How to check the quality of alcohol


  • We look at the bottle - price tag, label, transparency.
  • Wine has already been bought - how to determine its quality?

  • How to check the quality of alcoholWe look at the bottle - price tag, label, transparency.

    First of all, you need to look at the price tag. Present, high-quality wine can not cost 50 rubles. Too low price immediately should alert buyer.

    Then pay attention to Label. First, not to buy "Kindzzor" instead of "Kindzazrauli". Secondly, to make sure that it is indicated all that should be indicated. We also look for content on the label in the wine sugar (sugar is not indicated in dry wines, because it is not there), the growth icon, the code of the certification authority, in which wine was identified, the name of the manufacturer and its full address. And necessarily GOST (GOST-R 7208-93 "Vintage grape and wine materials grapes treated. General technical conditions"; GOST-R 51165-98 "Russian champagne. General technical conditions"; GOST-R 51158-98 "Wine sparkling. General technical conditions").

    On the collapse (label on the neck of the bottle of march wine) should be specified the year of manufacture of drink".

    Finally, you can check the wine yourself. By sending a bottle of artificial light, turn it over with the neck down and pay attention to the character of the sediment. His excessive amount should alert. In march fault, a sediment of wine stones is allowed, but it should not completely cover the bottle. "Correct" The precipitate has a dense consistency, settles faster than "wrong" impurities". True, this method of determining the quality is completely not suitable for wine spilled in packages.

    Wine has already been bought - how to determine its quality?

    Excessive quantity oils in vodka can be easily detected using sulfuric acid. Mix a small amount of vodka bought with dilute sulfuric acid in a ratio of 1: 1, and if the mixture turns, it's not worth drinking such vodka. By the way, sulfuric acid other inxisals "Commodity producers" Add to weak vodka to increase the fortress – Lowned in a similar drink Blue Lacmus Puble Shoulder Immediately.

    It is not difficult to estimate the quality of alcohol used in the production of vodka. To do this, it is necessary to take pure alcohol and breed it with boiled water to the fortress of the vodka checked, which will fly to another flask in an amount equal to the number of diluted alcohol. In a ratio of 1:10, it is necessary for this volume in the same vessel at the same time add a weak solution of manganese.

    Vodka and diluted alcohol should ideally become painted at the same speed. The faster the vodka acquires the color of the manganese, the worse the alcohol used for its production.

    And how to distinguish the present grape wine from a fake with aniline dye? Pour wine in a small bubble, clamp the neck with your finger, lower the water vessel, after which you let go of the finger. Natural wine will not be mixed with water. Otherwise – The faster mixing, the greater the fault of the impurities.

    In addition, the naturalness of wine can be determined using glycerol. If glycerin is splashing in natural wine, it sinks at the bottom of the vessel, while remaining colorless; If instead of wine – "compote", then glycerin is painted in shades of red or yellow color.

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