Intercostal neuralgia - a fairly common disease. If the attack of neuralgia is provoked by osteochondrosis, spondyltrosis, muscle spasms as a result of overloads or colds, then in these cases a high efficiency in the treatment of neuralgia showed a new drug - therapeutic anesthetic anti-inflammatory plaster Nanoplast Forte.

Painted sensations in neuralgia are usually localized in the chest, but may be permanent in the chest, in the region of the heart, the stomach and are constant, and not an attack, as in heart disease, and not removed by drugs (for example, nitroglycerin). It is important to remember that severe heart pains can be a sign of myocardial infarction, so in the event of such pains you need to urgently consult a doctor.
Causes of intercostal neuralgia
One of the main reasons intercostal neuralgia are various spinal pathologies: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, spondyltrosis, resulting in pinching nerve endings, which leads to pain. Treasured injuries may also provoke the attack of neuralgia, as a result of which the ribs, muscle spasms, and, as a result, patching the intercostal nerves. Intercostal neuralgia can also provoke some common diseases (diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders, etc.)
Treatment of intercostal neuralgia therapeutic plaster Nanoplast Forte
Usually Treatment of intercostal neuralgia begins with the clarification of the diagnosis and determination of the cause of the disease. If the attack of neuralgia is provoked by osteochondrosis, spondyltrosis, muscle spasms as a result of overloads or colds, then in these cases a high efficiency in the treatment of neuralgia showed a new drug - therapeutic anesthetic anti-inflammatory plaster Nanoplast Forte. Its use is one of the innovative methods of treatment, as it has a healing anesthetic effect without adverse events. And you can apply it yourself at home.
Possessing all the advantages of the outer agent, therapeutic plaster of Nanoplast Forte has a longer validity period ? till 12 o'clock! The plaster is very convenient in use – You can stick it literally per minute. It does not interfere with movement, does not smell and not noticeable on the skin.
Anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect of the plastering nanoplast Forte is based on a combination of two factors: therapeutic effects of a constant magnetic field generated by rare earth magnets, and a deep soft thermal effect of a patch when contacting the body. As a result, local metabolism, blood and lymphaticism, which leads to the acceleration of the process of natural recovery of the affected area, is improved in the focus of inflammation. This means of a new generation effectively, safely and does not cause addiction.
Nanoplast Forte can be used both independently and in complex therapy in combination with other painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents. It enhances their effectiveness, reduces the dosage of these drugs and reduce the duration of treatment.
In case of intercostal neuralgia, therapeutic plaster of Nanoplast Forte is applied to the intercostal region (avoiding the hearts of the heart) or in the projection of the area of the exit of the spinal nerves strangled against the background of osteochondrosis, on the right or to the left of the spine in the chest department - depending on the localization of pain. It is possible to simultaneously use a plaster in the intercostal region (where pain is localized) and at the projection site of the corresponding nerve in the thoracic spine. It is usually recommended to use a plaster in the morning at 12 o'clock, but it is possible to apply it for the night. Duration of exchange rate treatment of intercostal neuralgia therapeutic plaster Nanoplast Forte − up to 9 days.
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