Siringomyeliya - Chronic disease and living hard with her. Therefore, humanity does not stop looking for decisions, how to heal this ailment. And the results already have. A huge step on this path is a surgical operation - dissection of the terminal thread of the spinal cord.

- The spinal cord is the organ of the nervous system, it passes inside the spinal column from the cranial hole communicating with the vertebral post, to the first lumbar vertebra. At all its length - from the base of the skull to the tailbone, which ends the vertebral pillar, - the sensitive and motor nerves come off from it. The structure of the spinal cord is the same as in the head, the central part of it, having a butterfly shape, consists of a gray substance with a predominance of nerve cells and a shell of white substance with a predominance of nerve fibers. The disease in which the cavity is formed in the spinal cord, similar to the cyst, is striking mainly gray matter and is called Siringomily, because the hole in the central spinal canal gives the spinal cord to the look of the flute (in Greek «Sirinks»). In most cases, the origin of this disease is unknown.
- What are the symptoms of this disease?
- Patients change sensitivity in any part of the body, most often in their hands, while the patients feel a touch, but do not feel the temperature of the items, therefore, without feeling pain, can get strong burns. Muscular weight is lost, and with it and physical force. Changes gait. Disease may result in disability.
- What reasons can cause this disease?
- Sometimes the causes of Siringomyseli can be established, for example, in case of injury, tumors, infections, a spinal cord blowing in the lumbar spine with such congenital diseases as «Spina Bifida» (split spine), meningocele or myelheningocele. But in most other cases, besides the aforementioned, it is not possible to determine the cause of Siringomily.
- What is the novelty of the approach to the treatment of Siringomysel, offered by the Barcelona Neurological Institute?
- The so-called idiopathic Siringomyelius, or Siringomyelia of unknown origin, from the point of view of some authors is associated with a violation of the outflow of the spinal fluid or the presence of a small back hole. Disorders of outflows really exist, but they are not so great to cause such serious lesions. In addition, the study of the part of the cranial box in which the cerebellum was concluded, no differences in the sizes in patients with Siringomysel and normally.
There are quite convincing arguments in favor of the theory that the clarification of the central spinal cord cells, associated with blood violation caused by the spinal cord, leads to Siringomily. The tension is transmitted through the end thread and its place attachment - the cockerel ligament. And the end thread, and the tailbag in an adult does not carry any functions.
In experiments with animals, it is proved that even with a slight tension of the spinal cord, its neurons cease to function, since the normal blood circulation is disturbed. A person has a tension, if it is strong enough, can reduce the blood supply to the central spinal cord channel; In this zone, important arterys supplying the spinal cord are undergoing, and there are centripetal artery, especially in the cervical department where an obstacle may be created. Violation of blood supply leads to necrosis, part of the spinal tissue dies, is captured by the intercellular fluid and forms the cyst in the central channel of the spinal cord. Actually this is called Siringomy. The disease was described 500 years ago, but the reasons for it still are not known.
- Now you can delay the development of the disease with a simple surgical operation - the dissection of one of two bundles creating a tension in the spinal cord. After that, the blood supply to the spinal cord is improved.
- Dissection of the terminal thread of the spinal cord eliminates the patient from all manifestations of the disease?
- Most symptoms of Siringomysel are associated with an irreversible lesion of the nervous tissue, and it is impossible to replace it. And although there is an opportunity to use nervous plexuses, and some cells and plexuses, let them stop working, but do not die and after improving blood flow can restore their function, bringing some relief of the patient, yet the earlier the tension of the spinal cord will be eliminated the better the forecast.
- What is an operation to disseminate the terminal thread?
- In case of surgical intervention through a small hole in the sacral bone, at the bottom of the back, where there is no probability of disrupting the mechanics of the spinal column, the terminal thread of the spinal cord is visible and the microsurgery method dishes. All operation takes about half an hour, and the patient's hospitalization is limited to one day.
- Are there any undesirable consequences of the dissection of this bundle?
- End thread form empty shells of the spinal cord in its lower part - lumbar sacrilate. The human embryo is a vertebral pillar and a spinal cord of the same length, and they are separated by the shells - solid, cute and soft. In the process of normal growth, the vertebral pillar of an adult is about 20 cm exceeds the length of the spinal cord. Shells that separate the spinal cord from the spinal column in the region of the sacrum and the waist, solid, web and soft, no longer contain the spinal cord and are assembled into something like a fibrous cord, forming a terminal thread; This is the end of the spinal cord resembles a sock that we pulled down to half, and the empty part of this sock can be cut off without any harm to the leg. In the same way, without any consequences, you can cut the terminal thread of the spinal cord in any part of it.
- Are there any other consequences of tension of the spinal cord?
- The tension of the terminal thread not only provokes Siringomily, but also generates a bent reflex leading to scoliosis in the spinal column. To avoid the tension of the spinal cord, it causes the lower brain department, the so-called brazeregull almonds, go down the downstream hole through which the cranial box is reported to the spinal column. This causes anomaly of Arnold Kiaari - the disease described 100 years ago, the reason for which still remains unknown.
- What happens to a pile of siringomyelia?
- In Siringomysel, the dissection of the terminal thread of the spinal cord delays the development of the disease. The cyst formed as a result of cells of the cells can remain unchanged, but may disappear when the spontaneous opening of the space surrounding the spinal cord, or shift to its central channel, where there is an ependymal channel through which the central spinal cord channel is communicated with the brain cavities. Symptoms of this disease are generated by the ignition of cells and toxic tumor exposure to cysts. The dissection of the terminal thread of the spinal cord has two beneficial effects: delays the motion of cells, which was caused by the tension of the spinal cord, and reduces the toxic tumor effect of cysts on the spinal cord.
- This method has already been used in the treatment of patients with Siringomyelia?
- Patients with scoliosis, Anomalia Arnold Kiaari and Siringomysel, were operated on, in some cases, all three diagnoses were combined. After surgery, an improvement in the state was observed, in some cases a very significant.
- For example?
- Male 25 years with Siringomyelia. Loss of temperature sensitivity in the left half of the body, a large siringomyeloid cyst in the cervical center of the central canal of the spinal cord. Six hours after the dissection of the terminal thread of the spinal cord, the patient's leading doctor recorded the full restoration of sensitivity, the improvement of the state continues until today, the effect lasts for 11 years. The patient has a warehouse manager in Galicia. Other doctors, to whom he addressed, at the sight of such significant lesions predicted him a complete disabilities two years after the diagnosis of Siringomily.
Or another case: a man of 32 years, suffered by all three diseases. In addition to other symptoms, the complaints of a trembling in their hands, which did not allow him to write. Significant improvement has come immediately in the postoperative period, and a month after the operation for the dissection of the terminal thread of the spinal cord, trembling and other symptoms have practically disappeared.