Accessories, treatment method used in China since ancient times. What is the secret of this burning method of treatment that helps people still? Answer you will learn in this article.

The presenter history of this technique is unknown. Many consider birthday acupuncture ancient China. However, there are documents indicating that the secrets of the urlotherapy were also known to other civilizations of the ancient world. For example, in one of London museums you can see the Egyptian papyrus, dating from 1550 to N. NS., In which the acupuncture technique is described in detail and all the necessary points are indicated on the human body. It is possible that the needlerapy arose in Nepal, India or Tibet, where ancient medicine reached high development.
The first information about the acupuncture reached Europe in the XIII in. Thanks to merchants and travelers who acquainted the inhabitants of the continent with the exoticism of the East. At first, the needlerapy did not cause interest and forgot about it until 1671, when a book was published dedicated to this amazing technique. Serious attention in Europe, as well as in Russia, across therapy was given only in the XIX in. Then 142 scientific works on this topic were published.
Today, acupuncture is very popular and is used to treat sharp and chronic pains, as well as various types of dependence, for example, nicotine or alcohol (in Asia's countries, almost in every medical institution has an acupuncture of acupuncture). In Russia, despite the fact that in Soviet times, many outstanding scientists were engaged in the study of acupressure, the mass treatment method did not have.
Basic principles of acupuncture
So, what is the acupuncture and what is its basic principles? The method is based on the philosophical doctrine of vital energy, or the energy of Qi, according to which it circulates in the human body on certain channels, or meridians. Qi energy is responsible for our viability. The acupuncture masters claim that we all are born with a certain margin of this energy, which we consume or unconsciously lose during life. Fill the stock of vital energy is impossible. When Qi freely circulates through the whole organism through the meridians, the body is great. But if its stream is blocked, it is stopped or weakened, a person begins to experience physical, mental or emotional malaise. The main cause of energy circulation disorders — Excessive emotional load (anger, overexcitation, grief, fear). Imbalance can cause climatic conditions: cold, humidity, dryness, heat. We also lose qi if we conduct an incorrect lifestyle, full of excesses, or carry out hard work that causes overwork. In addition to the energy of qi, our livelihoods are controlled by two opposite, but complementary energy — Yin and Jan.
The acupuncture action is aimed at reducing the energy loss of qi, slowing down its spending, as well as the achievement of yin and yang balance.
The acupuncture is based on the stimulation of the human body's self-symteal forces by using the thinnest needles or pressure to certain points. They are located in all people on the same sites with a small difference depending on age and human growth. Experts share points into three groups: vascular-nervous, skin and nerve and muscular tendon-nervous. Nowadays, special devices based on measuring the minimum skin resistance are used to find points and determine the intensity of the impact on them.
Ancient healers managed to identify that the body reacts differently to irritation of different points. The data obtained was systematized, and over time, each of the points received its name and description of the location on the human body. It was later established that the impact on different points can have the same effect on the same organ, after which «Points of the same direction» started to group on certain lines that received the name of the channels. Knowledge of the location of these channels and their properties determine the success of healing.
All channels in the human body make up a rather complicated energy system. It is closely connected with the main anatomical and physiological systems: the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, immune and other. The main task of the energy system — Ensuring the stable internal relationship between all organs and tissues, as well as body communications with space. This system consists of 14 major meridians (seven Yang and seven yin), on which about 700 highly informative biologically active points are located. There are meridians of the heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, stomach, spleen and pancreas, thick and small intestine, as well as a large number of veneeridian points.
Acupuncture points
Acupuncture points — These are places on the human body, where qi via channels rises close to the skin surface. As already mentioned, the energy should circulate in the meridians unhindered. In order to restore the energy balance of the body, the acupuncture specialist stimulates biologically active points. At the same time, they do not have to be directly related to the unbalanced channel. Using the technique of acupuncture, the master can quite effectively manage the balance of the energy system, restoring health and prevent disease. For irritation of points, an acupuncture applies needles made of silver and gold alloys or stainless steel.
Irritation of biologically active points in different combinations allows you to launch or change the direction of different physiological processes. So, for example, acting on some points, you can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, and affecting others — Enhance the immunological activity of the respective blood cells.
Age restrictions for the use of acupuncture. The patient can become a breast child, although the elderly people are most often addressed to the needlerapets. Restoring energy in body channels, the doctor saves a person immediately from many diseases. The list of readings for acupuncture is so extensive that it is easier to list contraindications. However, about a illness with which it makes sense to turn to a specialist, it is impossible not to mention.
So, the needlerapy is effective for diseases: the nervous system (neuritis and neuralgia, paralysis, prevention and treatment of the effects of stroke, dizziness and headaches, vegetative disorders and sleep disorders, neurasthenia, atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and t.D.); gastrointestinal tract (esophagit, gastritis, ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, diarrhea, constipation and t.D.); respiratory system (bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, pneumonia); cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, obliterated endarteritic); urogenital system (urethritis, cystitis, urinary incontinence, renal colic, sexual disorders of functional nature, painful periods, infertility and t.D.); Endocrine system (diabetes, thyroid disease); with dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and t.D.); Allergies.
Jarmerpia is contraindicated
The needlerapy is contraindicated with a strong physical and emotional overwork, hungry or very well, individual intolerance to acupuncture (in this case, the heating of active points is shown), after abundant blood loss or dehydration, with alcoholic bexicement.
Relative contraindications include: infectious diseases of unclear etiology, cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation, pregnancy, malignant neoplasms. By the way, the latter in China is treated with acupuncture quite successfully.
The duration of the acupuncture treatment rate depends on the degree of damage to the meridians. Eastern medicine treats not a disease, but the patient, therapy is determined individually. Pain syndrome is also removed individually. Should consider that pain — This is a kind of signal about failure in the work of a particular organ. She mobilizes the body on the fight against illness and, if it is not artificial, it passes only after eliminating the cause, which caused it.
Echlotherapy, being in itself a unique treatment method, allows, and sometimes even requires simultaneous additional use of other types of treatment. First of all, this concerns manual therapy, and the whole process should be «in hand» One expert. Useful help will be homeopathy, phytotherapy and physiotherapy, and sometimes special baths and compresses.
Acupuncture — This is science and art at the same time. It plays a role not only the right choice of points, but also the skill of execution. It is believed that if the points are correctly selected, but the needle introduction technique is in the insufficient level, the effect of treatment will not be so significant. Therefore, deciding to the acupuncture course, choose an acupuncture in the most thorough way. And be healthy!