Children's rheumatism


  • Rheumatism
  • Treatment and care

  • Rheumatism

    Rheumatism — Disease of children's age. More often
    all sick 6—12-year-old children, very rare cases of the disease in
    The current of the first 3 years of life. Adult rheumatism at 75—80% represents
    a disease that began in childhood.

    It is believed that rheumatism is caused by one of the varieties of the microbe
    Streptococca. Repeated streptococcal pharyngitis, angina, and
    Foci of chronic infection (inflamed almonds, apparent nose
    sinuses, untreated teeth) allergenize the body, in connection with which any
    acute disease can cause characteristic of rheumatism
    Inflammatory phenomena. Therefore, rheumatism is called yet
    infectious allergic disease.

    The occurrence of rheumatism contributes to unfavorable household
    Conditions, especially raw and cold premises, also matter
    Physical and mental injuries and overvoltage transferred
    Diseases, incorrect diet (leaf of carbohydrates during protein deficiency
    and vitamins).

    Children's rheumatism
    Rheumatism usually begins after 1—2 weeks after transferred
    Angina, Scarletina, ORZ or other disease. The child becomes
    sluggish, his appetite disappears, complaints about fatigue and
    headaches. Temperature rises to 38—39°, The child sweats greatly.
    Complaints on joint pain and in the heart of the heart, sometimes on pain
    in stomach and heartbeat. Classic rheumatism is manifested in
    inflammation of the heart and joints. Pains appear in the joints, they swell,
    leather over affected joints warmer than in other areas. Usually
    Large joints are affected: knee, ankle, elbow, fad.
    As a rule, symmetric joints are affected. Pains are distinguished by volatime
    character, in one joint, inflammatory phenomena disappear, in another —
    Suddenly appear. After the start of treatment, the inflammatory process in
    joints are eliminated for several days, in rare cases
    preserved up to 2 weeks.

    In some cases, children can only make rheumatism
    Minor complaints of volatile joint pains, while
    inflammatory phenomena do not arise at all.

    Rheumatism in childhood can start and leak at all without
    Inflammation of the joints, hitting this, mainly the heart. Outstanding
    Russian pediatrician B. Kissel figuratively expressed that «Rheumatism licks
    joints and bites heart».

    Another sign of rheumatism in children is defeat
    central nervous system, which is expressed in «Saint dance
    Witt», or desire. Khorora usually develops slowly. Child
    becomes easily excitable, capricious, unmanaged, touchy, due to
    Every trifle enters the conflict, crying. Periods of depression
    quickly replace with increased mood. Movement becomes clumsy
    and unsure. Grimasi, limbs appear on the face, and sometimes all
    The body is exposed to spontaneous and non-coordinated twitching.
    The weakness of muscles is developing. Worsen handwriting, difficulties arise in
    Food time (the child can rush food past the mouth, drop forks and spoons and
    T. NS.), it becomes insensitive. Disorders may appear

    After the disappearance of clinical symptoms, the child is still within
    long time continues to remain emotionally unstable.
    Reduced performance. Any mental overvoltage can
    again cause aggravation of the disease.

    As noted above, rheumatism is distinguished by wave-like
    flow. Acute attacks of the disease (active phase) are replaced by intervals,
    When active manifestations of rheumatism are absent (inactive phase).
    Active periods can be repeated. Inactive phase usually lasts from
    several months to several years. With unfavorable flow
    rheumatism active periods follow one after another, as a result of
    Child develop severe heart lesions in the form of damage
    Cardiac valves (heart defects). In some cases rheumatism
    limited to one or two attacks, not leaving behind
    Significant heart lesions.

    Repeated rheumatism attacks occur more often during the first three years
    After the first transferred attack. Therefore, during this period it is very important
    accurate to comply with the prescribed mode.

    Treatment and care

    Treatment of rheumatism long. From both
    sick child and from parents it requires perseverance and
    sequences. In this regard, the active phase of rheumatism is better
    Treat in hospital conditions, after which continue at home. IN
    depending on the activity of the process and the possibilities of ensuring home
    Care, inpatient treatment take average 6—8, sometimes 10 weeks.

    After returning from the hospital, the child must be on the gentle
    mode. He is liberated from school at school for another 1—2 months. IN
    Homemade day mode necessarily includes day rest (at least 2 hours),
    Fresh Air Walks and Long Night Sleep. Food must
    Be rich in proteins and vitamins, contain less carbohydrates. IN
    The diet must be attended by fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Medicines that the child will take at home usually discharge
    The doctor who treated him in the hospital. 2 weeks after leaving the hospital
    The child needs to be left to the children's clinic to receive to
    cardiorevmatologist, and in the absence of this specialist — To district school
    doctor. The doctor will give further instructions regarding treatment. Child,
    suffering rheumatism, must be under constant dispensary
    observation of the doctor for another 5 years. After an acute rheumatic attack
    Child examine 1—2 times a month, in the future, depending on
    The nature of the course of the disease, — once a quarter or half year.

    Children's rheumatism
    Start going to school a child may not earlier than after 3—4
    months after the start of a sharp attack of rheumatism. In many ways this term
    Depends on the volume of heart damage and the flow of illness. Permission to
    Visiting classes gives a cardiorevmatologist. The doctor also relieves
    child from physical education for a period of at least 2—3 years. Children,
    suffering from rheumatism, at school are exempt at all from all sorts of
    physical exertion, including cleaning classrooms and t. D.
    If necessary, the child is given another day off a week.
    Preferably during the first year after the disease refuse to participate
    child in various circles and amateur activities.

    Rheumatism child can not along with classmates
    participate in educational and extracurricular work, it is quickly tired. except
    that usually it turns out that the child after a long disease
    significantly lags behind his classmates. All this, of course,
    adversely affects the psyche of the child and can cause him
    inferiority complex. And it can happen that the child in general
    Makes interest in classes. Yes, and the road to school can tire
    child. In connection with all this, the child suffered rheumatism,
    It is advisable to send to study at 1—2 years in a special sanatorium
    school. Despite the fact that the common school acts
    general education school program, training in it has a number
    Advantages: The duration of lessons is not 45, and 40 minutes, in
    There are two big changes; Children for a long time
    Fresh air, including changes. As a result, children are not
    tired by the end of classes. School has a solid routine of the day,
    Provided regular nutrition, day rest, all children are engaged
    physical education according to a special program and in accordance with the need
    Treatment (mud, physiotherapy, medication treatment and
    T. D.).

    If your child is not in a sanatorium school, but lives at home,
    Be sure to perform all prescriptions of the cardiorevmatologist. This is
    absolutely necessary to prevent a new attack of rheumatism.

    Usually during the first 2—3 years after rheumatic attack child
    To prevent streptococcal infection, injections are prescribed
    Penicillin durability preparations (Bicyllin), which
    Make 1 time in three weeks. In easier cases, treatment courses
    Bicillin is carried out within 6 weeks in spring and autumn, since it
    time danger sick rheumatism the biggest. Like the admission of all
    drugs, the use of bicillin can cause allergic reactions.
    Make sure whether the child does not complain after the injection,
    Does it have a temperature, does not appear whether the skin rash appears. At
    The emergence of these phenomena must report them to the attending physician.

    Moderate physical education classes have a beneficial effect on
    Cardiovascular system. But since the child is released 0T
    Physical education at school, you will have to drive it into the Cabinet of Medical
    Physical education in the clinic.

    The treatment of chronic infection foci is important
    contribute to the emergence of not only the first attack of rheumatism, but also
    Exacerbations of the disease. Therefore, 1 — 2 times a year to drive a child to
    tooth doctor and doctor ear, throat and nose. Dangerous for exacerbation
    rheumatic process and transferred diseases. About all
    Meaning the diseases immediately inform the cardiorevmatologist,
    which examines the child against rheumatism and if necessary
    Appoint additional treatment.

    After an acute attack of rheumatism, a child for 3—4 years can not be vaccinated. Exemption from vaccinations gives your attending physician.

    From recreational activities should be mentioned Summer Sanatorium
    Pioneer camps. A year after the acute attack of children suffering
    rheumatism, you can direct on sanatorium treatment for all-Union
    Resorts (Evpatoria, Kislovodsk and DR.). In solving these problems you also
    Cardiorevmatologist will help. Remember that every new attack of rheumatism
    still stronger the heart and in connection with this can cause
    Disabled children. Therefore, strictly follow the prescriptions
    attending a doctor, especially carefully follow the day and diet
    child, secure him regular stay in the fresh air and
    Regularly come with him on the control of the cardiorevmatologist.

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