Birth of a child - a huge joy in the family and huge changes in the life of a young mother. Why, it would seem definitely a joyful event sometimes makes mom concerned, tired, and even depressed, anxious? Too large changes that need to be realized and to which you need to get used to.

Psychologically adapt to change is also not easy. In the months, a young mother can tested a light shape of the postpartum depression, the so-called «Postpartum blues»: Everything seems meaningless, gray, new duties are too heavy, but the joy of free life — Forever lost. In such cases, a woman is recommended to get out of the house without a kid, to engage in their appearance and recall the old interests, fully eat and take vitamins.
Of course, with increasing baby, all problems go, physical health and cheerfulness are gradually returned, moms get used to a new rhythm of life — But however, it's a shame, not to enjoy the first days and weeks of the life of the baby, the most important, interesting, long-awaited! Postpartum period can be described by one cap — adaptation. This is the adaptation of the baby to life outside the abdomen, the adaptation of the mother to the absence of pregnancy, to lactation, new things, new joys and difficulties.
Than besides loving support for loved ones, we can help ourselves in it «time for a change»? Medicine applies special drugs in such cases, so-called adaptogens that help improve performance, stress resistance, negative environmental impacts improve immunity. Adaptogens help to cope with the reducing period faster and more efficient, be it injury, illness or stress. Justified the use of adaptogens and in the postpartum period.
What should any drugs for a young mother, especially if she breastfeeds? First of all, natural. One of the effective natural adaptogens is apilak grindex, uterine (native) milk bees. This is an amazing composition and functions of the substance produce working bees for feeding the larvae of bee uterus and later at the time of laying eggs. Getting only the royal milk, larva for 5–6 days increases its weight several times — You can imagine how far apilak grindex is saturated with nutrients!
Studies of the composition of the royal milk showed interesting results: Apilak Grindex is largely similar to the female colostrum and milk. It is rich in easily digestible protein and amino acids, among which 10 irreplaceable; Carbohydrates are represented by fructose and glucose (the same sugars as in honey); Battitude apilaca grindex about 5%. Proteins and fats apilaca Grindeks have antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
In the royal milk contains enzymes — Unique bioactive substances that help the absorption of food (they are kept in breast milk and distinguish it from the milk mixture). The composition of Apilak Grindeks in vitamins and microelements is richest, there are almost all the necessary names that are often difficult to get from food.
Also from the results of the study it follows that the reception of apilak Grindeks for 2 weeks allows to improve lactation by 1.5 times compared with conventional means. Already 3–The 4th day of reception occurs an increase in the volume of breast milk by 30–60 ml for one feeding, and in some cases and 120 ml.
How the rich composition of the uterine milk under the course reception in the postpartum period?
- Improves blood formation, speeds up the restoration of blood flow, helps to normalize the level of hemoglobin and other blood indicators;
- Stimulates metabolic processes, helps to remove excess liquid, exchange products;
- Accelerates the regeneration of the tissues of the genital paths, if there were violations in the natural course of labor;
- Thanks to the general connivorous and vasodilatory action, as well as to improve the blood supply of the mammary glands, improves the milk outflow from the chest and increases the lactation;
- Improves mood and tone, improves performance, brings a young mother feeling «Shiphany»;
- Restores the natural level of immunity and promotes protection against sharp respiratory and viral and intestinal infections.
Sprewing apilacment Grindex, many women note not only the improvement of their general condition, but also pay attention to the rounded cheeks of the baby: our great-grandmothers knew about the positive effect of the uterine milk on lactation.
Nursing mom during reception of apilaca Grindeks should be attentive to two things: not «Pereretonize» ourselves and not cause sleep disorders; Do not miss rare, but still a child has signs of allergies on beekeeping products (for example, in the form of skin rash). There are no other contraindications for the reception of royal milk.
Apilak grindeks will not make her work for mom, but will allow her to restore his own strength so that life with the baby was in joy!