Munchhausen syndrome, symptoms and treatment

Can you believe that someone loves to hurt and even dreams to be on the hospital bed? Imagine such people exist! They are big fiction and sometimes come in their fantasies too far. Similar to this - a simulation disorder of the psyche, which medicine dubbed Munchhausen syndrome.

«Munchhausen» intentionally cause symptoms of certain diseases, as they crave to be hospitalized. And the possibility of operational intervention for them - for happiness. Note that such people do not seek to get some material benefit, all «play» aims mainly to attract the attention of others. Lhapacities are constantly cheating by doctors, they independently prescribe and take medicine, deliberately causing themselves.

Often, doctors are very difficult to get to the truth, because «Munchhausen» It is extremely careful: try to go with their complaints to different doctors, without giving them their own history of the disease from the previous place of treatment, flatly deny the fact of simulation. Treatment of pathologically false patients is also difficult because they categorically refuse to help the psychiatrist. As such frustration occurs and manifests itself, let's talk later.

History of study of pathology

Nervous diseases, psyche, mental illness, mental disorders, Münhhausen syndrome

For the first time, mental disorder described the British endocrinologist and hematologist Richard Asher in 1951. Later to identify the syndrome, scientists took advantage of the name of a really existing person in the past. It was a German Baron and a cavalry officer of Karl Friedrich Jeronim Münhhausen (Germany, XVIII.) He received wide fame among contemporaries due to his participation in Turkish wars in the Russian army.

But even by resignation, the baron constantly reminded of himself the public, writing incredible stories about their adventures in war. A little later, a book appeared on the basis of these fantastic stories - «Adventures of Baron Münhhausen». Its author became the contemporary of eccentric eccentric Rudolph Erich.

Today, Münhhausen syndrome is considered one of the varieties of hysteria. Patients suffering from this disorder are managed to bypass a huge number of doctors. In medical practice, there is a case when a woman with such a mental deflection lay about 40 times under the surgical scalpel and approximately 500 times lay in the hospital of various medical institutions, although he absolutely did not need it!

Previously, psychiatrists assumed that the syndrome is more often subject to men, but today specialists have changed their opinion - among patients suffering from pathological falsehood, more women.

Causes of the development of pathology

Nervous diseases, psyche, mental illness, mental disorders, Münhhausen syndrome

So, the main symptom of this strange disorder is the assignment of diseases, which in reality does not exist, and the patients do it so masterfully that any actor will envy. Before the secret will open, Munchhausen syndrome can transfer any surgical intervention and take a lot of time in the hospital. Modern medicine considers such a pathological falsehood as an extreme form of simulation behavior.

People enslaved by such a disorder are experiencing an insurmountable attraction to everything that this is somehow concerns medicine. If they manage to get into the hospital, they enthusiastically attribute all sorts of symptoms with enthusiasm, insammed attacks of various diseases and in general in any way they attract attention to the disease, which they actually do not really have.

Another common feature for all syndrome - the desire to be dedicated to all the details of the treatment. Patients consider themselves rather informed in the intricacies of medicine to give valuable advice to doctors, in time showing the necessary symptoms.

Classification of disorder

Scientists divided Munhgausen syndrome into several types. Each of them is determined by a set of symptoms that the patient attributes to themselves:

Nervous diseases, psyche, mental illness, mental disorders, Münhhausen syndrome

  1. Abdominal syndrome Münhhausen. The patient complains of abdominal pain, and also specifically causes Nausea, vomiting and other dyspeptic disorders.
  2. Hemorrhagic syndrome Münhhausen. The patient suffers from bleeding, which himself has provoked. For example, «Munchhausen» intentionally injured their gums to demonstrate a symptom of pulmonary bleeding.
  3. Neurological syndrome Münhhausen. This type of disorder is that the patient is inclined to demonstrate the surrounding pseudo-coat, seizures and Causes.
  4. Dermatological syndrome Münhhausen. With the help of irritant action of various masks and trories, patients cause signs of various skin diseases.

Treatment of mental deflection

In the treatment of pathological liars, doctors often suffer fiasco. Patients are first satisfied - they are interested, but their requirements are growing in geometric progression and very soon they start in order to tell the doctors that they have to do. Usually, the result of such a confrontation becomes misunderstanding and negative reaction from the doctor, after which «Münhhausen», As a rule, looking for a new medical institution. From consulting psychiatrist such people try to refuse to all ways. Maintaining patients is limited by preventing procedures dangerous for their health (for example, surgical operations), and the prevention of unlawful use of medicines.

MyMedinform.COM hurries to note that friends and loved ones can provide substantial help to a person suffering from Munchhausen syndrome. It is in their power to help the patient to realize that the problem can be corrected.

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