What products contain carbohydrates

To ensure life functions, a significant amount of carbohydrates is needed, but since the reserves of them are small in the human body, it is necessary to replenish the required norm every day. In the daily diet, they ran from 50% to 70% of the total food received. Products of plant origin are the main source of carbohydrates for the body.

Today our site will talk about carbohydrates. Due to the fact that they are easily absorbed, it is not only one of the most important energy suppliers for a person, this is an important element in the sharing of substances in general in the body.

Taking food and quenching a feeling of hunger, we not only satisfy the food instinct, the second most important instinct in a person's life after the instinct of self-preservation, we give the opportunity to function our body correctly.

What components are our food? Basic - these are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water. The role of each of them is significant for human life. Due to the receipt along with the food products of important components, we keep health and feel well.

Carbohydrate value for man

To ensure life functions, a significant amount of carbohydrates is needed, but since the reserves of them are small in the human body, it is necessary to replenish the required norm every day. In the daily diet, they ran from 50% to 70% of the total food received.

So, we know closer: Carbohydrates are organic compounds that consist of carbon atoms, hydrogen and oxygen. Products of plant origin are the main source of carbohydrates for the body, in animal products, for example, in meat, there are practically no.

It is customary to share carbohydrates into two groups: simple (fast) and complex (slow). It depends on how speed they are split in the body. Also importantly, when determining the nutritional value of carbohydrate foods, they also play whether they were subjected to culinary processing.

Simple or fast carbohydrates

What products contain carbohydrates
They are easily processed in glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose and instantly absorbed by the body. Vegetable food that has not been recycled, in other words, raw is a supplier of simple useful carbohydrates.

Natural source of useful simple carbohydrates is berries and fruits. For example, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, currant, cherry, kiwi, oranges, pineapple.

A unique gift of nature, consisting of fructose and glucose, a storehouse of useful trace elements - natural honey. I also want to note that carbohydrates are contained in milk and dairy products in the form of lactose.

Simple, but harmful carbohydrates include vegetable food, eating food, enriched with fats and additional sugar.

Sugar, by the way, is a simple carbohydrate in its pure form, which means that it is instantly absorbed by the body. If you are not engaged in severe physical work, you do not need to quickly fill the source of energy, sugar as a completely useless product from the point of view of its nutritional value, it is advisable to exclude from the diet to avoid excess weight accumulation.

The same useless products with a high carbohydrate content can be attributed to sweet carbonated water, candy, ice cream, pastries, cakes, bread and pasta made of white flour, syrups, sweet wines, liqueurs, dry breakfast. Separately, we note that semi-finished products (various dumplings-pizza dumplings), fast food products (vermicely puree), except for a significant amount of carbohydrates, no benefit for the body. People seeking to lose weight, about products from this list you need to forget.

Complex carbohydrates

What products contain carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates, they are also called slow due to the fact that in the process of digestion give energy parts for a long time.

Vegetables and fruits and here they play not the last role. If the berries from the list of simple, useful carbohydrates consist mainly of liquid and fructose, then complex carbohydrates of plant origin additionally contains still food fibers, the so-called tissue. Fiber is the material from which the main part is the plant, and more specifically, its fruit. The fiber is practically not digested by the body, thereby activating the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the intestinal peristalsis, which in turn prevents stagnation of digested food. A more couple of good components of complex useful carbohydrates. One of them - pectin, which is useful in that removes toxins from the body. Other - starch, which is responsible for slowing the absorption of carbohydrates and makes gradual energy issuance.

All these nutrients are found in vegetables and fruits, both raw and recycled (here I will note - useful baked or boiled). And despite the low calorieness, give a feeling of satiety. These are these useful vegetables and fruits - cabbage, apples, pears, beets, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, yes all and do not list them.

Also in complex carbohydrates include dried fruits (dried, prunes, raisins, figs), they can replace «harmful» sweets. Here it is worth saying that dry fruits sometimes are mistakenly attributing Cucats - Dlies of dried pineapples, mango, lemons, tangerines. All this, of course, useless, not having a nutritional value, simple harmful carbohydrates, containing, like any sweet candy only sugar.

Carbohydrates are contained in bran, legumes (beans, nuts), bread from coarse grinding flour, croups. It is better to use porridge containing more dietary fibers, such as oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, pearl cereals, to a lesser extent of the manka and rice. All of the above - which is where the storehouse of slow carbohydrates, trace elements and other valuable nutrients.

It should be remembered that the excessive use of carbohydrates, as well as eating food rich in simple harmful carbohydrates, leads to a set of excess weight, impaired metabolism, is fraught with health problems.

Our site recommends making the right choice in favor of the most effective and appropriate to maintain the vital activity of carbohydrates.

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