The number of swallows and sharp alcohol poisoning is steadily growing. The center of Alkomed is the only Moscow clinic, which for the first time offers a unique service in the capital: booking a narcologist.

Statistics - the thing is convincing. The number of swallows and sharp alcohol poisoning is steadily growing. Poor-quality alcohol, desire to check the technology of manufacture «Firewater» And other reasons lead to frequent, sometimes destructive for the body, fatal cases of consumption of alcohol-containing products.
Narcagogov services for this reason become popular during «Started shirts». That's just on the eve of the holidays, almost all phones of good specialists are not available, and the cost of services increases at times.
The center of Alkomed is the only Moscow clinic, which for the first time offers a unique service in the capital: booking a narcologist.
According to statistics, 30 percent of people during the festive festivities will suffer from severe libations, 10 will not know where the holiday will hold and what will end in the evening, full of alcoholic pleasures. The remaining risk for themselves can get tremor syndrome, headaches, nausea, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
And help in the first days of the holiday, as a rule, wait for nowhere!
Think, it's not about you?
Do you know that the most frequent clients of drug doctors for holidays are those who are not dependent on alcohol? On the contrary, ordinary people are treated who are not lucky to spend a holiday without consequences. Remember the film «The Irony of Fate». After all, Lukashin did not drink at all! And what happened to him?
Praise your body. Make him a gift and book a specialist in advance. Even if you do not need help, you will know that you are protected!
Make it very simple:
- Call +7 (495) 925-05-64
- Let us know when it makes sense to ask you or your loved ones with your well-minded or even inform you in advance when you make sense to start saving.
- Be sure that despite the extraordinary workload of doctors in the New Year holidays, the drug specialists will be reserved for your health.
And where to learn the details and prices? Call us or read information about the withdrawal from the feed on the site.
24 Hour Phone Center «Alkeved» +7 (495) 925-05-64.
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