Reflexotherapy, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma


  • Chinese medicine as a choice
  • Acupuncture will get rid of cough
  • Types of acupuncture with bronchitis and asthma
  • The effect of acupuncture, contraindications

  • Reflexotherapy, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthmaChronic obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma have
    One general manifestation — cough. It occurs as a reflex, protective reaction
    The body helps to clean the bronchial pathways from mucus pathogenic
    Microorganisms. It would seem that his benefits are undoubted, but it usually becomes
    a serious problem, begins to deliver inconvenience, annoy, it is
    The cause of pain in the muscles of the chest and even provokes urinary incontinence
    women. In this case, cough requires treatment, and, in addition to traditional measures
    Unconventional treatment methods may be very effective.

    Chinese medicine as a choice

    The most famous methods of non-traditional therapy came to
    We are from the subnet. Traditional Chinese medicine originated in ancient China,
    accumulated in itself and systematized age-old observations of the operation of the authorities
    and systems of the human body. Now — This is a modern system of exercises and
    Practice combined with a common view of the disease as a consequence of violation
    Circulation of vital energy.

    Acupuncture, sub
    which more often understand the needleflexotherapy, is one of the main
    Directions in Chinese medicine
    , providing for impact on the body
    man by irritation of singular points on the body called
    Acupuncture. From the point of view of Chinese medicine, they are on the meridians,
    for which the energy of qi circulates, which means to affect them can be achieved
    Redistribution of vital energy, eliminate blocks on the way of its following and
    restore harmony in the body.

    Acupuncture will get rid of cough

    The acupuncture of ancient times is applied in the treatment of chronic
    obstructive pulmonary disease to relieve respiration, in addition to
    The use of traditional bronchodilitics and inhalation steroids. Her goal — Open bronchial paths,
    restore normal bronchopile ventilation, save patient from cough and
    accompanying his feeling of lack of air.
    Acupuncture is designed
    Eliminate the purification of bronchi from accumulating in them, as a result of a violation
    pulmonary clearance, thick mucus contributing to the atelectasis and development

    Not so long ago, Japanese scientists were held three-month
    Study with the participation of 68 patients with chronic lung obstruction. In His
    The results were proved that the use of acupuncture significantly improves the condition and quality of life. Supposed,
    that her therapeutic effect is associated with the ability to relax and optimize the work
    muscles involved in breathing, as well as cause a change in blood flow in the lungs and
    bronchi. The conclusion was such: acupuncture will effectively complement any traditional
    Impact methods, especially as a preventive.

    Types of acupuncture with bronchitis and asthma

    • Zhen,
      it is
      acupuncture — This is a way of treating and preventing diseases with
      using silver, gold or steel needles. Choice of points for injections
      determined not only by the character of the disease and the necessary effect. On him
      The influence of the floor, the Constitution, age and even the geographical position and
      Patient climatic living conditions. The procedure lasts 20-40 minutes and not
      accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Only for 2-4 minutes after the introduction
      The needles in the injection site feels driving, then only therapeutic
      the effect.
    • Tszyu or
      Warming, migration
      — painless method, despite the threatening the name does not cause unpleasant sensations and does not cause
      The appearance of burns. TsZU implies the temperature effect on acupuncture
      Points with holly cigars or cones for the purpose of their deep warming up.
      Pleasant feeling of heat — that's all that feels the patient during the procedure.
      Cutting can be carried out with
      hot needles, but in this case it is easily transferred even to children.

      Only one type of caustion leaves the mark
      on the skin — This migration of hollow cones with dotted, size
      Match head, surface burns.
      From the point of view of Chinese medicine Zhen-Tszyu
      Very suitable for the treatment of bronchitis caused by «invasion to the body
      Powerful energy cold and moisture».
    • Vacuum
      implies an impact on acupuncture points magnetic
      field combined with local pressure decrease. Similar reflexotherapy
      Allows expanding surface blood vessels, stimulate
      blood circulation in the lungs, deeply warm them up, eliminate congestive phenomena,
      accelerate reparative processes in cells.

    Acupuncture requires OT
    Patient compliance with some rules.

    • Procedures are not conducted on an empty stomach.
      Before a session, a snack, but not to overeat.
    • After the session of reflexotherapy is impossible
      hypother, so if there is no possibility «coolet» indoors better
      Treat treatment in the warm season.
    • After the procedure, vacation is required for 40-60 minutes.
    • If water is prescribed in reflexotherapy
      Procedures, then they should be before the acupuncture session.
    • Acupuncture does not combine with physiotherapy, but
      This does not mean that it will have to abandon electrophoresis or
      ultrasound, just these treatments should be used 2 hours before

    The effect of acupuncture, contraindications

    During the first 5 acupuncture sessions, exacerbation is possible
    Diseases, cough strengthening, increase the number of sputum. Though
    it is subjective unpleasant, however, it is a good prognostic sign,
    evidence that the method acts and mobilizes the body's protective forces on
    Fighting a non-German. Subsequently, the rapid reverse development of symptoms is planned.

    Effect of treatment
    Fights for 3 months.

    Despite the seeming harmlessness, the acupuncture has Strict contraindications.

    • It cannot be carried out during menstruation, in
      Avoid gaining bleeding.
    • It is contraindicated in cancer
      diseases and the slightest suspicion of them.
    • She can harm in pronounced
      cardiac and pulmonary failure.
    • Her appointment of patients over 75 years old requires
      Careful analysis of the situation.

    Despite the lack of evidence, unconventional
    treatment methods, in particular acupuncture, can significantly improve the state and
    Even get rid of cough with chronic obstructive lung diseases. Full
    It is possible that at the initial stages of the development of the disease, it can even replace
    Traditional means. But still on one's own
    refuse drugs in favor of reflexotherapy, but any change in
    treatment should be coordinated with the attending physician.

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