Menu Diet №2

Diet number 2 is one of the healing power systems that were developed by Manuil Isaakovich Pevzner. This diet is intended for the treatment of sharp gastritis, colitis, enteritis during recovery. Also, the indication for the use of diet number 2 is chronic forms of gastritis with insufficient gastric installation, as well as colitis during remission period.

Diet, diet 2, healing diet, food, diet

The purpose of this diet is the spurning of the stomach and intestines from the mechanical stimuli. At the same time, the work of the digestive glands should be excited using chemical stimuli. During the observance of the diet, it is necessary to limit the consumption of products with a large number of coarse plant fiber. Food mostly should prepare in crushed form or as mashed. In addition, in the diet during the diet there should be no oily food, especially in large quantities. The daily rate of food consumed is approximately 3 kilograms. Food itself should not be very hot or too cold. At the same time, the temperature of the dishes should be about between 15-60 degrees Celsius. We need to eat small portions about 5-6 times a day.

It is important to observe the daily rate of the free fluid. In this case, the norm per day is no more than 7 glasses or 1.5 liters. Drinking should be five times a day, and should be abundant.

Basics of diet

In general, this therapeutic diet is able to provide our body with all substances they need. Including the body will receive enough vitamins, micro- and macroelements. This quantity will be quite enough in order to bring the gastrointestinal work.

So, during the food diet with gross fibers, as well as food, which is rich in fiber and connective tissue is usually completely crushed and disappeared. It is necessary to ensure stimulation of the allocation of the secrets of digestive organs.

The daily diet on this diet contains about 90-100 grams of proteins, of which about 60% are proteins of animal origin. In addition, about 100 grams of fats are concentrated in the diet, of which 25% are vegetable fats. The total daily caloric content of food consumed ranges from 2800 to 3,000 kilocalorius.

Built products

Diet, diet 2, healing diet, food, diet

So, to the forbidden bakery products during diet number 2 refers to bread of fresh baking and bathing products from puff pastry. In addition, it is forbidden to include in the diet oily meat goose, ducks, any smoked products, canned food, fatty pork and lamb.

From the first dishes are prohibited by the use of wheat soups, peas, as well as bevel soups. It is forbidden during this diet also okroshka.

As for fish, it is not recommended to use fish in salty and smoked form, any fish of fatty rocks, as well as canned fish snacks.

It is prohibited during a diet of beef fat, pork fat and any culinary fats.

Mircean Vegetables recommends include onions, Bulgarian pepper, radish, cucumbers, radishes, garlic and trousers. Also prohibited any vegetables in salty, pickled and vegetables in an unzpoper.

Forbidden any smoked snacks, canned food, as well as sharp or any fat snacks.

From drinks do not need to drink kvass and grape juice.

As for dairy products, the milk and fatty natural cream are prohibited directly.

Prohibit the use according to the rules of the dieting eggs, welded screwed, as well as fried eggs with a crust. Should not be included in the diet legumes. Also limited to the bunch, corn, wheat and pearl cereals.

From berries and fruits during a diet are excluded from the diet of black and red currant, gooseberry, raspberry, raw fruits, which contain bad fibers harmful to the stomach. Inzyr, products made of chocolate, products from cream, dike. In addition, all fatty sauces and sharp sauces, mustard, horseradish and sharp peppers are prohibited.

Diet 2A

Diet, diet 2, healing diet, food, diet

Indications for the use of this type of diet are diseases such as sharp Gastritis, enteritis, colitis during recovery during the transition to the usual nutrition. Also, diet 2a is prescribed with such diseases as enteritis, chronic forms of gastritis with insufficient production of gastric secretions, colitis during remission without the presence of concomitant diseases, as well as gastritis with saved secretion. At the same time, the daily rate of free drinking fluid is 1.5 liters, and the norm of the table salt per day is about 8-10 grams. During diet №2a, food is accepted 4-5 times a day.

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