Homeopathy in matters and answers


  • If briefly: what is homeopathy?
  • What is a raw material for homeopathic drugs?
  • What is homeopathic breeding? What denotes numbers and letters after the name of the medicine?
  • Under what diseases you can use a homeopathic treatment method?
  • Whether homeopathic treatment is combined with allopathic?
  • Is homeopathic treatment with dietary constraints?
  • What is the fundamental distinction between allopathy and homeopathy?
  • As associated with homeopathy Homotoxicology and method of Foll?
  • What is complex homeopathic agents?
  • What is the difference between classical and "Modern" Homeopathy?
  • If homeopathy is effective, why it is not accepted by all doctors?
  • Is the effectiveness of homeopathy in research?
  • Is it true that homeopathy is completely safe?

    If briefly: what is homeopathy?
  • Homeopathy - therapeutic The treatment method developed by the Great German doctor and scientist Samuel Ganeman (1755-1843). At the heart of homeopathy lies Principle of similarity - Substance capable of large doses cause certain symptoms in the body, in small doses. Similar symptoms are able to treat, t.E. Such is treated like this (Similia Similibus Curantur). For example, it is known that the kidneys suffer in poisoning. Consequently, taken in small doses of mercury capable of treating such diseases of the kidneys that are manifested by the symptoms with mercury poisoning. Word itself "homeopathy", invented by hanemann means "Similar disease". Dominant medical system based on the principle "The opposite is treated opposite" (Contraria Contraribus Curantur) was named Allopathy ("Opposite disease"). Other laws of homeopathy are: the law of small (minimum) doses, the law of testing (pruning) funds on healthy volunteers, the law of using one medicine and the law of dynamization, as well as the theory of miasms. The theory of homeopathy in detail is set out in the fundamental works of Haneman "Organon of medical art" (1st Edition in 1810., 6th - in 1921.) and "Chronic diseases" (1st ed. In 1828, the second - in 1837.), mandatory for studying in all homeopathic schools and colleges. Pharmacological base of homeopathy is based on the Ganemanovskaya "Pure matter doctors" (1811-1819), repeatedly complemented by his students and followers. All these books are available today in Russian. To the treatment of medicinal herbs (phytotherapy), homeopathy has nothing to do.

    What is a raw material for homeopathic drugs?

    Homeopathy in matters and answersAnything that can cause certain changes in a healthy body and, accordingly, to treat similar manifestations in the patient. These may be salts, acids, minerals, plants, mushrooms, selection of living organisms (snake poisons, wounded separated and t.D.) And the living organisms themselves (for example, spiders). Although some homeopathic remedies may seem very exotic, not so much source is important as the above principle, on which they apply. This is what distinguishes homeopathy from other medical systems. In the classic homeopathic pharmacopoeia there are about a thousand two hundred drugs; The most widely used with which any homeopathist is obliged, about 200.

    What is homeopathic breeding? What denotes numbers and letters after the name of the medicine?

    To minimal doses received by sequential dilutions of the active substance, Ganeman came after faced with exacerbations of the state of patients caused by the appointment of large doses, although they were much less than those who appointed an allopathic school. In homeopathy, decimal, hundredth and LM (fifty-thousand) scale are commonly used in homeopathy. Decimal dilutions have been developed and introduced into homeopathic practice by the German doctor Konstantin Gering (1800-1880). Hundredthly breeding was introduced by the founder of homeopathy themselves, Samuel Ganeman; The technology of their preparation is first presented in detail in the 5th edition "Organon" (1833). LM-potencies are also a ganelean invention; They are described in the 6th edition "Organon" (1921). Without going into small details (they can be obtained from special reference books) Preparation of homeopathic agents, briefly the process of preparing liquid drugs can be described as follows. The maternal solution of the active substance is taken, part of which is mixed in a certain proportion with alcohol. If the ratio is one to ten, then the first decimal dilution is obtained in different countries D or X; If one to one hundred is the first hundredth, denoted letter C or not denoted at all. For the preparation of subsequent dilutions, the corresponding part is taken (the tenth for decimal dilutions, hundredthly for the hundredth) obtained solution is taken, is transferred to a new test tube and is rejected again with the corresponding number of alcohol, as described above for the preparation of the first breeding. There is still T.N. Method of one test tube, invented by the Russian landlord Seed Korsakov (1788-1853), which is used only in some countries and for the preparation of breeding above thirtieth hundred. It is based on the fact that with the full pouring of the solution from the tube, on the walls there is still some amount of fluid equal to about one hundredth of the volume of the solution. This method is not so accurate as the Ganemann method described above, but also showed its reliability. In cases where the homeopath wants to clarify, according to which method should be prepared medicine, it adds H (for the Hanemann method) or to (for the Corsakov method) after the dilution. The thousandth hundredthly breeding is indicated by the letter M. After each dilution, the resulting solution shakes ten times - this is called the dynamization or potentiation of the solution. Homeopaths believe that the hidden energy of the medicinal product is released in this way. The resulting solution of the desired breeding (potency) can be applied to the granules of milk sugar - so we obtain all known sweet homeopathic grains ("balloons"). So, for example, ACONITUM 30X or 30D, indicates that the cure for the acronite must be released in 30th decimal dilution; Apis 200C or 200CN, or just 200 - apice in two hundredth breeding (by Hanemann), and colocynthis 10m - colocidant in ten thousandth hundredth breeding. The above-mentioned LM breeding have in homeopathy so far so much limited use. They indicate LM / 1, LM / 2 or 0/1, 0/2 and T.D. Learn more about the technology of breeding, you can read several refinements to different types of homeopathic dilutions. According to Avogadro's law, no source molecule can be detected by about 12x or 6C dilutions. However, homeopathic medicines work perfectly in ultrahigh dilutions. What exactly and how acts - science does not yet know, there is no shortage in theories, but for the practical goals of homeopathic treatment, the answer to this question is not so important.

    Under what diseases you can use a homeopathic treatment method?

    With all diseases that do not require emergency surgical treatment. This is a matter of exclusively competence of a homeopath doctor. The author of this site itself witnessed the cure by Indian homeopaths of those diseases for which homeopaths in "developed" countries usually try not to take or treat which they are prohibited by law: oncological diseases (in t.C. Brain tumors), tuberculosis, heavy diseases of endocrine and cardiovascular systems, neurodegenerative diseases (such as multiple sclerosis). Saw patients derived from coma with the help of exclusively homeopathic drugs. Unfortunately, for many years of persecution and actual prohibition of homeopathy in the USSR played their role. Homeopathy doctors of this level in Russia are a bit if there are at all. Usually "Middle" Homeopaths are sufficiently successfully treated skin diseases, uncomplicated diseases of lightweight, cardiovascular and digestive systems, consequences of injuries, various allergies. Many children's diseases delivering so many trouble to the kids and their parents are perfectly treated even not very experienced homeopaths.

    Whether homeopathic treatment is combined with allopathic?

    Yes, but this is extremely rarely needed. Unfortunately, with a 1-th type diabetes, when the patient receives insulin and hormone therapy for the years irretrievably destroyed still functioning the beta cells of the pancreas, it is no longer possible to do without insulin, but a properly selected medicine allows you to reduce its dose and significantly slow down the development of complications of diabetes. In case homeopathic treatment started immediately after the diagnosis of juvenile diabetes is established, it is sometimes possible to fully cure. As a rule, allopathic drugs have to reduce gradually, especially hormones and antihypertensive drugs that the patient is already long enough to not cause a sharp deterioration associated with the abolition syndrome. In general, allopathic "crutches" competent homeopathically do not need. Antibiotics, for example, can (and need) cancel immediately.

    Is homeopathic treatment with dietary constraints?

    Mint is considered universal antidote of homeopathic medicines. Therefore, lovers of mint candy, mint chewing gum, tea with mint or mint toothpaste must give up their habits. Unwanted coffee. Antidote is a strong coffee, but since the concept of the fortress is quite stretching, it is better to simply eliminate coffee. It is also undesirable to use various "Chemistry" - Shampoos and dyes for hair. Take homeopathic medicines usually before bedtime, it is better for 30-40 minutes. Until dinner, carefully cleaned the teeth with a brush without toothpaste. These are minimal limitations. The founder of homeopathy was more strict in the diet requirements (see. Note 140 K "Organon")

    What is the fundamental distinction between allopathy and homeopathy?

    At someone's successful definition, homeopathy treats a person in illness, and not a disease in man. While allopathic therapy is aimed at combating a consequence, and not with the cause, t.E. only with symptoms, individual manifestations of the disease (narrowed expand, extended narrowing, missing add, kill microbes, etc.), homeopathy treats the whole organism, relying on the internal opportunities. The purpose of homeopathy is Full Solving a person, and not suppression of symptoms, usually accompanied by the transfer of the disease to a deeper level of the body, which occurs during allopathic treatment.

    As associated with homeopathy Homotoxicology and method of Foll?

    History of homeopathy knows a lot of methods that borrowed certain ideas or individuals for homeopathy for their goals, and then trying to speculate on their "pedigree" and "kinship" with homeopathy. Most of these methods have long and firmly occupied their place in the landfill of inefficient or ineffective diagnostic and treatment systems. Will the same fate expects homotoxicology and the Fall method, will show the future. But in any case, they are based on the principles other than homeopathy, do not have relations to homeopathy, and doctors that apply them, homeopaths are not. Even if they try to convince their patients in the opposite. Other doctors, in the soul, laughing at Folva diagnostics, explain the use of this method by desire "make an impression" on the patient in competition. But usually the desire to let dust in the eyes arises just from those doctors, the successes of homeopathic treatment of which are quite modest, that they are trying to compensate "impression". For those who apply homeopathy according to its laws and has the relevant results, there is no time nor the desire to engage "impressionable" Mishuroy.

    What is complex homeopathic agents?

    These are sets of homeopathic medicines combined by the nosological principle (T.E. for the treatment of a certain illness). The creation of these hybrids contradicts the fundamental homeopathic laws of Pruving (testing of drugs) and the simultaneous purpose of only one drug. They can be defined as a means for a home aid kit, something like analgin or bispetol. In relatively simple cases, they can help; Often, in efficiency, they can surpass allopathic agents used to treat the same diseases. Count on their help with little serious diseases at least naive. Prescribing the doctor of these funds indicates that he did not seriously study homeopathy and with the laws not familiar with her. If at the same time he does not call himself homeopath and does not claim to be considered, there are no big trouble in the short-term use of integrated funds.

    What is the difference between classical and "Modern" Homeopathy?

    Classic homeopaths in their practice are relying on the unchanging laws established by the founder of homeopathy by Ganeman. "Contemporary" Homeopathy uses these laws selectively, depending on what exactly I liked, but what not "Modern" Dr. Most often "modernity" associated with an affected or simply missing fundamental homeopathic formation, and even the elementary intellectual laziness of the doctor. Classic homeopath carefully studies all the constitutional features of the patient, prescribes one homeopathic agent (usually in high potency) and observes the development of the reaction to it. "Modern" Homeopath is more oriented towards the disease, and not on the patient, and uses frequent appointments of several low-determined drugs. This is, in fact, the stream method of work in the clinic. Not too sin against the truth, we can say that "contemporary" Homeopathy is the use of homeopathic medicines for allopathic principle. Although no comparison of complex homeopathic agents and drugs appointed by "Modern" technique can not be success "Modern" Homeopathy is also limited by certain diseases. "Modern" Doctors-homeopaths are well known and for many diseases are simply not taken, offering to treat them allopathically. From here and raise myth that such and such diseases of homeopathy "Do not be treated".

    If homeopathy is effective, why it is not accepted by all doctors?

    Do not be homeopathy efficient, it would not exist two years old, not to mention two centuries, and even considering the constant desire of allopaths to destroy it. The problem is that efficient homeopathy becomes in the hands of only one who knows her. And the ability it does not fall from the sky. It can be purchased only by hundreds of hours of study and practice under the guidance of experienced specialists. It is impossible to become a homeopath, listening to a two-staette-hour course, as is established by the Russian Ministry of Health. Impossible for three hundred dollars, and for five hundred and hour too. Only when homeopathy will be recognized as the same medical specialty, what, say, pediatrics, ophthalmology or radiology, with the introduction of mandatory courses of multi-month specialization and examinations, as adopted for all medical professions, can be hoped for the fact that the average level of homeopathy practitioners Rises sharply and interest in the side of ordinary doctors will increase significantly. As long as the homeopath can be legally called after the superficial course, which, besides, pay (and a lot) from their pocket, there is nothing to wait for a breakthrough. Often they teach such courses "Gomeopaty", do not know and do not even understand the foundations of the homeopathic method, and consider that homeopathy is different from allopathy only drugs. Unfortunately, homeopathy is strong resistance and from the part of the medical establishment. The idea that someone can treat the diseases that they themselves are unable to be resolutely unbearable for people who have been in medicine all their lives who received everything from her that only you can, and not approaching even on iota to understand those mechanisms for which live organism acts. Having not the slightest desire to delve into the essence of homeopathic teachings, they are gone homeopathy and reject well, understanding that her success carry the natural death of their blowing authorities and their pseudo-native "schools", existing for themselves, wasted by devouring folk money and for many years it does not need to treat and the simplest disease for homeopathic therapy, such as as asthma. The trouble is that many of these dolts from medicine occupy important positions in medical institutes and can influence the minds of students who have not learned even more critically refer to Ex Cathedra said and distinguishing small self-interest interests issued for "Word of science". One of the largest homeopaths of all time, prof. James Tyler Kent (1849-1916), said that he was known for only one criterion for scientific medicine - the ability to cure the patient. The doctor who knows how to do it, that true scientist. The same one who does not know how, and hides their inability for ranting on behalf of science - just a boltun.

    Is the effectiveness of homeopathy in research?

    Homeopathy - Art individualization, T.To. She treats people, not illness. According to the principles of homeopathy, people cannot be divided how modern science requires, like rabbits or rats, in groups, feed placebo and some universal stereotypical medicines from some disease, and then compare the received. Each patient needs to individually select a certain medicine, in certain breeding and with a certain frequency of reception. This is the art of homeopathy, which you have to master the years. Studies that have been held so far with their discontinuity of results sin with a misunderstanding of this very simple truth. In fact, the best study of homeopathy is its more than two-day experience hundreds and hundreds of doctors. Homeopathy is able to work miracles when it applies according to her own rules. She had its perfectly substantiated laws and successfully treated the hardest diseases in those days when allopates of their "Heroic therapy" Systematically undermined the health of all who decided to turn to them for the treatment: blood was allowed to the rivers, burned the skin with disruptive pockets and dumplings, "distract" Domestic diseases, traveled mercury and turned inside out of vomit and endless enemas. Of course, all this, like now, on behalf "of real science", opposing "Charlatanian homeopathy". About this allopaths today to remember for some reason they do not like: "Time, you know, it was, the level of science was such". Reply to demand "Prove that you treat something and then from the standpoint of our modern science", there can be only one: you fashion we do not follow, let's give a specific patient, not a rat group, and if the disease has not yet been launched hopelessly - cure. And any other answer regarding the effectiveness of methods in Medicine can not exist by definition.

    Is it true that homeopathy is completely safe?

    This is one of the most misfortunes. Often you have to hear that "homeopathy even if it does not help, so can't hurt" or "The only thing than homeopathy is dangerous, this is lost time". It's far wrong. Received often and especially in high potentials of drugs may cause a serious health disorder. Homeopath must understand very well with what powerful weapon he has to deal with. That is why it is extremely desirable to appeal only to those homeopaths that have appropriate training and meet the criteria for classical homeopath.

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