Vitamin D for children

To date, with a large selection of all kinds of multivitamin complexes, you can safely dwell on any one. But manufacturers often care only about obtaining a person a number of major vitamins, forgetting about «Intermediaries», which help their assimilation and synthesis. One of these intermediaries is Vitamin D.

Vitamin D
To date, with a large selection in pharmacies of all kinds multivitamin complexes and biologically active additives can be quietly staying on any one. However, our body is a very complex structure, and a violation of any link in it leads to a collection of a number of systems. Especially in children who grow, develop and require a mass of nutrients.

Vitamin manufacturers will often care only about the receipt by a person of a number of major vitamins, so to speak «vital necessary». At the same time, completely forgetting about «Intermediaries», which help the assimilation and synthesis of the main. MirSees proposes to talk about one of «Intermediaries», The role of which is no less - vitamin D.

Vitamin D. deficiency

It is customary to believe that all Vitamins, Mineral and nutrients we get from food and additives. However, vitamin D can be synthesized (produced) by the organism itself and in sufficient quantities. When photolysis reacts, which accelerates due to ultraviolet light, cholecalciferol is synthesized from the internal product of the exchange (endogenous metabolite) - the one that is needed by our body.

This reaction is beautifully written, but in modern conditions of contaminated megacities, a disturbed ozone layer or a shortage of sunlight lack in vitamin D is still formed. But this does not mean that the inhabitants of the northern regions will be completely suffering from hypovitaminosis d or rickets. Diet caring about his human health (and even more so baby) certainly contains fish, eggs, butter. Thus, you can keep the balance of admission to the body of vitamin D.

And yet our children are sick. Sick Rakhit And they suffer from spasofilia. We divide conditionally such children into two large groups. To first, we will assign children who do not receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D and have no full nutrition, to the second - in all prosperous, with full nutrition and receiving the preventive dose of vitamin D (talk about it later).

So, with the first group, it is quite simple and understandable - children need not only diet, but also exercise, sunlight (we are all remembered that the glass does not miss ultraviolet rays). With the second group, the situation is more complicated: such children, at first glance, to hurt Rickets and should not, however «on the face» and curvature of limbs, thoracic deformations and skulls. Such kids are capricious and easily exclude.

The fact is that Vitamin D is indirectly (this was mentioned at the beginning of the article) participates in the formation of a musculoskeletal skeleton and nervous system. Without sufficient quantity calcium and phosphorus simply do not absorb. Through a number of complex chemical reactions, phosphorus is gradually lost with the kidneys, and calcium can not be understood in the intestine. Therefore, the bones for their growth and strengthen the minerals do not reach.

And we are watching a picture in children: up to 5 months, with the main stop on the hands, the shoulder and forearm, the head acquires an unnatural shape, the spring is poorly closed, their edges are soft and pliable. Such kids sweat strongly (and not all «dump» on the imperfection of vegetation), often cry, dream of restlessly shudder. Kids later sit due to muscle weakness.

From 6 months the child sits down, the weakness of the muscles of the front abdominal wall allows the lower ribs «Split», that medicine is called «Relief of the bottom aperture of the chest». The baby's body becomes like a triangle: narrow shoulders and a strong extension over the tummy.

Later, when the time comes to turn the legs, moms notice their significant curvature. Reduced muscle tone can notice and feel most likely only doctor.

But nothing forever, children develop and for three years, exchange processes in most cases are normalized. The body gets used to living in such conditions. However, bone deformations remain as reduced muscle tone. This predisposes the development of flatfoot, Scoliotic posture and scoliosis, violation of vision and, in fact, to very and very many diseases.

Sources of vitamin D
But it all started so well: Mom strictly performed the prescriptions of the doctor, dripped the baby in Rotik Vitamin D, walked with him, kept in the sun. But even doctors can not always determine the required number of ultraviolet baths or walks. Only the totality of all preventive measures is played by a significant role: both walks and massage, and movement, and balanced nutrition of a nursing mother, and even diet pregnant woman.

That is why in most regions today doctors are prescribed as prevention of vitamin D.

Standard prophylaxic scheme: from 21 days of the child's life, 1 drop of an oil solution containing 500m vitamin D. Reception daily, with the exception of the summer months of moderate climate. Premature children dosage increases twice, reception is carried out for two years.

But, given a number of factors (moms forget to give, a child has concomitant pathology or deep prematurity), deadlines are negotiated individually. The doctor is obliged to follow the reception of vitamin D, as well as to detect the initial signs of its deficit.

Therapeutic dose in Rahute 1 is prescribed to 4 drops of oil solution; with rickets 2 - minimum 5 drops; With a more severe degree, the dosage is selected individually, more often is first treated with concomitant somatic pathology.

Overdose vitamin D

Vitamin D
Overdose vitamin D (hypervitaminosis) is less relevant, but more severe. It is possible when applying overestimated doses without necessity or with excess insolation with the simultaneous use of oil mortar. For manifestations in the child, hypervitaminosis corresponds to intoxication: vomiting, fever, constipation, excaciosis (dehydration). But gradually (more often in the second half of life) is developing chronic intoxication, which can manifest itself with almost any acute state - both hypertensive crisis and acute renal failure.

Treatment of such a state comes down to exclude admission to the body of vitamin D, products containing calcium. Blockers or antagonists of vitamin D - Vitamins A and E. In order for calcium less absorbed in the intestine, antacid drugs are allowed. In more severe conditions, a combined treatment is prescribed, the essence of which is reduced to the elimination of calcium, accelerate the processing of vitamin D in the liver, as well as the replenishment of magnesium and potassium. If necessary, use preparations for the treatment of concomitant pathology arising from hypervitaminosis.

Summarizing everything higher than written, Mirsotov wants to wish parents to try to observe «Golden middle», Do not be afraid to ask doctors and pay attention to children.

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