Curvature of the nasal partition

The prerequisite for our existence is the constant air flow in the lungs. Any disease that causes difficulty breathing introduces significant discomfort to our life. Congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal partition not only interferes with the proper supply of an oxygen body, but also leads to various negative consequences.

In this article MyMedinform.COM will try to tell in detail what causes this disease, what are its symptoms and methods of treatment.

What is the curvature of the nasal partition

curvature of partition, nose, nasal sectional, fractures

This organ is a plate that divides the nasal cavity into two approximately equal parts. The front partition consists of a cartilage tissue, and from behind - from a thin bone, which on both sides are covered with mucous membrane.

Due to the various injuries or improper development of the skull in childhood, this plate is subjected to some distortion, which leads to an incorrect or defective air intake through the nose. This problem may cause more dangerous complications: inflammation of the respiratory system, allergic conditions, neurotic diseases, migraines, difficulties in the work of the heart and urinary organs.

The main causes of the disease

curvature of partition, nose, nasal sectional, fractures

This disease, like any other, is accompanied by certain symptoms, among which:

  1. Difficulties arising during breathing through the nose. In particularly severe cases, it may not be easy to make it difficult, but also absent.
  2. Hearing impairment - another one of the signs of curvature of the partition. The fact is that the poor passage of air through the nose can cause insufficient ventilation of the middle ear cavity. As a result, a certain disease can occur, called Eustachiite.
  3. Chronic forms of diseases of the respiratory system: Gaymorites, Frontits, Sinusitis and pr. The defective air intake in the incomplete sinuses creates prerequisites for the formation of the above states and the acquisition of their chronic forms.
  4. Snore During sleep - frequently encountered symptom in respiratory impairment.
  5. Changing the shape of nose. Sometimes with strong deformation of the partition can be found and such a manifestation of the disease.
  6. Susceptibility to respiratory infections that also have a long course and are often accompanied by complications.
  7. Chronic inflammation of the pharynx and larynx, arising due to the difficultness of nasal breathing. A man having a deformed partition, often breathes his mouth. Such air, insufficiently peeled and rather cold, adversely affects the throat and almonds, leading to constant colds.
  8. Periodic bleeding from the nose during squeezing, which manifest themselves in response to the injuries of the thinned mucous membrane.

The consequences of the curvature of the nasal partition

curvature of partition, nose, nasal sectional, fractures

This pathological state over time is able to lead to the following consequences:

  1. Deterioration of the work of the brain, which manifests itself in reducing attention and memory, slowing the mental processes. For students of schools and students, this is fraught with bad performance, adult people have a performance, nervousness and periodic headaches appear.
  2. Violations in the work of the cardiovascular system. Air, inhaled mouth, not nose, meets less resistance. This interferes with the formation of proper pressure in the chest, which leads to difficulties in the heart.
  3. The emergence of breathing problems, which leads to the failures in the rhythm of the work of the lungs, the appearance of night snoring, bad sleep.
  4. Incorrect development of bone fabrics of the front part among young children.
  5. Bad flow of oxygen in blood. Insufficient supply of organs and tissues with the necessary substances isolated from absorbed air leads to violations in the work of the whole organism.

Diagnosis of the disease

For the correct diagnosis of the patient, it should be referred to as a otolaryngologist. Initially, he will examine the patient on the subject of whether his nose is shifted in any side and whether its nasal cavities are the same.

After inspection, the doctor must hold rhinoscopy. To do this, he carefully examines the sinuses and reveals all the bends and protrusions of the partition. In some cases, a person can be directed to an x-ray to determine the general state of the nasal cavity.

Methods for treating the curvature of the nasal partition

curvature of partition, nose, nasal sectional, fractures

With a slight curvature that does not cause special inconvenience to the patient and does not lead to complications, most often no treatment is required. If the pathology of the body is largely pronounced, then to correct the situation resort to surgical intervention - endoscopic septoplasty. It should be noted that the skin of the faces are not damaged, and the shape of the nose remains the same.

So, septoplasty is a surgical operation carried out in order to correct defects of the nasal partition and give it the right smooth form. Such intervention refers to so-called minimally invasive operations. Their difference is to use modern methods and tools, allowing the tissue involved as little as possible and avoid disruption of aesthetic appearance.

With the help of special endoscopic equipment, the doctor during operation can easily see the entire field of activity, detecting damaged areas on it. Using this technique in conjunction with the laser, the doctor with jewelry is capable of removing the problem part of the nasal partition and avoid the risk of various complications.

With its little traumaticity and lack of a large amount of blood, endoscopic septoplasty is a fairly efficient and functional method of nasal plate correction. During operation, a specialist can observe all his actions through a special monitor, which helps him not even make the slightest mistakes.

If you are not lucky and you have become the owner of a curved nasal partition, do not be afraid of surgery. After a short time of the doctor's work and a short reducing period, you can forever forget about the problem and avoid the difficult consequences in the future.

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