Treatment of furuncule at home

Such a fairly common and painful phenomenon like a furuncle (in the commoner it is also called the chirny), quite often finds a person by surprise. And there is a number of questions at once: how to treat why arose? In fact, the causes and methods of treatment have long been known. Let's consider them in detail.

What a furuncle looks like?

Treatment of boils, skin care, furuncul

Furunkul is an acute inflammation of the hair bag (follicle) and the surrounding tissues. Inflammation is definitely purulent, the surrounding fabrics are donated - this is called necrosis. Inside the furuncle, the rod is visible - painful red nodules, with necrosis in the center.

The main difference of Furunkula is that it arises only where there is a hair cover. That is, it can not arise on the palms or soles. Most often appears on the face, head, neck, in groin, on the back (usually the area of ​​the lesion is the loin). Quite often found on hands and legs.

The inflammation of the hair bag begins with itching, pain, inflammation in the zone of the defeat. Then a reddish painful nodule appears above the skin, which is accompanied by itching and fairly experienced pain. As the furuncle grows, the amount of infiltrate inside is rising, the region is blushing, the peripheral edema joins.

Causes of occurrence

List of reasons for which boils can form a furuncle, quite extensive. In the ancient India it was believed that the furuncle, which appeared on the human body, informs him about the problems in the body, and exactly where inflammation appeared. There are several most common causes of this disease:

  1. Insufficient compliance with the rules of hygiene and entering the microtraums of glorodular bacteria, most often it is stuffilococks.
  2. Sliding the body with products of disintegration of animal protein.
  3. Reducing immunity.
  4. Supercooling.

If in the first and last cases, everything is more or less clear, then in the second it is important to reduce the use of meat, and in the third best to contact the doctor. A single case of a furuncule is not dangerous (regardless of dependence, you treated it in a hospital or at home), but if it appears again and again - be sure to consult a doctor for advice, it is possible to carry out a complete survey of the body.

When you need to go to the doctor?

Treatment of boils, skin care, furuncul

You can also try to cure a furuncle at home, if it is not possible to go to the doctor. Treat the inflamed area of ​​the antiseptic, then impose an armband with ointment «Levomecol» And creep leukoplasty. This ointment is able to kill the microbes and pull the right from the lesion zone. Our site reminds that if you do not see improvements for two or three days, then you need to go to the hospital.

It is necessary to think about why a furuncle. Pay attention to your food, lifestyle. Perhaps small changes in it can fix a lot - get ready, reduce the use of meat, carefully follow the hygiene.

Folk treatments

Treatment of boils, skin care, furuncul

Test treatment of dough.

Furunculese - the disease is very ancient, we can say that it appeared along with humanity. Therefore, there are a huge set of recipes, how to defeat it. Let's start with the treatment of dough squeeze. The people are believed that this is a magical agent capable of rid of inflammation literally in one night.

Take one raw egg yolk, one tablespoon of honey (if it is thick, heals it in a water bath, just do not overdo it - from heating honey loses its properties), one tablespoon of melted cream oil and a little flour. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough until it becomes medium thick. Roll and attach to the furuncle by fixing the bandage. Put the remains in the refrigerator. Change the bandage three times a day. Treat treatment for two days (no less), even if you see a noticeable improvement.

Treatment onions.

One of the easiest and proven agents. Clean the top layer of the husks from the bulbs and place it in the oven until it bores until soft. Cool the bulb, however, it should stay warm. Cut into 2 parts and half attach to the furuncle, lock the bandage. Treatment to carry out until the pus does not follow the entire. Between changing dressings handle skin hydrogen peroxide. And change 3 times a day.

You can add grated soap to baked onions. Proportions must be 2: 1. Lock the bandage and leukoplasty, change once a day. Apply 2-3 days.


Treatment of boils, skin care, furuncul

Take a buckwheat and rent it in a pan until it will find green. After which there is a flour. Adding a table vinegar to it, knead until it turns into the dough. Next, the scheme is simple: consolidating the bandage, attach to the place of inflammation. Change twice a day. Treatment lasts 2-3 days.

Potatoes or carrots.

Sattail any of these vegetables in the raw form on the grater and apply to the furuncle until it is cleared of pus. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day and be sure to leave for the night.

Blood cleaning composition.

One tablespoon of nettle flowers to pour a glass of boiling water, insisted in a thermos for half an hour. Fluid liquid to drink three times a day by half a cup of half an hour before meals.

Furunculez prevention

To avoid the re-appearance of boils on the skin of the body, it is very important to carry out prevention. It is done very simple:

  • Observe the elementary hygiene rules;
  • Follow the formation of microtrams on the skin: cuts, bumps, abrasions - this is possible to avoid;
  • Avoid stress, depleting the body and nervous system;
  • Watch that chronic diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Warm dress up to avoid hypothermia;
  • Follow nutrition: It must be balanced and contain the necessary organisms of trace elements.

And be healthy!

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