pressure using alcohol. He, they say, expands the vessels… In this statement there is a share of truth — Small doses of alcoholic beverages really relax the tone of the vascular wall. But along with this, they strengthen the heart rate. And the blood pressure directly depends on the blood volume, "Pustained" In the bloodstream. Than this volume is larger, the pressure above. Therefore, alcohol in no way can be considered a medicine from hypertension.

    The situation is also aggravated by the fact that many alcoholic beverages contain biologically active substances. These compounds themselves can influence arterial pressure, and in most cases unfavorable.

    Myth 6. High-quality alcohol harm does not cause

    Any alcohol has a toxic effect on the body. This is due to the fact that one of the disintegration of ethyl alcohol — Acetic Aldehyde. ON something and creates various inconsistencies in the body. But poor-quality alcohol affects the body even worse. After all, cheap hot drinks do not pass proper purification, they contain the fusion oils, which are many times amplifying the toxic effect of alcohol. The same can be said about the drinks of home production. And it seems to be good water used, and environmentally friendly fruits or berries, but still a drink is much more harmful than a similar purchase. And all because at home the alcohol clean is very difficult. Of course, preference should be given to famous and expensive brands, but do not think that they will not affect health.

    Myth 7. Alcohol — Medicine from cold

    Many tremble from cold vodka — with apples, with honey, with something else. It is believed that such a drug and temperature reduces, and the runny nose stops, and the pain in the throat reduces. Where did this belief come from — nobody knows. However, many for some reason are sure that this is an old Russian recipe and that all our ancestors were treated in a similar way. It is possible that Rusii fought cold with vodka. An important thing is important — Modern medicine of this method does not recognize.

    First, immunity firewater in no way improves.

    Secondly, alcohol is not the best way to affect the inflamed throat. It begins to hurt after treatment even more. So believe in the healing force of vodka is not necessary. But a small amount of heated red wine can drink. It, at least, has the ability to stimulate the body's immune system.

    Myth 8. Beer — This is not alcohol

    Alcohol myths
    Now many people think that once beer is a low-alcohol drink, it does not affect health. This is a catastrophic delusion. In beer really not a lot of alcohol. But it does not mean that this drink is harmless. It is also alcoholic, and therefore it is addictive.

    No wonder in recent times, more and more often, doctors talk about the so-called beer alcoholism. In addition, the hint drink is very bad on the liver and heart. These organs undergo rebirth and begin to function well. Considering all this, in no case can not be treated for beer as lemonade. It is impossible to absorb him daily by liters. Such a thoughtless will be very quickly affected by health.

    Myth 9. Alcohol is not Calorien

    Many women count all calories eaten. And dried calories do not take into account. Meanwhile, alcohol has a very high energy value, and the stronger the drink, the fact that this value is more. High this indicator at vodka. The last nutritional properties does not possess, calories are brought only by alcohol. That is why they are very difficult to get rid of them.

    A little different things about the wine. The energy value of this drink is partially due to carbohydrates that are easily cleaving and easily burned. So wine does not affect the appearance.

    And nevertheless any alcohol is very caloriene. This rule does not know the exceptions, so before drinking, you need to think not only about your health, but also about the figure.

    Myth 10. We must not drink, but to eat

    Most of us are confident that strong drinks must certainly eat. And in no case to drink them. But this statement is not quite right. Here you need to clarify which snacks are meant — Hot or cold. The last weakly neutralize alcohol, it is pretty quickly absorbed into the blood. The same thing happens when a person drinks alcohol. So in this sense, juices, compotes, morsions can be put on one stage with fruits and vegetable salads.

    A completely different things are with hot and greasy dishes, for example soups or stew. Those suppress the absorption of ethanol, reduce the severity of intoxication and therefore are considered the best appetizers. No wovers compare with them.

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