Diet with gastroduodenitis

Therapeutic diet is one of the basic recommendations that the doctor gives the suffering of gastroduodenitis. And if the patient violates the diet, it is unlikely to help medicinal drugs. But one diet, even if not to use medicines, is quite capable of improving the condition of the mucous membrane, located inside the stomach and duodenum.

Rules and principles of therapeutic diet

Gastroduodenit, diet, gastrointestinal tract, medical diet, diet

«Sparing the mucous membrane of the digestive system - thermally mechanically, chemically» - A poster with such an inscription would have to hang in the kitchen, where food is preparing for the patient Gastroduodenitis. Mechanical spares lies in the fact that food should be in homogenized (dirty, mature) state. Products with a patient gastroduodenitis are required, easily digestible, everything should be excluded in order to not aggravate the condition of the digestive organs. Create a blender, twink, meat grinder. All pieces need careful foaming.

Pick the optimal temperature for drinks and all dishes - it is harmful both too cold and very hot.

Chemical spares implies an exception from the diet of spices, sharp seasonings, smokers, marinades containing vinegar and other acids. Avoid fat and fried food.

Food takes to take at least five times a day, and the portions should be small so that the stomach does not overload.

At first, the most limited or completely excluded products capable of provoking the production of gastric juice: salty, roasted, sharp, smoked, as well as weld mushroom, meat or fish broths. Beverages are prohibited: alcohol, strong coffee, all sorts of soda.

During the exacerbation of Gastroduodenitis, the diet is more strict for five days, nutritionists in everyday life name «Table 1». Gradually, you can expand the menu by adding one or two products («Table 5»). But even if the symptoms disappeared, a long time is recommended to refrain from a large number of animal fat; With increased production of hydrochloric acid, acidic fruits, berries, juices from them should also be avoided. Our site warns that with the extended nutrition of the common table of smoked, canned food, fried and other dishes, which have previously prohibited, can be used, but in small quantities and very rarely. And adhere to regular nutrition with careful foaming will have to constantly if you do not want the disease again returned.

Therapeutic diet during gastroduodenitis permits to use:

  • Vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, coarse, cauliflower, potatoes, a little dill;
  • Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat done, manna, rice;
  • Porridges can be prepared both on water and on milk;
  • milk, cream, cottage cheese;
  • Soups can make dairy or vegetable, it is allowed to add the above-mentioned cereals or small pasta (better from wheat of solid grades);
  • From meat products used chicken, rabbit, veal, lean beef;
  • Fish is allowed only non-fat, for example, pike perch, perch, heck;
  • Baking: Slightly addicted wheat bread, gallery cookies;
  • In finished dishes, you can add some oil (vegetable or butter);
  • Omelet made on a pair or eggs, welded schit
  • Drinks: fastening tea, cocoa, mineral water, fresh juices from allowed vegetables and fruits, for example, from pumpkin, zucchini, carrots;
  • Non-fat cheese varieties, diet ham.

At the very first signs of exacerbation from the diet, they immediately output:

  • canned food, pickles, smoke, fatty meat and fish;
  • Baking: Pies, Belyashi, Black Bread, Sdob;
  • Vegetables: Onions, garlic, spinach, cucumbers, radish, turnip, radish, white cabbage, sorrel;
  • ice cream;
  • Raw vegetables and fruits in an unzp.

When the state of health improves, then gradually from the gentle diet, including in its nutrition, non-aggravated food. If the acidity is normal, then do not forget about mineral water, we must take for half an hour before eating in small sips, slowly.

Features with elevated acid formation

Gastroduodenit, diet, gastrointestinal tract, medical diet, diet

If a secretory failure is observed, the products are allowed to boil, bake in the oven, stew or fry, but without using the process to bread.

The backbone of the menu make up such products:

  1. Soups made on a vegetable or light meat broth, be sure to be swirling, including borsch.
  2. Fish, veal and bird only low-fat varieties, of which you can prepare the filler, steam cutlets (meatballs), souffle.
  3. Liver pies.
  4. Cereals (swelling), small vermicelline or pasta.
  5. Vegetables - tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, swallow, carrots.
  6. Ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese, different raws.
  7. Cheese unshearch (grated).
  8. Sturring caviar.
  9. Pipe or ordinary butter, as well as vegetable oils.
  10. Souces, based on milk or frown bullets from meat.
  11. Non-propulsive baking, a couple of pieces of white bread or gray (not fresh, but yesterday's baking), dry (yesterday) biscuits.
  12. Puree, mousse, jelly from berries and fruit.
  13. Honey, Candy, jam, sugar.
  14. Kissel, compotes fruit and berry, cocoa, coffee with cream or milk, tea with lemon sliced, juices, pre-diluted with water (raspberry, currant, cranberry).
  15. Rosehip or Rowan Drink.

Gastroduodenit, diet, gastrointestinal tract, medical diet, diet

Benefit brings mineral water, but if you have a low acidity, then you need to drink it approximately 10 minutes before meals, slowly, small sip.

The same products are excluded from nutrition as with increased acid products, only this list is replenished with the following items:

  • legume crops, sweet pepper;
  • figs, dates;
  • Fresh baking, cream products;
  • Berries having inside coarse grains (gooseberries, currant, raspberry) - you can only drink squeezed juice;
  • grape juice.

All people have medical diet in gastroduodenitis may have differences, so all general recommendations must certainly agree with their attending doctors.

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