Acupuncture: Tradition Secrets


  • Where did the acupuncture come from?
  • How to treat acupuncture?
  • How to use acupuncture in Russia?

  • Where did the acupuncture come from?

    Acupuncture: Tradition Secrets We all know that even the most simple diseases, becoming chronic, no longer amenable to final cure. As a result, the sad forecast is a lifetime reception of drugs. In this case, the disease will be steadily progressing and forced you to all kinds of life limitations.

    Agree, predictions are sad. Meanwhile, the experience gained by centuries, the experience of traditional medicine claims that the success of the recovery is not to be able to heal all sorts of illness, but to help our body to fight the disease himself and do not interfere with the program laid out in nature.

    Today there are many all kinds of health techniques that allow in most cases to get rid of many diseases in a fully or at least reach long-term remission.

    Among them with disbeliness, you can call the oldest method of traditional Chinese medicine - acupuncture. Based on the knowledge of the structure of the human body and the location of local nerve centers, this method is at home, in China, the most popular panacea from most of the ailments.

    How to treat acupuncture?

    Healing acupuncture techniques, like other methods of traditional Chinese medicine, are based on the need for internal harmony in the human body, due to which vital energy is born, forming a mental, physical and spiritual human well-being.

    Chinese call this energy «Q», Considering that it circulates throughout the body for fourteen invisible channels that form a certain network of life. Balanced, free flow «Q» generates good health, whereas the lazy, causing or curling the swuneral «Q» inevitably leads to illness.

    Acupuncture specialists try to restore the correct circulation «Q», affecting special points located directly under the skin. Impact is achieved by stacking in these biologically active points of special steel or silver needles, as well as cavity or point massage.

    Acupuncture: Tradition Secrets

    In the process of acupuncture, the human body begins to look for its own internal reserves, due to which the restoration of vitality at all levels is: from physical to psychological.

    Achesive therapy has no contraindications and has a wide range of action, eliminating not complication, but the cause of the disease. Unlike a plurality of drug-based drugs with, as a rule, unwanted side effects on the body, the needlerapy does not put the patient after treatment dependent on themselves.

    In addition, during the treatment of needles, no such disease is eliminated against which this treatment is directed, but also other snot­defaults.

    Headaches with the help of reflexotherapy are well due to­spasm of brain vessels, re­Toma and contusion, neurasthenia, depress­these, pain sinders neuralgiche­Racter, muscle spasms, functional disorders of the nervous system, initial stages of inflammatory processes. And even tobacco and obesity. Very good effect is observed in the treatment of the exacerbation­Gastritis and peripheral neurites.

    Often, treatment needles is carried out in a complex with physiotherapeutic pro­Cedras. Achesive therapy has no opposite­Kazany (except for tumors and bere­change), has a wide range of action and eliminates not a complication, but when­rank of illness.

    How to use acupuncture in Russia?

    The application of the acupuncture of the Implotherapy in Soviet medical institutions began at the end of the sixties of the 20th century, which was awarded to visit the PRC clinic in 1956 by a group of Soviet doctors and familiarize them with the basics of needle treatment. Prerequisites for this today has become­More. Exchange of experience with specialists of the countries of the East helps not only­So far to study all the subtleties of the ancient methodology of treatment, but also to apply these knowledge in Russia.

    Today in clinical hospitals work acupuncture cabins. The recipe for therapeutic effects is compiled strictly individually. And the decision on the feasibility of holding the course is taken to consult a reflexology, taking into account the fact that the treatment of needles demolished for each person and is aimed at normalizing the disturbed functions of a particular body having their diseases, the history of their development and the ability to combat them.

    The task of acupuncture is to provide harmony in the body and to stimulate its protective forces to the maximum. It was not originally cared for nature itself...

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