Arachnoiditis and headache - satellites or neighbors


  • Why does headache occurs
  • Cerebral Arachnoidit: Diagnosis

  • Why does headache occurs

    Arachnoiditis and headache - satellites or neighborsThe term arachnoidite is called the inflammation of the shells of the head and spinal cord, as a result of which their thickening is formed.

    Arachnoiditis of the brain is divided into convexital (engaging the surface of the brain) and basal (located on the base of the brain). Arachnoiditis cerebral shells is called cerebral.

    For cerebral arachnoidits are characterized by increasing headaches, more often celebrated in the morning hours or disturbing constantly. Headaches are due to the presence of intracranial hypertension.

    Intracranted hypertension is the edema of the structures of the brain due to any inflammatory processes in the brain. It can occur in the absence of signs of arachnoiditis. In addition, with cerebral arachnoid, symptoms of violation of the functions of the endocrine system, dizziness, weakness and numbness in the limbs and other, associated with the transition of inflammation from the shells on the adjacent brain fabric.

    Cerebral Arachnoidit: Diagnosis

    For diagnosis «cerebral arachnoidit» It is necessary to conduct magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. This method is currently the only evidence method of diagnosing a pathological process in brain shells. If the results of tomography did not reveal changes in the shells of the brain, then the diagnosis of arachnoiditis is not competent!

    Inadequate expanded diagnosis of arachnoids Without these tomography specifically began to attribute to all patients with long-term headaches. The presence of arachnoiditis.

    Especially crisis was the situation when the patients had violations of vision, and the diagnosis of basal arachnoiditis was exhibited, that is, the inflammation of the shells of the brain at the level of its foundation, where the visual paths undergo. In fact, the part of patients with violations took place the initial stage of multiple sclerosis or some other diseases. The defeat of the brain shells detected in violations of view is only a consequence of the spread of the inflammatory process to adjacent structures, and not an independent disease.

    Revision of representations regarding the diagnosis of brain arachnoiditis changes and the position of diagnosis in chronic headache as a whole. As the analysis of the previously set diagnoses of arachnoiditis shows, mainly under the mask of these processes hid neurosis with a decrease in mood. This approach and revision of the diagnosis, unfortunately, is often very negatively perceived by patients, many of whom have been in disabilities for many years and lived in a closed world of ideas about the presence of severe brain brain, which was actually not.

    Expanding information about many diseases - this time. The development of science provides a new view of the diseases that in the past seemed to be thoroughly studied. The difficulties for a doctor are obvious and, where instead of unnecessary and in most ineffective means for resorption of pathological changes in the brain, it is necessary to search for adequate state of patient drugs affecting the functions of the emotional sphere, to seek advice on a psychologist or psychotherapist.

    Therefore, if you have complaints about stubborn headaches and was diagnosed with cerebral arachnoiditis, it is necessary to conduct magnetic resonance tomography to confirm the presence of inflammatory lesions of the cerebral shells, psychological status is also important, consultation of the psychotherapist and conducting research of the functions of the autonomic nervous system.

    Even if, according to the tomography of the brain, signs of cerebral arachnoiditis are revealed, it does not mean at all that headaches are necessarily associated with the defeat of the shells of the brain. The fact is that inflammatory changes in the shells of the brain could have been formed a long time ago and not to have connections with the symptoms that are currently disturbing the person. To clarify the cause of headaches, it is necessary to conduct an echohetphalography and pass an inspection of the oculist to identify signs of intracranial hypertension. Intracranial hypertension can be a key manifestation of cerebral arachnoiditis and determine its manifestations in the form of headaches.

    For its treatment, special methods of therapy are used in the arsenal of neurologists. If the signs of intracranial hypertension are not identified, then the presence of cerebral arachnoiditis according to magnetic resonance tomography may not matter in the origin of headaches and it is necessary to use drugs affecting the functions of a psycho-emotional sphere, nootropics, need sanatorium treatment, physiotherapy, igloreflexotherapy and Other.

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