What is radiculitis



Radiculitis is the inflammation of the root of one of the cerebrospinal nerves.

Starts suddenly. It would seem, nothing foreshadowed trouble,
And suddenly: awkward movement - and sharply «Entered» in the back. Yes so that
tears from the eyes, and it is impossible to break up, it is impossible to get off. Those who
At least once in life it experienced, explain what is radiculitis,
not necessary.

If you believe the statistics, each suffers from the radiculitis
The eighth resident of the earth older than forty years. But, unfortunately, for the last
Several decades this disease has grown up. Today
Not only older retirees complain about radiculitis,
but also young people. Especially many among them professional
athletes and persons engaged in mental labor, such as those who
For all days sitting at the computer.

Causes of radiculitis

What is radiculitis
all the vertebrae there are holes through which from the dorsal
Brain waste nerves. If these nerves are damaged or inflamed -
Radiculit occurs. In about 95% of cases, radiculitis - manifestation
Osteochondrosis, and in the remaining 5% - the result of the solar injury
Spine, or hernia of intervertebral disks. And provoke the attack
Radiculitis can be awkward movements, lifting weights, sleep in uncomfortable
Pose or infection.

Chief sign
Radiculitis - Pain. What exactly will hurt, directly depends on,
In what department of the spine inflamed nervous root.

Cervical radiculitis
characterized by severe pain in the neck and head, cough and any movements
Head this pain is enhanced. In some cases, a person with cervical
radiculitis begins to spin the head, the ear is worsening, and appears
Sharing gait.

With a cervical radiculitis there is a sharp pain in the neck, shoulders and arms.

In the breast - the attacks of severe pain appear, which seems to be sinking the chest.

And finally, the most famous type of radiculitis is a lumbar-sacral. The one when «neither sit down». The loin hurts hell, especially when walking and inclons.

Diagnosis of radiculitis

You felt a sharp pain in the back, poison
for advice to neurologist. The main task of the doctor - to distinguish the radiculitis
from all other diseases that are accompanied by similar pains.
After the doctor listens to you and examines, he will definitely write down
Direction for X-ray studies of the spine. This is
The only way to appreciate how much and in what place is damaged

Treatment of radiculitis

If you twisted the radiculitis, and the doctor
not yet arrived, urgently go to bed. It is desirable that she was
Not too soft. Drink anesthetics tablet. Sattitude patient
lower back (or what hurts you) anesthetic ointment and good
Take a woolen handkerchief. Special treatment of radiculitis includes
Preparations, relieving inflammation, painkillers and warming
Funds (for example, bee or snake poison, bitter pepper tincture)
and T.D. For 1-2 days it is important to comply with full peace. Good effect
In the treatment of radiculitis, physiotherapeutic procedures have,
Medical Physical Culture, Massage and Manual Therapy. If radiculitis
turned out to be the result of the loss of the intervertebral disk, possibly,
The help of Surgeon will be required.

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