Treatment of radiculitis by folk remedies


Radiculitis, treatment of folk remedies

When the amateur gardeners comes a suffrating time, then
At the same time, doctors mark the outbreak of aggravation radiculitis. This is clear
- Sun is capened, but the wind is still cold, and after the winter
inaction physical exercises at the dacha immediately become too

For the diligent spring works on the country
many have to pay a shot, in other words -
Radiculitis. A universal healer will help you in the treatment of radiculitis -

Radiculitis begins suddenly with sharp pain in the area
Fucks. Most often this pain occurs when lifting weights or
sharp movement with tilt forward and turn to the side. She can
give to the hips or buttocks, can shoot the whole leg to the foot.
The face occurs in a person of any age, but with timely
treatment radiculitis passes without a trace.

Our ancestors accumulated
Huge experience in the treatment of radiculitis, which is most often provoked
cold and physical labor, especially in raw and cool time.
One of the main places in the treatment of radiculitis occupies honey and others
Beekeeping products.

Treatment of radiculitis by folk remedies
An unusually effective means for
Raikulite treatment are wax applications. Beeswax
Musture in a water bath. Previously in a sick place check,
Can a person can withstand this temperature. If not, wax a little
Cool. Greased the sore place with proprolis, rapid or fir
Oil, top with a wide painting brush impose a layer behind the layer
hot wax. On top compress closed with a woolen blanket and keep it
to full cooling. The hot procedure, but the result of treatment
A patient patient will be immediately noticeable: it may be enough
One procedure.

Very good with radiculitis help honey
mustard pieces. It uses a mixture prepared from equal parts
Honey, sunflower oil and pharmacy of propolis tincture. Received
Mass are densely applied to sheets of paper, the size of the mustard, and
Apply to the patient, slightly strengthening the bandage into several

You can use as a basis and real
mustard pieces. To do this, take a glass of water, put in it
Furatcilina tablet and boil until the medicine is dissolved. Then
To the resulting solution add 4 tablespoons of honey and stir. Take
mustard pieces, dip them in the honeymoon and attach to the lower back. Across
5-6 minutes mustard films remove, and the residues of the composition on the skin cover
polyethylene film and fasten, tagging a wool handkerchief. Leave
dressing at night, and take off in the morning.

Recipe for another honey
Compress that for the treatment of radiculitis leaves for the night: you need
take 1 tablespoon of English salt, honey and water, all carefully
Stir, apply to a painful lumbar region, to launch well,
cover with plastic wrap and tie a woolen handkerchief. In the morning
Bandage to remove.

One of the most popular recipes for treatment
Radiculitis - rubbing from black radish and honey. Need to cut into radish
cavity and pour it with honey. After 4 hours the juice is ready. It is used for
rubbing 1-2 times a day, followed by warm wrapped

You can, in the end, do it and just rubbing
One heated honey. To strengthen its impact, lumbar
The region is then needed tightly tighten with a flax towel in 4-5 girths so,
To the top edge concerned the ribs, and the lower - the upper edge of the pelvic
bones. After that, the patient must lie on the back, laying under the lubricated
honey place, heating. Warm from the heating heats honey, speeding it
Suction, and the intensity of pain is quickly reduced.

Not only
Honey and bee products will help you get rid of pain and
Digid radiculitis. To get rid of back pain in Russia
long ago invented many good funds. Sorry, not everyone can
take advantage: where, for example, urban residents, hay take? But if
You have such an opportunity, try - you do not regret!

Treatment of radiculitis by folk remedies
Put 800 g of hay pipes and boil half an hour in two
liter of water. The resulting decoction pour into the bath and add hot water to
Half bath. Sit into the bath and cover it with a film so that the edges
Sweet down. Pre-in this bedroom make a hole for
Head. Hay pipe contains a lot of essential oil, and if the bath is not
clog the film, it will quickly evaporate. Water in the bath must be
hot - which only you can withstand, so as cool
Baths add hot water. After the bath immediately take
blanket! Taking a bath should not less than an hour. If the radiculitis torments
for a long time - do such baths every day if you «met» with
him recently - fuck every other day.

And radiculitis treated
kerosene. Take a big soft rag, moisten it in kerosene,
attach to the patient and wrap a thick towel. If burning,
which you will soon feel, it will be very strong, loosen a little
Towel, but do not take off at all: keep it you need from half an hour to two
hours. When you finish the procedure, spread the patient with a cream or
vegetable oil so that the skin does not peel.

Collect or
Buy in a pharmacy ancient Russian drug - birch kidneys to
Prepare from them birch ointment. Excellent treatment
Radiculitis! Take 800 g of butter, type the kidneys and put
oil and birch kidneys in the clay pot layers (approximately in
centimeter). Try the pot to fill the top. And then the pot
put on a day in a well-drowning stove (who has it) or on
A few hours in the oven (on a small fire). Then squeeze
the resulting mixture through the canvas or several layers of gauze and add to
her teaspoon camphor. Put the ointment in the glass jar, wrap
tightly cover, keep the drug in the cold. Put the back in cases
exacerbations and wrap a warm scarf.

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