The composition of the children's first aid kit

Child diseases have a feature to stick us, parents, surprise. In the house where there is a child, must be a children's first aid kit. It is childish. First, because most of the drugs in such a first-aid kit are quite specific, and secondly, in order not to confuse the drugs with different dosages with each other.

The first 8-10 years of life of your baby you will be a little nurses and a little more doctors
Children's Diseases unpredictable and possess an unpleasant feature to stupid us, parents, surprise. A, hearing a child's crying or seeing his facial facial, the ability to act adequately and calmly assess the situation disappears at all. Even worse when the situation requires immediate reaction and delay threatens the baby's health. From how correct and timely will be the actions of parents, not only health, but also the life of a child may depend on. Therefore, it is necessary to simply accept the fact that the first 8-10 years of life of your baby you will be a little nurses, a little more doctors. After all, it often happens that it is necessary to ease pain or reduce the temperature, without waiting for a doctor examination, so parents should be able to quickly and correctly choose the appropriate drugs to first aid to the baby.

Where and how to keep a children's first aid kit

In the house where there is a child, must be a children's aid kit. It is childish. First, because most of the medications in such a first-aid kit are quite specific, and secondly, in order not to confuse the same drugs with different drugs with different, «adults» and «Childish», Dosages.

The first-aid kit is better to be placed in such a way that it is easily accessible to any adult place, while the baby has the opportunity to get to the first-aid kits must be completely excluded. Different drugs drugs: dressing material, antipyretic, analgesics, etc. It is better to keep together, with the exception of those drugs that require storage under reduced temperature - in the refrigerator.

The composition of the first aid kit - fixed assets

In the house where there is a child, must be a children's first aid kit
One of the most commonly used items in a children's first-aid kit is a thermometer. Both for newborns and for older children the best option will be an electronic thermometer - quickly, practical, convenient and, most importantly, safely. And if the thermometer demonstrates serious numbers of about 39-40 ° C, it is very important to reduce the temperature to a safe level of about 38 ° C. For these purposes, our site recommends always keeping in a children's first aid kit:

- alcohol (for wiping);

- Candles of antipyretic (Efferolgang, Cefekon, Viborol). It is important that the effect of the use of antipyretic candles will only if you enter a candle to a preliminary purified by 2 intestines;

- Antipyretic syrups (Ibufen, Nurofen, Panadol, Naz). Syrup acts, as a rule, quickly and noticeably facilitate the condition of the kid. Moreover, such syrups have a double effect: reduce the temperature and facilitate pain.

With pain syndrome, you need to start clearly understanding «where does it hurt», to effectively ease pain. Painty:

- Ottipaks drops (with ear pain);

- Panadol and Nurofen Syrup (Toothproof, Head, Traumatic Pain).

However, pain in the stomach is not recommended to dull with medicines or warm heating, as this may make it difficult to diagnose the causes of pain: appendicitis, Internal injuries, peritonitis.

Beginning flu or acute viral disease must be tried to stop even before the child will begin to cough, sneeze and temperature. Therefore, in the home children's first aid kit should always be:

- Bronchomunal children's (capsules). Enhances the body's immune response, reducing the time of the disease and significantly reducing the intensity of symptoms. If you take capsules at the very first signs of ORVI or influenza (frequent sneezing, tear and runny nose), you can and prevent the disease at all;

- Children's Anaferon (tablets);

- Nazivin drops (make breathing with a strong cold);

- tincture of calendula and propolis (for rinsing the throat at the first signs of angina or anory);

- Spray hexoral (relief of sore throat).

Unfortunately, bruises, abrasions, burns and scratches go to children more often than runny nose and cough. For urgent treatment of small cuts and wounds, our site recommends that use such means as:

- iodine alcohol;

- Diamond greens (in a pencil more convenient);

Children's first aid kit
- hydrogen peroxide;

- Bandage sterile;

- wool sterile;

- cotton wands (they are easier to clean the sucrovitz and pollution from the wound, as well as lubricate small scratches);

- leukoplasty in roll.

To provide first aid for any kinds of burns there is nothing better than a weak solution of potassium permanganate (simply mangalling). In a small bottle, you need to dilute the manganese in advance so that the solution was intensively pink. In place of the burn, such a solution is needed to pour a thin flowing - the pain decreases and education is prevented «bubble».

For children of any age relevance, associated with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea - frequent kids satellites from six months to 12 years. As a rule, intestinal disorders are associated with a problem «Dirty hands», But in this case, before the doctor's inspection, you can take measures to prevent dehydration:

- Smekt (powder, bred in water). The smectal solution in vomiting is better to give tiny portions - on a teaspoon, not more;

- reciprons (capsules);

- Activated coal (for children over 5 years old)

Auxiliary means

In the children's first aid kit there should be some & laquo; auxiliary & raquo; Funds, such as, for example, banks, mustard pieces, march for compresses, etc
If it is still possible to get sick and first aid tools are already useless, then in the process of treatment there may be necessary for some «Auxiliary» funds. For example, banks, mustard pieces, march for compresses and t.D. Every time you run behind these objects in the pharmacy, especially when the child is sick, and it is distinguished by buying problematic - an extra spending of time and strength. Therefore, in a children's first aid kit, there should always be pure and pre-prepared for use:

- Dispensers (measuring syringe, spoon);

- Clean with a soft and blunt tip;

- dozen mustard pieces;

- Tight, size is less than an old T-shirt or T-shirt. Such a T-shirt Our site advises to wear over compresses or after cans, mustard pieces, rubbing, which is very convenient. Tightly leaned to the body, it retains warmly warm and does not give the compress to shifts when the kid is spinning in bed;

- Several pieces of gauze or soft, well absorbent moisture x / b fabrics. Rolled several times gauze or fabric is convenient to use for compresses on the throat, ears, chest and back;

- Oil and alcohol camphor (for rubbing). One bottle is enough for 2-3 rubbing, so it is better to make a stock of 2-3 bottles;

- Soft scarf, to wind the throat after the compression. Good, daily wearable scarf for such purposes not really want to use, because after that the spots of camphor oil or honey are unlikely. Therefore, it is advisable to start a special «Compressive» Scarf, which can be wondering without remorse, tie and wrapped after the compression anything.

At first glance, the list of a large and children's first-aid kit, filled with these means, may seem very voluminous, but you can always hope that you will not need your baby from this list!

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