Prevention of radiculitis


  • Prevention of Radiculitis: Salt Baths
  • Prevention of radiculitis: compresses
  • Radiculitis Prevention: Bath
  • Prevention of radiculitis: self-massage in the bath
  • Radiculitis Prevention: Copper Medicines

  • Of course, it would be the easiest way to say: do not want to exacerbation of the disease - do not allow colds. Seek to this need, but in our climate it is difficult. Moreover, people suffering from chronic radiculitis, especially sensitive to weather popups. So what to do if you have triggered and your native radiculitis again knocked you out of the usual rhythm of life?

    Prevention of Radiculitis: Salt Baths

    Chloride sodium, or salt, baths well help under one condition: if you resort to this procedure constantly.

    Baths are divided by concentrations on:

    • Weak - from 10 to 20 g of salts per liter of water;
    • Average - from 20 to 40 g of salts per liter of water;
    • Strong - from 40 to 80 g salts on a liter of water.

    In the treatment of radiculitis, a bath is usually used in which 1.5-2 kg of salts dissolve. Such a bath is valuable in that it has a regulating effect on the main functions of the central nervous system, it causes an immunological restructuring and changes the course of many metabolic processes.

    The water temperature must be no higher than 35-38. Bath duration - from 10 to 20 minutes, frequency - every other day or two. The optimal course of treatment is 12-15 baths. By the way, such baths can be practiced not only when the radiculitis has already been played out for a joke, but also in preventive purposes. And they help not only with radiculitis, but also with other diseases, in particular hypertension.

    Prevention of radiculitis: compresses

    Compresses, or, scientifically, appliqués, - long-standing, but highly effective procedure. Acting reflexively on active zones and points, they normalize the work of neuromuscular elements and, according to the energy balance in the body. When they put a compress or annoy painful places at least by the same applicators who are sold now on the market, the so-called reflex arc occurs.

    In other words, receiving a signal from the excited zone, sensitive nerves transmit it to the spinal cord, and he really disposes to them at its discretion. There is a blood flow on an irritable area, energy circulation changes throughout the body. Medicine, sucking from the surface of the compress, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-observative effect, removes muscle spasms. Now what components can enter the compress. Consider only if you have any of the plants listed allergies. Then replace it with another.

    In winter, when chronic radiculitis helps well:

    • Compress: one part of aloe, two parts of honey and three parts of vodka;
    • From herbs for taking inside - yarrow, grain oats, flowers of pyzhma, flowers and kidney lilac, celery roots;
    • Next compress: radish + honey + vodka + salt. The same composition can be treated;
    • For rubbing - a bearish eye, wormwood flowers, lilac flowers on vodka, hop cones on a fatal fat or butter;
    • And one more time proven. Composition: LAVR + Juniper needles + butter.

    Radiculitis Prevention: Bath

    Prevention of radiculitis The bath is considered one of the effective preventive methods for the treatment of radiculitis in the period between attacks. The procedure begins with a warm soul. During the first approach to the steam room, which lasts only 3-4 minutes, ensure that the sweat just started separating.

    The second approach in the steam room lasts 7-8 minutes. At the time of the beginning of the sweating produce local warming up by a broom of the most painful places. For this, several times spend a preheated broom near the body, as if the heat peeled to it. After 10-12, such lungs are beginning to act more vigorously: rub the back and pat in the same broom along the entire spine, pressing and slightly «Humidifying» broom. In essence, this is the same applique.

    After the second navigation into the steam room, you need to make a small respite - just lie down for 10-15 minutes, the warmth is hidden. And having rested, it will not hurt to take a warm conifer and spend a massage session. It can be either a manual massage under water for 10-12 minutes, or a hydromassage of a painful area for 3-5 minutes.

    Immediately after the massage, several exercises should be performed on the stretching of the spine - for example, itching, having grabbed hands for the top of the door. After that, a little more rest - to lie down 5-7 minutes. And finally, the last occasion in the steam room. Do this time nothing special is necessary - just enjoy the bath.

    Practice is verified that the optimal number of such «Hikes» In the steam room it is three. After the latter, it is recommended to pour water temperature.

    Prevention of radiculitis: self-massage in the bath

    Can be carried out and with a special massager - «Tracks». Hygienic massage «Road» Performed after the second visits to the steam. It is necessary to start it from the muscles of the back, which are massaged and along the spine, and from it - to the sides. Make 5-6 such movements along, after which you can go to the transverse movements «Tracks». Runningly massage the back from the waist to the armpits - 5-7 movements.

    Before the massage is helpful «Provide», straightening the spine and muscles of the back. Do it better lying on the bench. Self-massage in the bath can be combined or even replaced by the energetic trituration of the body with a tough terry mitten. Massage always starts and ends with light stroke.

    Radiculitis Prevention: Copper Medicines

    This method of combating radiculitis roots goes to a distant past, but now has gained popularity again. For treatment, you can use 2-3-kopeck coins of the USSR until 1961. They contain a large amount of copper. The plates of the same size of pure copper - the so-called copper of vacuum. The effect increases if the plates pollate and break through the holes in diameter of 2-7 mm.

    Before applying the plate, you need to process - this process is called «Holidays of media». You can do this in two ways. First: The plates are calcined in a pan for 10-20 minutes, they give cool and carefully cleaned with sandpaper. Second: Copper discs for one hour are thrown into a glass with an aqueous solution of a cook salt - one tablespoon of salt on a glass of water; then dried and applied to the patient area of ​​the body. The effect is higher when coins «attract» Skin and under them after a while the spots of greenish color are formed. This phenomenon got the name of the symptom «Clutch».

    Good effect, by the way, gives not only copper, but also other metals. And depending on the disease, the alternation of metals is possible. So, when radiculitis, it is recommended to alternate copper and steel plates. And with severe copper pains can be replaced with silver. In winter, try to resort to such treatment constantly - and you will probably feel relief. Medicinal compresses will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

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