Why we won't sleep?


  • Causes of insomnia
  • Causes of frequent arguments
  • Too early awakening
  • "Princess on the Pea"
  • If you sleep too long
  • How much time you need to rest?

    Causes of insomnia
  • So, if you can't fall asleep for a long time . There may be two reasons:

    one. Mental and physical tension, anxiety of the day

    What to do? Learn to relax. Get ready for sleep gradually. Two hours before you fall into bed, turn off the bright light in the apartment, TV. Cancel evening call calls, do not sit at the computer. Take a relaxing warm - not hot! - Bath, better with lavender oils, Sandal, Vanilla, Sea Salt. In two stages: an hour before sleep, and then before the warmer, take a light soothing - 10 - 20 drops of foordine or herbal preparations with valerian, peony, latter.

    2. Severity and external discomfort

    What to do? Sometimes stops banal overeating. The body can not calm down until the roast beyph and heels of sausages that you just dropped into myself.

    Tensely dinner try at least 3 - 4 hours before sleep. Somewhere in an hour you can drink a seagull with a light sandbody, eat a vegetable salad or fruit.

    Often to fall asleep us prevents dry and fume air in the apartment. In winter, especially. By the way, even if you have a moisturizer, every evening 20 minutes before sleep, ventilate the bedroom so that the air is updated.

    Causes of frequent arguments

    Why don't we sleep?If you fall asleep normally, but often wake up among the nights, you can suspect problems with internal organs. Perhaps you still do not feel the disease as such (hypertension, gastritis and t. D.) but at night the sick organ sends a signal to the brain and you jump.

    What to do? If the problem appeared suddenly and began to pursue constantly, it is advisable to go through the full examination corresponding to your sex and age.

    To begin with - a visit to the therapist and cardiologist (hidden cardiovascular problems often indicate in a dream).

    Too early awakening

    If you wake up very early and can't fall asleep again, then know: it is most often found in the period of hormonal shake (transitional age, pregnancy, climax) either when the biorhythm is broken when the body cannot figure out where the day where the night (if, to Example, you often have to fly to long-range business trips).

    What to do? It would be nice to turn to the endocrinologist, check the hormonal background. Depending on the results of tests, corrective therapy can be assigned.

    «Princess on the Pea»

    You have a feeling that you did not sleep all night, get up broken, in the morning there is a temporary mood, headaches, apathy, lack of appetite? Such a condition often happens when the forms of depression. Especially often masked, hidden depressions.

    What to do? A psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist who specialize in border states will help you. And notice for those who are fond of alcohol: regular morning depressed is a sign that you stepped the face from «Cheerful Life» To alcoholism.

    If you sleep too long

    If your sleep lasts for 11 - 12 hours, and more than once a week on Saturdays, and drowsiness overcomes constantly, then it speaks of the weakness of the body. Either this is a syndrome of chronic fatigue and asthenia, or the consequences of the decline in immunity after some kind of disease (or against the background of drug intake, for example, antibiotics).

    What to do? Enter! To begin withdrawing a clinical analysis of blood to find out if there is no hidden inflammation, infections. And then increase immunity by all known methods - from vitaminotherapy to fitness - and adapt the body to loads.

    How much time you need to rest?

    Normal is considered a full-fledged continuous night's sleep - from 6 to 9 hours. It depends on fatigue, nervous voltage, weather finally. Plays the role and type of personality. Choleric, as a rule, sleep less, phlegmatic and sanguinics - longer.

    After one sleepless night, different systems of the body come to normal within 3 - 4 days, and that with difficulty.

    And scientists were calculated that in the last 30 years, humanity began to devote to sleep at 20% of the time.

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