Menstruation delay - whether to worry?


  • What to do if menstruation did not come on time?
  • Causes of menstruation delays
  • Diagnostics may include

  • To begin with, I would like to note that the delay of up to five days – This is an absolutely normal phenomenon for the female organism, and worry, in no case, is not worth.

    To ensure that it is enough to deal with the physiology of the female organism:

    Menstrual cycle is monthly changes in the female organism that occur under the influence of sex hormones. The cycle should be considered normal if its duration ranges from 21 to 35 days, and directly the bleeding allocations from the genitals proceed 3-7 days, normal blood loss during menstruation does not exceed 50-100 ml.

    Menstrual function is regulated using the joint activities of many organs of our body: a complex complex of nerve and humoral structures, as well as genital organs, such as ovaries, uterus. Since all levels of this system are interrelated, the delay in the next menstruation may be associated with a violation of any of the listed links.

    What to do if menstruation did not come on time?

    Menstruation delay - Is it worth worrying?

    Physiology is certainly good, but still a renovy question that occurs in every woman in the absence of another menstruation: and whether I am not pregnant?

    The first thing to be done in such a situation is to conduct a pregnancy test. Early pregnancy test action is based on the definition of a specific pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). It begins to produce about a week after conception. Such tests are available to every woman and they can be done without any problems at home. But with all its simplicity and availability, they have a negative quality - low degree of reliability.

    It should be noted that a positive result has great reliability, and if the test showed it - the pregnancy is accurately present, if the result is negative, then talk about pregnancy, as well as its absence is clearly impossible.

    The second stage of the actions of an alarmed woman should be speaking test for hCG.

    HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a protein complex, which is synthesized by trophoblast cells in the placenta. At the beginning of pregnancy, under his action, the synthesis of hormones needed for the normal course of pregnancy - progesterone and estrogen. You can hand over HCG analysis both in independent laboratories and in any medical center providing gynecological services. The average cost of this analysis - 600 rubles.

    In addition to pregnancy, impairment of the menstrual cycle may have many reasons. We list the main ones.

    Causes of menstruation delays

    • Pregnancy. With its occurrence (uterine or ectopic), the fruit egg begins to produce a hormone - chorionic gonadotropin, which supports the further functioning of the yellow bodies of the ovary, preventing the rejection of the endometrium. As a result of these rearrangements, menstruation does not begin.
    • Gynecological diseases. Violations of the hormonal sphere are directly related to gynecological diseases. The delay can cause diseases such as inflammation of appendages, ovarian polycystosis and others.
    • Inflammation of the internal genital organs. When inflammation, the ovaries experience significant stress, the processes of ripening of the follicle, ovulation and the functioning of the yellow body are disturbed, so menstruation delays are possible.
    • General imminent immunity.
    • Stressful situations. Stress, long or strong short, can cause a violation of the work of the central structures regulating the work of the ovaries and the uterus.
    • Significant and Fast Weight Loss. With a fierce desire to lose weight, the woman is in tension, the body, refusing the usual food and constantly loaded by physical exertion, is in the stressful situation. As a result, disorders occur in the endocrine system, which leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle.
    • Binge eating. Just like malnutrition with a diet, overeating can cause a delay, breaking the hormonal and endocrine background of the female organism.
    • Changing climate. Another stress for your body, which can affect your cycle.
    • Reception of oral contraception. During the drug or after its cancellation, the absence of menstruation may be observed for several menstrual cycles: it is the so-called ovarian hyperbathing syndrome.
    • Delay menstruation after childbirth. During pregnancy, a significant restructuring of the work of the endocrine system occurs. After childbirth, the restoration of the work of the internal secretion bodies occurs after 2-3 months.
    • Climetheque dysfunction of ovarian. At the age of more than 40 years, the focus of the ovarian function begins, ovulation often delays in time or does not occur at all, so there are quite often menstruation delays at that age.

    If pregnancy has not been confirmed, and delays acquire a systematic nature, then you need to fully diagnose.

    Diagnostics may include

    • Ultrasound of a small pelvis organs, dynamic observation;
    • colposcopy + cytological rejection (2 times a year);
    • microscopy smear + bacteriological sowing on the flora with sensitivity to antibiotics (2 times a year);
    • Determination of hidden infections by PCR (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasm, HPV 1,2 type, HPV (typing).- 1 time per year.
    • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, RV (1 time per year);
    • Hormonal study by 2-5 (LH, FSH, Estradiol, TSH, T3, T4, Testosterone, progesterone, ACTH) and 21 (LG, FSH, estradiol, testosterone, prozestrone, prolactin) day of the menstrual cycle (1 time per year);
    • Ultrasound thyroid gland (1 time per year);
    • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (1 time per year).

    After a careful examination by a gynecologist, treatment will be prescribed to eliminate the cause of violation in your body, if necessary, anti-inflammatory and (or) hormonal treatment is carried out.

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