Why we yawn?


Why do we yawning?For a long time, science believed that the yawning appears from the lack of oxygen. They say, deeply breathing in Zovka, a person unconsciously feeds himself with the necessary gas. But the experiments did not confirm the hypothesis: ventilation or oxygen mask do not remove the desire to yawn. So it's not at all in oxygen. And in what?

Perhaps yawn cools the brain

The phenomenon of sowing does not give rest researchers. Studying man yawning, scientists, for example, found that coolness around the head reduces yawning. Tested put on the forehead Cold Towel — And they, and a minute ago, desperately yawning, stopped silent mouth silently. Slimming the cold compress is warm, the researchers noticed that the yawning returns and enhances.

The same happened with those participants of the experience, which they asked to breathe mouth or nose. With nasal breathing, blood flowing to the brain is slightly cooled, and the man yaws less. Breathing mouth, we help blood to warm up — And again there is an irrepressible desire to yawn.

So scientists put forward another version: that yawning helps to cool blood and, accordingly, the brain. It sounds quite understandable: remember, in what conditions is your head «Vita» better — in the heat or coolness, and the hypothesis about the cooling of the brain will seem quite viable.

Zovok as a pressure regulator

Another slim theory suggests that yawns level intracranial pressure. Imagine an airplane on landing. Do you want to yawning? Some do not yawn, but intuitively do similar to the yawn or sip of motion. Pressure difference inside and outside the eardrum makes us try to align it and seek salvation in Zovka.

Zevota as muscle training

Why do we yawning?Why do we yawn when you want to sleep? Zovok as a post? Vice versa. Zovok helps to relax muscles and return the brain into the tone. That is why the sowing can be thrown on with a responsible business: in a nonsense expectation under the door of the examination office, before an important date, ten minutes before the interview, five minutes before the scene exit. Therefore, if you want to sleep or mortally boring, rejoice in the yawning — she helps you cheer up. And if you go out into the cool shady lane (or suck your head in the freezer), you still feel faster.

Yawn — Social glue

What is mirror neurons? These are cells responsible for empathy when interacting with other people. Mirror neurons are precisely «guilty» in what you yawning immediately after your favorite. But the random fellow traveler in the subway is unlikely to call you the same answer.

Anthropology researchers suggest that socially determined yawns have arisen among living groups of primates at the dawn of their development. It was worth one sitting in the ambush the hunter yawn, as the rest began to yawn along the chain and received an automatic signal about the approaching threat and the need to come into combat readiness.

Zevota as a marker of illness

Zevota not only helps with different states and denotes the degree of proximity between people. If you often yaw it, alert: yawns can talk about a variety of low-hisery. Most harmless — Sleep disorders or body thermoregulation, increased pressure, hypership or depression. Worse — When the nasty yawn is shouting about thrombosis or damaged brain. Alas, it happens.

So, if neither pulling nor cool shower, no ten hours of sleep, nor relaxation helps you get rid of the sowing, it's time to go for medical care. And let the doctor do not attract your attention so much so that you stop yawning from boredom.

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